Tuesday, November 29, 2005


Well, we have an election due on January 23. Watching the political dance last night on the news I have to wonder what the results will be. My prediction, I'll predict seats as we get closer, is the Liberals with a slim majority, the NDP picking up 5-6 seats, the bloc remaining the same, and the Tories the big losers losing a big chunk of seats. Harper will resign shortly afterwards.

The tories have set this up to be a particularily nasty campaign, which I think will leave a bad taste in a lot of people mouths, especially over the holiday season. As we approach the holiday season, more and more people will be questioning the timing of this collapse.

I said it before, I'll say it again, Harper should have waited until February. When Gomery II comes out mid february, Harper would have had an election victory handed to him. Having spent his capitol now, he's going to lose, and when Gomery II does come out, the collective public reaction will be "meh".

The first snow of the season last night, it was a freaking winter wonderland I tell you. Vancouver always reacts badly to snow and last night was no exception. Walking the streets at midnight, I witnessed 3 near collisions. People were fleeing the downtown core as if giant lizards were attacking. Maybe they were, I haven't read the local news yet. These days, nothing surprises me.

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