It is inaccurate to say that I hate everything. I am strongly in favor of common sense, common honesty, and common decency. This makes me forever ineligible for public office.
H. L. Mencken
Hiding in the bunker this morning, things are pretty grim. The coffee tastes horrible, the water even worse, and the rain is still coming down.
A thought occurred yesterday, that I think needs fleshing out. It's been pondered a lot in the past few days as to why the republicans lost so many seats in the mid term elections 12 days ago. Putting aside strategies and short term policy differences, I think the failure on the part of the "right wing" is more fundamental. The republicans have walked away from their base conservative values.
A "true" conservative is an advocate for smaller, lesser intrusive government. It let's me look out for me, and if I can't do that, the government will not be there to help me out.Conservatism has been hijacked by a christian minority that seeks to do the opposite, interfere in the private lives of all citizens, and create administrative infrastructure that will meddle in the most personal of personal matters, think about sexuality, reproductive rights, and privacy laws.
The conservatives in the states have walked away from their traditional libertarian beliefs, and wandered into totalitarian territory. Freedom of movement, speech, and thought have all been encroached in the past 5 years.
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