I don't think a president of the US has been as masterful at squandering good will as the current one has. At every step after 9/11, he has betrayed sentiments of support from allies and opponents alike. In the weeks after 9/11 almost every country in the world had expressed support for the United States (little know fun fact, what was the first Arab country to denounce the attacks on the WTC? Iraq)
In recent days, Bush has managed to alienate even his most ardent supporters, with the revelations that the NSA has been spying on American citizens. This doesn't come as a surprise to me, given my background, what does come as a surprise, is that he's now admitted it.
he's managed to spin it, so the people who made the revelations are the bad guys, but the libertarians in the US are now questioning if Bush is the right man for the job.
The next few days and weeks are going to be interesting. If the people who have backed Bush previously, now cave in Bush could be in serious trouble. This would be judicial hijacking, the star chamber created in the seventies to approve domestic wiretaps has been neutered. If only one case of politically motivated surveillance is hinted at, it will be the end of this whole administration. I'm not sure how indepth this investigation will go, but the possibility of corruption, under the guise of national security will erode and moral authority the bushites have claim to.
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