Monday, December 12, 2005

I believe our moment our civilisation died was the instant we intellectualized brutality. I'm not exactly at what point that happened but it will be recorded in history along with the moment Nero fiddled while Rome burned, not an actual historical moment but an allegory.

In the news, over conference tables, and in meetings in houses of parliament across the western world we have intellectualized torture, and brutality. Our leaders have discussed allowing planes to refuel on our territory that we know carry people on their way to be tortured.

Countries in Eastern Europe, basking in their new "freedoms" gained only in the last 15 years have allowed dark prisons to be built that carry out this torture.

A few short years ago, the idea of western governments using torture to conduct foreign policy would have been ridiculous. However it's happening now, and the outrage is muted. Where is the debate in the coffee shops, where is the marching in the streets?

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