The past 4 and a half years have been peppered with pretty words and phrases of respect for the Islamic faith from the white house. To cynics like myself I always thought those words were empty, in the words of Sun Tzu, "hold your friends close and your enemies closer", as loath as I am to assume that any member of the white house reads chinese philosophy, it would that's what they were doing.
It's now become known that the US government was monitoring Mosques for increased radiation. They were also monitoring community centres, and business, all of which were on American soil. Once again, this was being done without a warrant.
The more I think about this, the more I think the timing of this revelation was not a coincidence. It's well known that if you want to bury a story, you bury it in the middle of a bigger story, or on the weekend. There is no bigger weekend than Christmas. By the time the Vox Populi go back to reading the newspapers this story will be so old that a new sexier story will have taken it's place, perhaps something involving Paris Hilton and Michael Jackson.
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