H. L. Mencken

Gore came out today cannons blaring, calling for a special counsel. It's sad when the only person saying what has to be said is someone whose political days are finished, and his attack will be seen as sour grapes. Regardless of whether or not I agree with Gore, and I do, his attack will be seen as having little or no political value.
there are 45 senators sitting in the house, surely one of them has the gumption to say what has to be said, that what Bush did was illegal. Surely one of them has the cajones to say that Bush needs to be impeached. The man literally stood up and admitted breaking the law more than 3 dozen times. For the love of God, Clinton gets a blowjob in his office, then tries to cover it up, and all government business is stalled for 2 1/12 years.
The republicans have no qualms about attacking their opponents, Dick Dornan openly called for the assasination of Clinton, why can't the democrats show even half of that committment to their ideology?
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