As good a day as they get yesterday. Was provoked into giving some thought into what we are, as a species yesterday. We have, essentially 3 instincts, one is to survive, that's a wide on that includes eating, shelter etc. The second is to procreate, with men, it's to create as diverse a gene pool as possible, the third is to protect the offspring. Everything else we do is a product of evolution, and a result of societal change. Stripped down though, that's what we are.
So essentially, who we are before we become parents is who we want to be, and after birth, we become who we really are. It's a common occurence for young people in their twenties to go on voyages of self discovery, commonly to Europe. Sadly these voyages "to find the real me" are not the real person, but rather, the ideal person, the person they want to be.
Parenthood strips that away however, and we find a lot of what determines our personality, is genetics, we discover that we're more like our parents than we want to admit.
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