The gremlins that toil within my imagination have been at work again. I've been thinking a lot about what's going on in France. Watching the blinking box yesterday, the American news felt it more important to mention that 4700 cars had been burned than to mention that an elderly woman had been tackled to the ground and lit afire.
I'm not sure about you loyal readers, but I would be more upset if Nana were turned into a marshmallow roast than if my sedan were damaged. Then again, as many have pointed out, I'm a little odd.
Jack Layton cut the strings yesterday, laying the groundwork for an election. The conservatives have an interesting predicament. Their poll numbers go up, when their leader is invisible. During the past summer's BBQ circuit, Stephen Harper looked so uncomfortable, so out of place, that people reacted in a completely natural way, they ran screaming for the exits. However, in the house, the spotlight is diffused and shared with others, and people breathe a bit easier. If indeed we do have a yuletide visit to the polls, the Liberals will win, and win a majority government. What that means for Harper, I'm not sure, but by Victoria day (memorial day, my American friends), we'll have a new Tory leader.
I've changed the download times for the feeds to midnight, it was too damaging to my shaky constitution to watch them come in during the coffee intake. I'm not sure if waking up and having the wires already in place is necessarily going to help my psyche, but, it's like taking a swim in a chilly pool, best to jump right in and go into shock immediately than doing it in increments.
Keeping a close eye on the weather wizard these days, I'm looking forward to apparently standing in the rain for hours on end on Friday. Ordinarily I like the rain, but I have to insist on moving around. Standing awkwardly, in uncomfortable clothes while the rain drips off the tip of my nose is not going to be good for my constitution.
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