A completely unproductive day yesterday. It was one of those days that started out with grandiose schemes, but fell apart as the day went on. I'm sitting here this morning contemplating the rain, with a heavy heart. The hue of grey in the air this morning seems particularily heavy, this does not bode well for tomorrow.
A professional colleague of several years was injured in Jordan yesterday, just received the e-mail from his wife. I'm not sure how to process this information quite yet. I'm also not quite sure of the extent of his injuries.
Rememberance day is tomorrow, this is always an agonizing day for me. The only day on the christian calendar that provokes any sort of emotional reaction. I go through a lot of emotions on November 11. Pride seems into my heart as I see the men in their uniforms and I remember their sacrifice, but then anger and disappointment as every year the crowds diminish slightly more. This anger then turns to frustration, when I realize that the nature of conflict now is to minimize the effects of the damage on our society. Aside from one group of smuggled photographs we haven't seen the flag draped coffins coming back from the war in the gulf. If we aren't allowed to confront the tragedy of war, how can we commemorate it, and deal with it.
War is a nasty piece of work. People losing arms, internal organs, eyes, being burned, that's not pretty, it doesn't happen with a wilhelm scream and someone falling to the side, pining for little suzie at home. It's gruesome, ugly, and sad, the more people realize that, the more the sacrifices of young men and women in the past will be realized.
In an attempt to keep my mood up until tomorrow, the nutty boys are spinning on the music box this morning, Ska always cheers me up, gets the feet tapping.
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