Monday, October 31, 2005

I can't wait until monday

As I peer out the peepholes of the bunker this morning, the landscape is grey and desolate, I can see things approaching for miles. This is good, because the events of yesterday have me wrapped tight in the fear.

The coils of my brain are wrapped so tight, they're poised to explode at any second. The pressure inside my skull, is making my fingers grip my temples even tighter than normal this morning. The question of the day, who is Samuel Alito, and how did his name make it so fast onto the supreme court nomination list? Is he the second best choice to replace Harriet Mier's or was he secretly the first choice, and Mier's was set up to fail?

I've been hearing rumours of this nomination for about 72 hours now, and that speculation was confirmed early this morning, I now know that my morning is going to consist of reading circuit court decisions trying to find out who this guy is and what he thinks.

Mondays, even though they are actually Wednesday in the service calendar are very disturbing days. The political cycle attempts to start anew, politicos, of every stripe would prefer that you forget all the previous week's events and move on to a new way of thinking. The unfortunate thing is, this often works. This is especially true in the United States, where in recent years, Abu Ghraib, and practically the whole weapons of mass destruction seem to have been forgotten about by the public. For years scandals have generally hovered around cover ups and duplicity. American politicians are learning that rather than covering things up, they just need to be patient, all will be forgotten by next Monday.

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