Thursday, December 15, 2005

The guys got disco on the radio

Some disturbing news from the bunker this morning. The drapes opened and there were visions of chaos breaking from both directions. From the west came dump trucks carrying large amounts of building materials. From the east came the gibbering of several lunatics. One man was singing the Hallejuiah chorus while he moved his belongings in a shopping cart. This duality of the holy with the wretched was far too much to bear before the coffee was finished, the drapes were immediately pulled shut.

The schedule of the weird has continued this week and I'm still not sure which way is up and down. The damnable fog keeps appearing and disappearing, you know things are bad when the weather is taunting you.

As the feeds burn this morning the news is dominated by the news of balloting in Iraq. CNN has managed to round up a whole bunch of people in Baghdad who are pleased that the US has invaded. One has to wonder how truly representative these vox populi are. I'm not sure I'd be eager to welcome people who had by their own admission killed at least 30,000 people. Lancet magazine puts the estimate at almost 100,000.

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