Monday, October 24, 2005

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."

I'm breaking with tradition, it's 1:00 in the morning and things are weighing on my head this morning preventing me from going to sleep. The Nuremburg trials are weighing on me, for reasons that escape me those trials, their implications and legacy are weighing on me this morning.

As I sit here listening to MacArthur Park that brief shining moment where we had codified just how depraved as a species we could be is being forgotten. Abu Ghraib is passing into forgotten history, the highway of death is as forgotten as the honour at trafalgar.

"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."-George Orwell "nineteen eighty four"

I truly fear for the future of our society, we are going down a road that rapidly appears to have no exit ramps. We are so complacent in our "bread and Circuses" that we are turning a blind eye to the horrors in the world. Our own inhumanity is rapidly destroying our humanity. Our desire for security is stifling our need, our NEED for freedom. Yes I repeated that. We need our freedom and we are so willing to give it up, to hand it away, to sacrifice it, to diminish even further the unlikely odds that we will be victims of some terrorist attack.

We are eager to put cameras on buses, in schools, on street corners, in shops. At what price do we have this security? We have no privacy anymore, except in the privacy of our own homes do we have any sense of being alone. And I'm not sure those days are unlimited.

Perhaps it's reading nineteen eighty four again. Perhaps it's the isolating cone my future seems to be crushing into, I'm not sure. The Childs Bunker is my last refuge, the only place I can truly be alone anymore. I used to be able to sit under trees and read, no more.

There may inspiration later this week, I'm off to see "good night and good luck" Edward R. Murrow has always taught me, that one man can make a difference, the hope is, maybe somewhere someday someone perhaps a soldier will read this blog and not pull the trigger killing someone. This blog will by absence of action will save a life, I don't know, maybe that's being too optimistic.

We all have within us the capacity, the ability, the lust to create beauty. Why do we walk away from that, why do we feel compelled to create death and destruction. Why is it so much easier for us to destroy?

The ability to love is what sets us apart. I don't know if the ability to love is a purely human thing, if we ever discover other races on other planets, maybe next year maybe 100,000 years from now, they will look at love as the strangest thing they have ever seen. I see it as our greatest asset, our greatest glory, why do we shun it so?

that's enough. I'm going to bed.

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