Nietzche once said the only cause worth fighting for is a lost cause, all others are merely effects.
my years of social involvement have tended to follow those lines, I've always found it, at the same time, frustrating and satisfying to get involved with the lost cause, rather than jumping on the bandwagon. East Timor, in the nineties, same sex rights in the eighties. These both seem like givens now, but not always. It was hard for the longest time to even get people to be interested in what hemisphere East Timor was in. Same sex rights, for young teenager, and then a serviceman in the canadian armed forces was a recipe for a beating.
Why do I bring this up now? I'm in the process of trying to find my latest passion. A place to devote my energies. My problem? There is so much injustice in the world right now, the whole damn thing seems like a lost cause. The homeless situation in Vancouver is probably the one that calls to me the most. It's a problem that's socially awkward. It's one that people have been trying to deal with for centuries, I haven't seen any original thinking on this issue, in well over 100 years. The right's solution, find these lazy yobboes jobs. The left's solution, throw money at the problem. Neither solution is the right one.
So, this leaves me. What is the right solution, on what side do I throw my energies?
Wherein lies my passion? This will be the pondering over the new year's season. Come January a cause, unknown to me at this point will be unveiled in a moment of clarity.
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