The fog is back, and my mood has darkened with it's return. Peering out the window last night I could swear I could hear the baying of wolves just across the street. Then again, my imagination has always been a bit on the overactive side.
The twisting in my brain has taken a very disturbing turn of late. Perhaps it's all the talk of torture on the 6:00 newshour. It's tough enjoying my noodles when the talk emanating from the television revolves around testicular eloctrocution. These are strange days we live in. The debate in the realpolitik has desecended to the merits of torture. At this very moment, two people are talking about the merits and drawbacks of torture over a non fat cappucino.
Where is the outrage these days? Have we resigned ourselves to giving in to the darkside completely, in order to protect ourselves?
Years ago, in conversation after the towers came crashing down, when the mood was "send the troops" I mentioned to someone that I had a horrible feeling we were on the wrong side of history this time. That feeling is reinforced every time I open a newspaper.
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