The public, with its mob yearning to be instructed, edified and pulled by the nose, demands certainties; it must be told definitely and a bit raucously that this is true and that is false. But there are no certainties.
H. L. Mencken
The flags of distress have gone up outside the bunker today, things are surely going to turn tragic any day now. I can't tell you why, just an uneasy feeling of "something" about to happen which will surely lead us into oblivion.
The new year isn't even a 100 hours old, and we've already since the first conviction of a Bush cronie. The weasels and corrupt will surely not take this lying down, and I can only assume that some nastiness will follow in retribution. The halls of power are desperately searching for a distraction. Something big is needed, something on a grand scale.
scanning the feeds today, I'm distressed to learn that US intelligence services have started spreading the story that Iran is developing a nuclear weapon. We obviously haven't learned the lessons of 2003 and we're steamrolling ahead with another confrontation. This new President of Iran certainly doesn't help matters. In between fiery anti semitism and stand offishness, he certainly is making the case easier.
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