Tuesday, October 18, 2005


There's an uneasiness in the Childs bunker this morning, having checked the wire fences and inspected the traps, there's no sign of intrusion, but I can't shake this feeling that something is...amiss.

I can't put my finger on it, birds are singing, there are sounds of children playing, but there's an uneasy feeling that things are about to go horribly wrong.

Perhaps it's the orange juice this morning, or perhaps it's waking up to the sun when one is expecting clouds. The papers this morning are filled with the usual disturbing stories. So nothing there is awry.

Could it be...this morning I feel... good? If that's the case, it won't last long, soon enough the gates of hell will open up unleashing another tragedy upon my life. I'm cursed to a life of uneasiness.

Tuesday is the new Friday this week, however, I'm no less busy this week than last, just being paid less. The apartment needs a paint job on one wall, so I'm going to take the opportunity, I've discovered that one mirror on my wall which serves no esthetic purpose, but has provided much erotic fun, covers a pastiche of lime green. I'm unable to live with a lime green paint job in the bunker, it needs to go.

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