Tuesday, April 19, 2005

My God it's Early

Music-BB King-The best of
Book-Mary & Elizabeth Jane Dunn

It's 4:26 in the morning and I'm attempting to drink enough coffee so I'm awake for work at 5:30. I was foolishly up late watching DVDs of 6 feet under last night, a show I missed on it's regular run on television so I'm catching up on pop culture about a year and a half late.

Absolutely no new headlines this morning except for news about Mariah Carey, apparently poised to make yet another comeback http://beta.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/nm/20050417/music_nm/music_lookahead_dc_2
before her next breakdown.

This isn't the only news however, it's apparently news that there is no new pope yet. Rest assured, all of the networks have announced that they will interrupt regular coverage if indeed a new pope is elected.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

overcast and depressed

Music:Ein Deutsches Requiem-Brahms-San Francisco Symphony Orchestra
Book:Collapse-Jared Diamond


WIND SE 22 km/h
PRESSURE 101.88 kPa
CEILING 4800 ft
Updated : Sunday April 10 2005, 15:00 PDT - Vancouver Airport

Worked this morning, 7:00AM until 12:45, a pretty uneventful day, I'm finding it more and more difficult to summon enthusiasm for work, I don't like the people I work with with certain exceptions, the customers are annoying, and the job itself sucks.

I'm going to try and head out for a walk after writing this as it looks like the rain is about to come crashing down this evening, and I may not be able to walk around for a bit.

Watching the news is increasingly frustrating, for the past month, the news networks have chosen to focus on one story to the exclusion of all others, first it was Terry Schiavo, then it was the imminently dying pope who died on cue, now it's old jug ears and horse face's wedding in England.

The only high spot of the day will be this evening, with the few episodes of arrested development still airing, one can hope it's renewed but I'm not optimistic.

Also booked off my days off for the U2 concert at the end of the month, I've never been so unenthusiastic about a concert in my life, however I'm sure it will be a good show.

Saturday, April 09, 2005

the first

Music:Warren Zevon-The Wind(2003)
Book:Collapse-Jared Diamond (2005)

A few clouds
WIND SE 13 km/h
PRESSURE 102.20 kPa
CEILING unlimited
Updated : Saturday April 9 2005, 20:00 PDT - Vancouver Airport

This is my first blog entry in this format, some of you may be familiar with the savage journal which I wrote for a couple of years but ended once I moved back to Vancouver from Whistler back in 2002.

These are weird times for me, stuck in a dead end job, and hopes of getting something more fulfilling seem slim to none. Optimism keeps rearing it's ugly head and the resumes go out which leads to a flurry of job interviews, and the agonizing waiting for someone to phone back.

I'm at the end of my days off, and fortunately the weather cooperated, yesterday was windy but today was just beautiful. Hence the name of this blog, as that's what I was doing when I decided to do a blog once again.