Balance is ideal. It drives me nuts when I see ignorance and apathy. Selfishness makes me blind with a furious anger.
I'm a difficult person to get along with, I know that.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, August 11, 2007
It takes two to heal a broken heart

All life is prologue to death, and what comes after. Pondering the imponderable, one wonders what effect one's life will have on the future. The egotist in me considers the river of time to be made up of drops, each as important as the other, remove one drop and the coherency of the whole thing falls apart. The insecure imp in me, ponders that time as a river, is merely a rushing torrent, the absence of one drop will not be noticed.
Was Martin Luther King essential to the civil rights movement, or was he inevitable? Had the cause progressed to the point, where the masses were ready to gather and listen to the first, powerful, eloquent voice that came along.
Or was he an anomaly, that galvanised a movement and forced it to achieve goals that it previously dreamed impossible. Is history merely the recording of inevitablity, or is a record of dramatic changes?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Everything that has gone before is prologue

There are definable chapters in one's life, I'm approaching the end of one chapter, and the beginning of another.
23 days from now, the end of book 1 of my life will approach, unlike most superior narratives, I'm going to be leaving an interesting plot line unresolved. My current place of employment is currently in the middle of a full scale meltdown. It's kind of an interesting place to be in, standing at the side, watching things tumble apart, but knowing that it doesn't really affect me, and at the same time being an active participant.
Friday, June 22, 2007
My body is a cage
Our lives are made up of coincidences, the right place, the right time, the right person at the right time, catching the glimpse of someone at the precise moment. Reading a book, hearing a thought at precisely the right moment to influence our thinking.
Is this kismet? Predestination, or simply a marvelous tapestry that weaved around us in splendid isolation of our own wishes.
Some of us meet our match at a very young age, some of us don't meet that person until much later in life. Some of us meet our match when the other has made a misjudgment and met another, whom they thought was their match. Or perhaps it was an arrangement of convenience, or tradition dictated the choice.
Some people believe that matches are designed, that love is an inevitable. I'm much more romantic than that, I believe that love is a lightning bolt that strikes you, a moment of clarity. I also think it's possible that there can be multiple moments of clarity, some believe in one true life partner, I'm a believer that these true moments of clarity show us what we need at that moment of our spiritual evolution.
Is this kismet? Predestination, or simply a marvelous tapestry that weaved around us in splendid isolation of our own wishes.
Some of us meet our match at a very young age, some of us don't meet that person until much later in life. Some of us meet our match when the other has made a misjudgment and met another, whom they thought was their match. Or perhaps it was an arrangement of convenience, or tradition dictated the choice.
Some people believe that matches are designed, that love is an inevitable. I'm much more romantic than that, I believe that love is a lightning bolt that strikes you, a moment of clarity. I also think it's possible that there can be multiple moments of clarity, some believe in one true life partner, I'm a believer that these true moments of clarity show us what we need at that moment of our spiritual evolution.
Friday, May 18, 2007
For about 8 years now, one of my favourite movie gossip websites was Ain't it Cool News.
Alas, after today I shall not return to that website. Evidently, the site was having a joke contest, and one of the jokes was racist, in both it's language, and perpetuation of stereotypes.
Saddens me when this happens, a website that supposed to be fun, has become a breeding ground for hate.
This has been a mixed week for your correspondent, a hand pump went into the air when Jerry Falwell died alone in his office. Rare someone comes along who perpetuates hate like him. His god was a nasty creature, who wanted people to conform to his narrow standards of morality. He corrupted the teachings of Jesus to forward a political agenda that sought to put large portions of the US population under a jackboot. But now he's dead and the world is a much brighter place with his absence.
Alas, after today I shall not return to that website. Evidently, the site was having a joke contest, and one of the jokes was racist, in both it's language, and perpetuation of stereotypes.
Saddens me when this happens, a website that supposed to be fun, has become a breeding ground for hate.
This has been a mixed week for your correspondent, a hand pump went into the air when Jerry Falwell died alone in his office. Rare someone comes along who perpetuates hate like him. His god was a nasty creature, who wanted people to conform to his narrow standards of morality. He corrupted the teachings of Jesus to forward a political agenda that sought to put large portions of the US population under a jackboot. But now he's dead and the world is a much brighter place with his absence.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
It's been awhile since I've talked to the moon

Actually it's been awhile since I've had a heart to heart with anyone. I've come to a conclusion that in many decades when this tired body finally does give up the fight, my funeral will be attended by many friends and relatives, but alas, no widow.
Perhaps it's the recent birthday, but I'm confronting my own mortality a lot lately. This used to be a tragic thought, now it's a confrontation of the inevitable.
This older soul has come to the grim realization that solitude is best for my endless contemplation. In my youth I imagined a wife I could travel through life with. However, that seems to have been a pipe dream, evidently I'm difficult to get along with.
Friday, March 23, 2007
It all seems so absurd

My soul and heart have been through a wringer the past few months. This is why I haven't written, sometimes self examination needs to take place in private.
Pondering the slow return of spring always makes me contemplative, the beating rain, the warming air, the return of the sun as a familiar friend. The recharging of the soul that comes with the sounds and smells of rebirth.
However this rebirth tends to make me sad as well, makes me realize the size of my empty bed at night, no one to share the sounds of the birds that awaken me each morning.
Sunday, February 18, 2007

Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time. - Albert Camus
Haven't felt like sending dispatches from the bunker for awhile now.
I've been doing my spiritual confrontation within for the past few weeks. Whether this is healthier, or unhealthier, I'm sure is a matter for debate. Internally, the struggle between the heart and the head continues to rage on.
Saturday, February 17, 2007

Political chaos is connected with the decay of language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end.George Orwell
I'm not really a fan of any US president, I can't think of any of them in my lifetime deserving of more than just passing respect for the position they hold.
I'm hard pressed to think of a president who did more good than harm to the world. Is there truly a president who left office leaving things better than when he started?
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
The echo of everything that is alive
St. Valentine's day is an unusual day, why do we need a day to remind each other that we love each other? Shouldn't these things be natural, and in a perfect society Valentines day would be redundant. Same thoughts occur to me around Christmas, why do we have all sorts of commercials that tell us that it's natural to be kind?
Watching the drizzle come down this morning, the day draped in grey, many thoughts are dancing through the soft matter between my ears, none of them comforting.
One wonders about balance, for every pickton, we have a mandela. For every Hitler, we have a Ghandi.
I have to wonder about the news, for the past 6 days, the obsession has been about a buxom blonde who has sadly died before she reached old age.
I have to think about the future, what does the future hold?
Watching the drizzle come down this morning, the day draped in grey, many thoughts are dancing through the soft matter between my ears, none of them comforting.
One wonders about balance, for every pickton, we have a mandela. For every Hitler, we have a Ghandi.
I have to wonder about the news, for the past 6 days, the obsession has been about a buxom blonde who has sadly died before she reached old age.
I have to think about the future, what does the future hold?
Monday, February 12, 2007
Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground

In most communities it is illegal to cry "fire" in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local political aims? - Dwight D Eisenhower
It's been awhile since I've posted, not sure why, just haven't had the right motivation I guess to sit down and hammer away at the keys.
Weird music is spinning on the music box today, not weird, per se, but unusual for me, Henry Mancini is the music du jour.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Remember when you were small and everyone seemed so tall?
Life is what happens when you are making other plans. - John Lennon
Been cast into an introspective mood lately, pondering kindness, compassion, and karmic retribution lately.
Your correspondent is a study in dualities. I'm a deeply cynical individual, who is also a big believer in the power of kindness. I just don't see enough of it.
We need a lot more kindness in this world, a lot more compassion. People wouldn't need to escape into drug addled, or alcohol hazed worlds, if we had lot more kindness around.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
I've been lucky in my life. I've been able to surround myself with people whom I trust, are kind, considerate, and take me for what I am, eccentricities and all.
Every time I've made concerted efforts to expand that circle, and tried to be anything other than what I really am, it's backfired. I've ended up meeting superficial people, with superficial concerns.
Your correspondent is a difficult person to be with, and I need to accept that. Every time I've altered or tried to conceal that fact, it's backfired on me.
Every time I've made concerted efforts to expand that circle, and tried to be anything other than what I really am, it's backfired. I've ended up meeting superficial people, with superficial concerns.
Your correspondent is a difficult person to be with, and I need to accept that. Every time I've altered or tried to conceal that fact, it's backfired on me.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Your correspondent is in agony this morning, a twisted muscle in my calf is sending waves of pain up and down the right side of my body.
Thinking about the Libby trial these days. Ultimately this trial is proving faith. The administration went into gulf war II with the "knowledge" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. When the evidence mounted that they did not, it was needed to prove that those providing the negative proof were discredited. Thinking along these lines, people who proved there were no weapons of mass destruction were "enemies of the faith".
Thinking about the Libby trial these days. Ultimately this trial is proving faith. The administration went into gulf war II with the "knowledge" that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. When the evidence mounted that they did not, it was needed to prove that those providing the negative proof were discredited. Thinking along these lines, people who proved there were no weapons of mass destruction were "enemies of the faith".
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
This rite of custom brings us together at a defining hour – when decisions are hard and courage is tested. We enter the year 2007 with large endeavors underway, and others that are ours to begin. In all of this, much is asked of us. We must have the will to face difficult challenges and determined enemies – and the wisdom to face them together.
George Bush, State of the Union January 23, 2007
He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.
Article 2, section 3, The United States Constitution
Such is the man's arrogance, he thinks he's performing a courtesy call rather than following the law.
Flawed logic follows the man like a tail following a dog, it's an inevitability. Like a puppy though, he keeps peering around in astonishment that this flawed logic is still behind him.
One wonders what the remaining two years of this man's presidency holds for the human race. His stubbornness has a potential to cause damage on a biblical or apocalyptic scale. His unwillingness to admit mistakes could lead to the extinction of the human race.
George Bush, State of the Union January 23, 2007
He shall from time to time give to the Congress information of the state of the union, and recommend to their consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary and expedient; he may, on extraordinary occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in case of disagreement between them, with respect to the time of adjournment, he may adjourn them to such time as he shall think proper; he shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; he shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed, and shall commission all the officers of the United States.
Article 2, section 3, The United States Constitution
Such is the man's arrogance, he thinks he's performing a courtesy call rather than following the law.
Flawed logic follows the man like a tail following a dog, it's an inevitability. Like a puppy though, he keeps peering around in astonishment that this flawed logic is still behind him.
One wonders what the remaining two years of this man's presidency holds for the human race. His stubbornness has a potential to cause damage on a biblical or apocalyptic scale. His unwillingness to admit mistakes could lead to the extinction of the human race.
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
cast upon the wall like a moonlight shadow
If you fell down yesterday, stand up today. - H G Wells
Things are calm here in the bunker. I'm oddly comforted by the rain the past few days, it's coming down unaccompanied by the damnable winds of the past few months. The lesser of two evils.
Pondering the idea of human "chemistry" the past few days, a common enough term, but what the hell does it mean?
Also thinking about Bush, and his repeated statements about withdrawal from Iraq. He says he won't without a victory, the problem, as with the entire war on terror, is that victory has not been defined. A new government has been established, Hussein has swung from the gallows, what's left?
Things are calm here in the bunker. I'm oddly comforted by the rain the past few days, it's coming down unaccompanied by the damnable winds of the past few months. The lesser of two evils.
Pondering the idea of human "chemistry" the past few days, a common enough term, but what the hell does it mean?
Also thinking about Bush, and his repeated statements about withdrawal from Iraq. He says he won't without a victory, the problem, as with the entire war on terror, is that victory has not been defined. A new government has been established, Hussein has swung from the gallows, what's left?
Monday, January 22, 2007
existential angst
In life we don’t get what we want, we get in life what we are. If we want more we have to be able to be more, in order to be more you have to face rejection.
Farrah Gray
There's an incredible amount of emphasis placed on the "first impression". Be it a date, a job interview, or the presentation of products to be sold. It's that first impression that makes or breaks a decision.
yet how many of us convey our true selves on that first impression, I know your faithful correspondent does not. He's an awkward soul, having been burned in the past, he's reluctant to give too much of himself away. Do I hold people to account for this rejection of the first impression, not at all, to be honest with you it's perfectly understandable.
Your correspondent prides himself on being unreadable, it's what makes me inured to pain. Rejection is not of me, but of the facade. Persons unwilling or unable to see past the facade are probably not patient enough to deal with what comes with the whole package. That's fair, I hold no-one to account, to some, relationships need to be transparent, not studies in existentialism.
Now most people will say, that nobody truly understands, perhaps they are right, tens of thousands of years of emotional evolution have truly made the human soul a complicated maze. Some emotions are readily available to the world, others are much more complicated and need to be hidden.
Ultimately all these emotions will create the colourful tapestry that is an individual, but like any tapestry with some people the intricacies and the subtleties are sometimes not noticeable at first glance, they require a different light, or perhaps a different frame of mind.
Have you ever glanced at a painting that you saw as a child, then revisited years later and noticed things that were not apparent to you when you first looked at it as a youth.
Farrah Gray
There's an incredible amount of emphasis placed on the "first impression". Be it a date, a job interview, or the presentation of products to be sold. It's that first impression that makes or breaks a decision.
yet how many of us convey our true selves on that first impression, I know your faithful correspondent does not. He's an awkward soul, having been burned in the past, he's reluctant to give too much of himself away. Do I hold people to account for this rejection of the first impression, not at all, to be honest with you it's perfectly understandable.
Your correspondent prides himself on being unreadable, it's what makes me inured to pain. Rejection is not of me, but of the facade. Persons unwilling or unable to see past the facade are probably not patient enough to deal with what comes with the whole package. That's fair, I hold no-one to account, to some, relationships need to be transparent, not studies in existentialism.
Now most people will say, that nobody truly understands, perhaps they are right, tens of thousands of years of emotional evolution have truly made the human soul a complicated maze. Some emotions are readily available to the world, others are much more complicated and need to be hidden.
Ultimately all these emotions will create the colourful tapestry that is an individual, but like any tapestry with some people the intricacies and the subtleties are sometimes not noticeable at first glance, they require a different light, or perhaps a different frame of mind.
Have you ever glanced at a painting that you saw as a child, then revisited years later and noticed things that were not apparent to you when you first looked at it as a youth.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Human beings will be happier - not when they cure cancer or get to Mars or eliminate racial prejudice or flush Lake Erie but when they find ways to inhabit primitive communities again. That's my utopia. - Kurt Vonnegut
What is it about human beings that makes them try to make things more complicated than they really are?
What is it about human beings that makes them try to make things more complicated than they really are?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
First Date Anxiety
Your faithful correspondent does not do well in small social circumstances. I have been conditioned, right or wrong, to suppress certain aspects of my personality, until people have known me for awhile. This heart has been beaten up a few times, and it's reluctant to be beaten up again. This causes a catch 22. I don't act like myself and throw up walls, which in turn implies I'm hiding something. Therefore, there is no connection on that first date, because I won't let there be one. This means there is usually no second date, which means on the next first date the walls are a little bit thicker.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Watching the wheels turn round on the magic box this morning is a trying experience. Reuters, a news agency, an organization designed to record historical events and make them available to the general public, has decided that it won't print fake photographs anymore. HOORAY!
Our Mayor, an unpleasant man, has pledged a 50% reduction in homelessness and another 50% reduction in something called "aggressive panhandling". This "aggressive panhandling" is a term I've only started hearing in the past few years. To be honest with you, I don't know anyone who has actually experienced it, all I know is people who know someone who has a granny who has had an encounter, it's all seemingly apocryphal.
Our Mayor, an unpleasant man, has pledged a 50% reduction in homelessness and another 50% reduction in something called "aggressive panhandling". This "aggressive panhandling" is a term I've only started hearing in the past few years. To be honest with you, I don't know anyone who has actually experienced it, all I know is people who know someone who has a granny who has had an encounter, it's all seemingly apocryphal.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A weird cynicism developing this morning in Toronto today. A plan by a church to open a 12 bed shelter to run on the coldest nights of the year is being opposed by people living in the neighbourhood.
I often wonder if compassion is truly dead. When is our willingness to help our fellow man outweighed by the inconvenience of our fellow man being disagreeable to look at?
A young man at work, engaged me in a conversation about the homeless one day, he's a nice guy, but doesn't know much past the zeitgeist, said that he thought most homeless people were that way because they wanted to be, or were lazy.
We have to confront our homeless problem, it's our single biggest failing as a society. It requires our collective will, intelligence, and compassion.
I often wonder if compassion is truly dead. When is our willingness to help our fellow man outweighed by the inconvenience of our fellow man being disagreeable to look at?
A young man at work, engaged me in a conversation about the homeless one day, he's a nice guy, but doesn't know much past the zeitgeist, said that he thought most homeless people were that way because they wanted to be, or were lazy.
We have to confront our homeless problem, it's our single biggest failing as a society. It requires our collective will, intelligence, and compassion.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Good morning Aztlan
The clouds came crashing back in last night, accompanied by warnings from the weather wizards. Dire predictions of chaos breaking loose, children and the elderly being killed by the elements. Turned out to be all for naught.
As I ponder the feeds burning in this morning, I notice it's back to bread and circuses. Award shows, and television spies are all the rage apparently. The government is free to lie and drop bombs on the heads of children, but it's television producers which must watch what they put on the magic box.
As I ponder the feeds burning in this morning, I notice it's back to bread and circuses. Award shows, and television spies are all the rage apparently. The government is free to lie and drop bombs on the heads of children, but it's television producers which must watch what they put on the magic box.
Monday, January 15, 2007

The Colosseum in Rome was built nearly 2000 years ago, and is still standing. It's still being used for modern day entertainment as well as religious functions. Fast forward to the late twentieth Century. For all of our evolution, our science improvements, our leaps in engineering, we cannot build a stadium that lasts for 30 years.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
The dancing snakes between my ears are doing a hyperactive jig today, can't be a good sign. Although the sun is shining today, there's a bitter bite to the air, a temperature of minus 6.
Apparently Bush is going to be making another mea culpa tonight on 60 minutes. One has to wonder where this is leading, will he do the right thing and resign? Not likely. Bush is making these apologies as a calculated effort to distance his successor for the republican party to ensure success, so that candidate can continue down the same Neo Con path.
Hard to believe that September day so long ago was in the infancy of the Bush Administration, seems like it was so long ago.
Apparently Bush is going to be making another mea culpa tonight on 60 minutes. One has to wonder where this is leading, will he do the right thing and resign? Not likely. Bush is making these apologies as a calculated effort to distance his successor for the republican party to ensure success, so that candidate can continue down the same Neo Con path.
Hard to believe that September day so long ago was in the infancy of the Bush Administration, seems like it was so long ago.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
So Bush accepts responsibility for the mistakes made in Iraq, well what exactly does this mean, will he resign, will he put himself before the world court for war crimes, will he meet with the families of every serviceman killed, with the children of all the parents he's killed with his mistake?
His speech last night was more rhetoric, it meant nothing, but sounded nice. He's repeated the lies, linking the war on terror to the war in Iraq. It's been repeated over and over again, Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11, and in fact what the war has done, has created a hot training zone and recruiting grounds to make even more terrorists, this has backfired beyond belief, one of the worst foreign policy mistakes since, well, I can't think of anything worse than this. And I'm a student of history.
His speech last night was more rhetoric, it meant nothing, but sounded nice. He's repeated the lies, linking the war on terror to the war in Iraq. It's been repeated over and over again, Iraq had nothing to do with the attacks on 9/11, and in fact what the war has done, has created a hot training zone and recruiting grounds to make even more terrorists, this has backfired beyond belief, one of the worst foreign policy mistakes since, well, I can't think of anything worse than this. And I'm a student of history.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
I'm beginning to really hate El Nino.
Snow is falling, the streets are icy, and the windows are steamed up. My view from the bunker is obscured enough without having to worry about condensation.
The days are getting longer which is a blessing, the spring season is teasing us, just every so slightly, the glimpse of ankle that we need this time of year.
Snow is falling, the streets are icy, and the windows are steamed up. My view from the bunker is obscured enough without having to worry about condensation.
The days are getting longer which is a blessing, the spring season is teasing us, just every so slightly, the glimpse of ankle that we need this time of year.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
At last, the schedule of the damned is done for another year. For two weeks every year I take over the graveyard shifts during the Christmas vacation season. It takes me the better part of a month to get my clock back on schedule.
There are some strange people up and wandering about at 4 in the morning. It's strange , there's a very different attitude amongst people out at 4 and those out at 5. The people wandering around at 4 in the morning are generally ne'er do wells, and the people out at 5 are the eager go-getters off to seize the day.
What a difference the hour makes.
I'm watching the magic box this morning, pondering when Bush and his crew will finally admit that they've made a mistake in Iraq, and what happens? He starts another war on a different continent. The fact that he sent helicopter gunships into yet another country has barely caused a blip on the news radar.
There are some strange people up and wandering about at 4 in the morning. It's strange , there's a very different attitude amongst people out at 4 and those out at 5. The people wandering around at 4 in the morning are generally ne'er do wells, and the people out at 5 are the eager go-getters off to seize the day.
What a difference the hour makes.
I'm watching the magic box this morning, pondering when Bush and his crew will finally admit that they've made a mistake in Iraq, and what happens? He starts another war on a different continent. The fact that he sent helicopter gunships into yet another country has barely caused a blip on the news radar.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Usually when people are sad, they don't do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change. - Malcolm X
When history looks at the first part of the twenty first century, how will we be reflected in history's lens?
As I ponder the infinity of the grey horizon this morning, my mind wanders to the future. One can't help but contemplate the infinite when all one can see is the interminable.
I'm a student of observation, numbers, statistics, the metrics of the day. It's why I'm constantly recording weather metrics, daylight hours and the such. It's amazing to watch as time progresses how the day increases in length, a measurable effect of our hurtling globe. When one considers the massive volume of the earth it makes you aware of just how small and fragile we are.
When history looks at the first part of the twenty first century, how will we be reflected in history's lens?
As I ponder the infinity of the grey horizon this morning, my mind wanders to the future. One can't help but contemplate the infinite when all one can see is the interminable.
I'm a student of observation, numbers, statistics, the metrics of the day. It's why I'm constantly recording weather metrics, daylight hours and the such. It's amazing to watch as time progresses how the day increases in length, a measurable effect of our hurtling globe. When one considers the massive volume of the earth it makes you aware of just how small and fragile we are.
Saturday, January 06, 2007
More wind last night, it would the world is taking out some sort of vendetta on Vancouver. We've had, I don't know, 12 major storms this winter. It's getting boring.
I'm huddled by the windows of the bunker peering out, wondering if it's safe to go outside yet. Probably not, but that won't stop me. The sun is out which is a rare thing these days, a gorgeous blue sky. Maybe there's hope for the day after all. Had coffee with a new friend yesterday. These first encounters are always agonizing, trying to think clearly, trying not conceal one's faults, to be "cool". However, often in playing it cool much of the personality is diluted, and that dishonesty comes through. As easy as it is to say, one should be themselves, it's not that easy is it?
I'm huddled by the windows of the bunker peering out, wondering if it's safe to go outside yet. Probably not, but that won't stop me. The sun is out which is a rare thing these days, a gorgeous blue sky. Maybe there's hope for the day after all. Had coffee with a new friend yesterday. These first encounters are always agonizing, trying to think clearly, trying not conceal one's faults, to be "cool". However, often in playing it cool much of the personality is diluted, and that dishonesty comes through. As easy as it is to say, one should be themselves, it's not that easy is it?
Friday, January 05, 2007
Human Beings are just good enough to make democracy possible...just bad enough to make it neccessary. - Reinhold Niebuhr
There are blossoms in New York City, and I've got to deal with snow this morning. I'm tired and I want to go back to bed.
There's a possibility of a large snowstorm this afternoon, this city, as much as I love it reacts very badly to snow, very badly.
There are blossoms in New York City, and I've got to deal with snow this morning. I'm tired and I want to go back to bed.
There's a possibility of a large snowstorm this afternoon, this city, as much as I love it reacts very badly to snow, very badly.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Giant rocks falling from the sky. That's the first thing I read this morning when I wake up. Giant rocks falling from the sky.
There are some days when I just shouldn't look at the news. The sun is out, maybe I should just stare out the window at the unfamiliar colours in the sky. For the first time in memory there's a warmth basking over the urban jungle.
There are some days when I just shouldn't look at the news. The sun is out, maybe I should just stare out the window at the unfamiliar colours in the sky. For the first time in memory there's a warmth basking over the urban jungle.
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Searching for the face of God
Most of our assumptions have outlived their uselessness. - Marshall McLuhan
Weird signs in the bunker this morning, an unearthly blackness is gripping the outside. A strange rain is falling, and there's a complete absence of light. Things feel like the world has been swallowed by a great beast.
What is the beast though? There is the fear that stalks me, I've compared that to a sentient beast at times. Perhaps the ghosts that haunt have simply gathered above to blot out all natural light. Then again, maybe it's just thick clouds.
Strange feeds coming into the bunker this morning, last night reports of finding a downed plane, including very specific reports of 12 survivors. An hour later a correction is issued, the wreckage has indeed not been found. What does one make of this?
Weird signs in the bunker this morning, an unearthly blackness is gripping the outside. A strange rain is falling, and there's a complete absence of light. Things feel like the world has been swallowed by a great beast.
What is the beast though? There is the fear that stalks me, I've compared that to a sentient beast at times. Perhaps the ghosts that haunt have simply gathered above to blot out all natural light. Then again, maybe it's just thick clouds.
Strange feeds coming into the bunker this morning, last night reports of finding a downed plane, including very specific reports of 12 survivors. An hour later a correction is issued, the wreckage has indeed not been found. What does one make of this?
Monday, January 01, 2007
sometimes God hides....
It disturbs me no more to find men base, unjust, or selfish than to see apes mischievous, wolves savage, or the vulture ravenous.
Jean-Paul Sartre
The gremlins between my ears are twisting unnaturally this morning. Perhaps it's the dawn of a new year, I'm not sure. We reached a turning point in 2006, however instead of taking the turn we needed to take, we seem to have stalled, pondering our choices.
The inhumanity we're capable of was proudly on display throughout 2006, right up until friday evening when a man's neck was snapped while people danced a little jig next to his twisting corpse. These are the people who were liberated, these inhuman souls, who mocked a man whose neck was breaking in front of them.
Watching the feeds this morning burn across the wires, a jet is missing in the south pacific, a football player has been shot and killed. Ah, the year is off to a good start.
Jean-Paul Sartre
The gremlins between my ears are twisting unnaturally this morning. Perhaps it's the dawn of a new year, I'm not sure. We reached a turning point in 2006, however instead of taking the turn we needed to take, we seem to have stalled, pondering our choices.
The inhumanity we're capable of was proudly on display throughout 2006, right up until friday evening when a man's neck was snapped while people danced a little jig next to his twisting corpse. These are the people who were liberated, these inhuman souls, who mocked a man whose neck was breaking in front of them.
Watching the feeds this morning burn across the wires, a jet is missing in the south pacific, a football player has been shot and killed. Ah, the year is off to a good start.
2991 dead Americans, if I had a list of dead iraqis, I would put that up as well. Well George, when is enough, enough?
Confirmed: 2991
Date Name
12/28/06 Donica, Dustin R.
12/28/06 Esckelson, Christopher E.
12/28/06 Miller, Nicholas A.
12/28/06 Spencer, William D.
12/27/06 Shaffer, Edward W.
12/27/06 McCormick, Clinton T.
12/27/06 Messer, Christopher P.
12/27/06 Given, Nathaniel A.
12/27/06 Koprince Jr., William C.
12/27/06 Tinsley, Douglas L.
12/26/06 Strong, Joseph A.
12/26/06 Schmitz, Joshua M.
12/25/06 Clayton, Hayes
12/25/06 Wheelous, Dexter E.
12/25/06 Moon, Jae S.
12/26/06 Bubeck, John T.
12/25/06 Wilkus, Eric R.
12/25/06 Preston, Aaron L.
12/25/06 Nelson, Andrew H.
12/25/06 Denfrund, Jason C.
12/24/06 Bixler, Evan A.
12/24/06 Morris, Stephen L.
12/23/06 Crutchfield, Michael J.
12/23/06 Barta, John
12/23/06 Vollmer, Chad J.
12/23/06 Algrim, Wilson A.
12/23/06 Mejia II, Bobby
12/23/06 Norris, Curtis L.
12/23/06 Elias, Elias
12/22/06 Sheppard, Joshua D.
12/21/06 Tamayo, Fernando S.
12/21/06 Burgess, Ryan J.
12/21/06 Mayhan, Ryan L.
12/21/06 Nolen, Kyle A.
12/20/06 Sebastien, Myles Cody
12/20/06 Dykman, Scott D.
12/20/06 McMillan, Jacob G.
12/20/06 Volker, Robert J.
12/19/06 Daul, Andrew P.
12/19/06 Pickard, Joshua D.
12/18/06 Kryst, Kevin M.
12/18/06 Mintzlaff, Brian L.
12/17/06 Stanton, Seth M.
12/16/06 Palmer, Nick J.
12/16/06 Baines, Joe L.
12/16/06 Staats, David R.
12/16/06 Stanley, Matthew J.
12/15/06 Kahalewai, Henry K.
12/15/06 Balint Jr., Paul
12/14/06 Spatol, Theodore A.
12/14/06 Yepsen, Luke C.
12/14/06 Clark, Matthew W.
12/12/06 Davis, Gloria D.
12/12/06 Dunkleberger, Brent W.
12/11/06 Cote, Budd M.
12/11/06 Dillon, Matthew V.
12/11/06 Miller, Clinton J.
12/11/06 McAnulty, Brian P.
12/10/06 Clemons, Thomas W.
12/10/06 Murphy, Shawn M.
12/10/06 Ford, Philip C.
12/10/06 Gibson, Brennan C.
12/10/06 Steinbacher, Nicholas P.
12/09/06 Krissoff, Nathan M.
12/07/06 Beeler, Brent E.
12/07/06 Linck, Henry W.
12/07/06 Gifford, Micah S.
12/07/06 Ciraso, Kristofer R.
12/06/06 Gibbs, Nicholas R.
12/06/06 Watson, Cody G.
12/06/06 Ryndych, Yevgeniy
12/06/06 Krege, Travis C.
12/06/06 Mokri, Yari
12/06/06 Huffman, Jason
12/06/06 Castro, Jesse J.J.
12/06/06 Madden, Joshua B.
12/06/06 Patriquin, Travis L.
12/06/06 Pomante III, Vincent J.
12/06/06 Libby, Dustin J.
12/06/06 McClung, Megan M.
12/05/06 Hess, Jordan W.
12/05/06 Miller, Marco L.
12/04/06 Suarez-Gonzalez, Roger A.
12/04/06 Nelson, Albert M.
12/04/06 Echols, Thomas P.
12/04/06 Anderson, Christopher A.
12/04/06 Gauthreaux, Jay R.
12/04/06 Turcotte, Nicholas D.
12/04/06 McGinnis, Ross A.
12/04/06 Adkins, Dustin M.
12/03/06 English, Shawn L.
12/03/06 Sticklen, Joshua C.
12/03/06 McCloud, Joseph Trane
12/03/06 Evans, Kermit O.
12/03/06 Cooper, Troy D.
12/03/06 Haines, Kenneth W.
12/03/06 Farris, Billy B.
12/02/06 Tillery, Jesse D.
12/02/06 Rystad, Corey J.
12/02/06 McDonough, Bryan T.
12/02/06 Fiscus, Keith E.
12/01/06 Love Jr., Robert L.
11/30/06 Hartman Jr., John L.
11/30/06 Mulhair, Jeremy W.
11/29/06 West, Theodore M.
11/28/06 Loney, Jonerik
11/28/06 Mason, Chris
11/27/06 Gilbert, Troy L.
11/27/06 Schwarz, Michael A.
11/26/06 Dunn, Jeannette T.
11/26/06 Hamill, Jason R.
11/26/06 Fraser, David M.
11/26/06 Burrows, Joshua C.
11/25/06 West, Jeromy D.
11/25/06 Ledsome, Michael C.
11/25/06 Morris, Daniel M.
11/24/06 Moreno, Reece D.
11/24/06 Rapavi, Nicholas P.
11/23/06 Priestap, James D.
11/22/06 Davenport, James R.
11/22/06 Alonzo, Joshua C.
11/22/06 Warner, Heath
11/21/06 Musack, James P.
11/21/06 Watts, Donovan E.
11/21/06 Vizcaino, Eric
11/19/06 Shock, Jeremy S.
11/18/06 Shilling, Bradley N.
11/16/06 Schiller, Rhett W.
11/15/06 Dennison, John R.
11/15/06 Mutz, Mitchel T.
11/15/06 Haynes, Schuyler B.
11/14/06 Nguyen, Tung M.
11/14/06 Garcia, Justin R.
11/14/06 Felts Sr., Thomas H.
11/14/06 Scholl, Michael D.
11/14/06 Gonzalez, Mario D.
11/14/06 Brown, Timothy W.
11/14/06 Rivera, Eric G. Palacios
11/13/06 Kim, Jang H.
11/13/06 Allman II, Daniel J.
11/12/06 Winkler III, Harry A.
11/12/06 Cerrone, Michael A.
11/11/06 Martinez, Misael
11/11/06 Jackson II, William Samuel
11/11/06 Ramirez, Angel De Jesus Lucio
11/09/06 Salcido, Rudy A.
11/09/06 Warren, Kristopher C.
11/09/06 Burgess, Bryan
11/09/06 Kennard, Courtland A.
11/09/06 McCoy, Gregory W. G.
11/07/06 Doria, Richwell A.
11/07/06 McCaughn, Ryan T.
11/06/06 White, Lucas T.
11/06/06 Priestner, John R.
11/06/06 Henderson, Miles P.
11/05/06 Desjardins, Douglas C.
11/05/06 Galvan, Jose A.
11/04/06 Powell, Kyle W.
11/04/06 Gelina, Mark C.
11/04/06 Bridges, James L.
11/02/06 Finken, Paul J.
11/02/06 Kruger, Eric J.
11/02/06 Gage, Joseph A.
11/02/06 Brown, James
11/02/06 Whitehouse, Jason D.
11/02/06 Lasky, Michael H.
11/02/06 Holler, Luke B.
11/02/06 Bridges, Michael P.
11/01/06 Kim, Minhee
11/01/06 Koehler, Gary A.
11/01/06 Ellenburg, Kevin J.
10/31/06 Franco, Jason
10/31/06 Weidemann, Michael R.
10/30/06 Foyteck, Kraig D.
10/30/06 Seeley, Michael T.
10/30/06 Bostic, Kenneth E.
10/29/06 Nealey, Troy D.
10/27/06 Zimmerman, Luke J.
10/26/06 McGinnis, Ricky L.
10/25/06 Brown, Donald S.
10/25/06 Gilbert, Thomas M.
10/25/06 Chaires, Daniel B.
10/25/06 Thornsberry, Jonathan B.
10/25/06 Komppa, Charles V.
10/23/06 Bock, Amos C. R
10/23/06 Sare, Charles O.
10/23/06 Buerstetta, Richard A.
10/23/06 Overstreet, Tyler R.
10/23/06 Eason, Carl A.
10/22/06 Rogers, Nicholas K.
10/22/06 Mock, Willsun M.
10/22/06 Creed, Matthew W.
10/22/06 Aguirre, Nathaniel A.
10/22/06 Taylor, David G.
10/21/06 Herzberg, Eric W.
10/21/06 Knier, Tony L.
10/21/06 Watkins, Joshua C.
10/21/06 Manoukian, Nicholas J.
10/21/06 Elrod, Nathan R.
10/21/06 Collinsworth, Clifford R.
10/20/06 Witte, Kevin M.
10/19/06 Lopez Jr., Edwardo
10/18/06 Barlow, Patrick O.
10/18/06 Brozovich, Daniel A.
10/18/06 Perez, Jose R.
10/17/06 Winegeart, Daniel W.
10/17/06 Paulsen, Ronald L.
10/18/06 Montalvo, Jesus M.
10/17/06 Dumas Jr., Joseph C.
10/17/06 Unger, David M.
10/17/06 Culbertson III, Russell G.
10/17/06 Loudon, Christopher E.
10/17/06 Haupt, Ryan E.
10/17/06 Taylor III, Norman R.
10/17/06 Frigo, Nathan J.
10/17/06 Sizemore, Garth D.
10/17/06 Booth, Joshua L.
10/15/06 Baroncini, Jr., Lester Domenico
10/15/06 Bicknell, Stephen
10/15/06 Deese, Joshua
10/15/06 Lootens, Jonathan E.
10/15/06 Paine, Mark C.
10/15/06 Babb, Brock A.
10/15/06 Hines, Joshua M.
10/14/06 Moore, Keith J.
10/14/06 King, Charles M.
10/14/06 Kane, Joseph M.
10/14/06 Lauer, Timothy J.
10/14/06 Simpson, Jonathan J.
10/14/06 Chavis, Leebenard E.
10/13/06 Craver, Johnny K.
10/13/06 Stanton Jr., Kenny F.
10/13/06 Hewett, Thomas J.
10/12/06 Hawkins, Gene A.
10/11/06 Walsh, Justin T.
10/11/06 Adcock, Shane T.
10/11/06 Sowinski, Nicholas R.
10/09/06 Feniello, Shelby J.
10/08/06 Jones, Derek W.
10/09/06 Bowman, Jon Eric
10/09/06 Williams, Phillip B.
10/08/06 Secher, Robert M.
10/08/06 Austin, Shane R.
10/08/06 Johnson, Stephen F.
10/09/06 Arechaga, Julian M.
10/08/06 Monroe, Jeremy Scott Sandvick
10/08/06 Fulkerson, Timothy
10/07/06 Napper Jr, Roger Alan
10/07/06 Wood, John Edward
10/07/06 Parrish, Lawrence
10/07/06 Johnson II, Carl W.
10/07/06 Asbury, Brandon S.
10/06/06 Hale, John Edward
10/06/06 Payne, Bradford H.
10/06/06 Arvanitis, Nicholas A.
10/04/06 Rosales, Benjamin S.
10/04/06 Garvin, Edward M.
10/04/06 Moudry, Christopher O.
10/04/06 Obourn Jr., George R.
10/04/06 Burke, Timothy
10/04/06 Bright, Dean
10/03/06 Rojas, Jonathan
10/03/06 Isshak, Daniel
10/02/06 Perry, Joseph W.
10/02/06 Oremus, Michael K.
10/02/06 Jarrett, Justin R.
10/02/06 Ellis, James D.
10/02/06 Armijo, Raymond S.
10/02/06 Walker, Kristofer C.
10/02/06 Greenlee, Satieon V.
10/02/06 Narvaez, Joe A.
10/01/06 Lannaman, Denise A.
10/01/06 Nelson, Mario
10/01/06 Haag, Chase A.
10/01/06 Peterson, Justin D.
10/01/06 Cosgrove III, Christopher B.
10/01/06 Seal, Aaron L.
09/30/06 Tejeda, Luis E.
09/30/06 Sourivong, Kampha B.
09/30/06 Nisely, Scott E.
09/30/06 Weber, Robert
09/29/06 Monsoor, Michael A.
09/29/06 Blaney, Christopher T.
09/28/06 Chamroeun, James
09/27/06 Lyons, James N.
09/26/06 Lanzarin, Jose A.
09/26/06 Riviere, Christopher T.
09/26/06 Reynolds Jr., Edward C.
09/26/06 Paul, Henry
09/25/06 Mellen, Casey L.
09/24/06 March Jr., Howard S.
09/24/06 Martinez, Rene
09/23/06 Kincaid, IV, Kenneth E
09/23/06 Locklear, III, Velton
09/23/06 Dominguez, Carlos
09/23/06 Simmons, Windell J.
09/21/06 Bevington, Allan R.
09/20/06 Rodriguez, Yull Estrada
09/20/06 Zimmerman, Christopher Michael
09/20/06 Kavanagh, Eric
09/20/06 Needham, Robb Gordon
09/20/06 Jones, Charles Jason
09/19/06 Lanham, Jane Elizabeth
09/19/06 Callahan, Robert Thomas
09/19/06 Raymond, Jared J.
09/19/06 Huff, Ashley L. Henderson
09/18/06 Worster, James R.
09/17/06 Knox, Adam L.
09/17/06 Davis, David J.
09/16/06 Roddy, David Sean
09/15/06 Granados, Cesar A.
09/14/06 Cain, Marcus A.
09/14/06 Hartman, Jennifer M.
09/14/06 Smith, Aaron A.
09/14/06 Miller, Ryan A.
09/14/06 Williams, Clint E.
09/14/06 Makowski, Russell M.
09/14/06 Weir, David Thomas
09/13/06 Shaffer, Jeffrey
09/13/06 Mattingly, Matthew C.
09/12/06 Perez, Emily J.T.
09/11/06 Andrews, Harley D.
09/10/06 Jordan, Alexander
09/09/06 Benson, Johnathan
09/09/06 Seig, Anthony P.
09/08/06 Gordon, David W.
09/07/06 Ramsey, David J.
09/07/06 Montes, Luis A.
09/07/06 Frassetto, Vincent M.
09/06/06 Shank, Jeremy R.
09/06/06 Carroll, John A.
09/04/06 Gutierrez, Marshall A.
09/04/06 Debro, Germaine L.
09/04/06 Walsh, Christopher
09/04/06 Valdepenas, Eric P.
09/04/06 Gunterman, Hannah L.
09/04/06 Shoemaker, Jared M.
09/03/06 Merrill, Jason L.
09/03/06 Andino Jr., Edwin Anthony
09/03/06 Madaras, Nicholas A.
09/03/06 Henkes II, Richard J.
09/03/06 Miller, Ryan Edwin
09/03/06 Johnson, Philip A.
09/03/06 Harris, Shane P.
09/03/06 Dreese, Justin W.
09/03/06 Porras, Ralph N.
09/02/06 Alex, Eugene
09/01/06 Mercado-Velazquez, Angel D.
09/01/06 Golla, Cliff
08/31/06 Deason, Michael L.
08/30/06 Hanson, Joshua R.
08/30/06 Wolfe, Colin Joseph
08/29/06 Warndorf, Christopher Tyler
08/29/06 Vosbein, Matthew J.
08/28/06 Shannon L. Squires
08/28/06 Schneider, Matthew E.
08/27/06 Benson, Darry
08/27/06 Hansen, Jeffrey J.
08/27/06 Almazan, David J.
08/27/06 Champlin, Donald E.
08/27/06 Jones, Joshua D.
08/27/06 Novak, Shaun A.
08/27/06 Lee, Qixing
08/27/06 Jazmine, Moises
08/27/06 Smith, Tristan
08/27/06 Cross, Kenneth
08/27/06 Dolan, Dan
08/27/06 Hildreth, Seth A.
08/26/06 Weimortz, David G.
08/26/06 Zayas, Edgardo
08/25/06 Pierson, Jordan C.
08/24/06 Solomon, Gordon George
08/24/06 Williams, Dwayne E.
08/24/06 King, Jeremy E.
08/24/06 Thorne, William E.
08/23/06 Hirlston, James Daniel
08/23/06 Barbieri, Thomas J.
08/22/06 Darga, Paul J.
08/21/06 Clemmons, Brad A.
08/20/06 DeRoo, Gabriel G.
08/20/06 Kenyon, Chadwick Thomas
08/20/06 Galvez, Adam Anthony
08/20/06 Newman, Randy Lee
08/19/06 Quick, Marquees A.
08/18/06 Villa Jr, Ruben J.
08/17/06 Arellano, James J.
08/16/06 Loa, Jeffrey S.
08/16/06 Glover, Michael Dennis
08/16/06 Phillips, John P.
08/16/06 McKenna IV, John James
08/12/06 Jenkins, Kenneth A.
08/12/06 Zeigler, Kevin L.
08/12/06 Lloyd, Michael C.
08/10/06 Long, Jeremy Z.
08/09/06 Brown, Jeffery S.
08/09/06 Mennemeyer, Steven P.
08/09/06 Woods, Shane W.
08/09/06 Ramirez, Ignacio
08/09/06 Jagger, Aaron
08/06/06 Melvin, Tracy L.
08/06/06 Zamora, Jose
08/06/06 Clark, Carlton A.
08/06/06 Seale, Stephen A.
08/05/06 Kubik, Brian J.
08/04/06 Segura Jr., Leroy
08/04/06 Storey, Clint J.
08/04/06 Beste, Bradley H.
08/03/06 Dechen, Kurt Edward
08/03/06 Ulloa Jr., George M.
08/02/06 Lee, Marc A.
08/02/06 Tomci, Joseph A.
08/02/06 Jopek, Ryan D.
08/02/06 Laird, Dustin D.
08/01/06 Hsia, Hai Ming
07/31/06 Ford, Joshua
07/29/06 Hanson, Jason
07/29/06 Baucus, Phillip E.
07/29/06 Williams, Christian B.
07/29/06 Butterfield, Anthony E.
07/27/06 Higgins, James W.
07/27/06 Murray, Adam R.
07/27/06 Sanchez, Enrique Henry
07/27/06 Roos, Timothy D.
07/26/06 Koth, Edward A
07/25/06 Graves, Joseph A.
07/24/06 Castner, Stephen W.
07/24/06 West, Jason M.
07/24/06 Samson Jr., Dennis K.
07/22/06 Swanson, Christopher
07/22/06 Russell, Blake H.
07/22/06 Fargo, Adam J.
07/21/06 Wallace, Matthew P.
07/21/06 Pate, Christopher T.
07/20/06 Plowman, Derek J.
07/20/06 Ramon, Julian A.
07/18/06 Cayer, Geofrey R.
07/18/06 Vecchione, Mark Richard
07/17/06 Baughman, Nathaniel S.
07/17/06 Pugh, Kenneth I.
07/17/06 Smith, Scott R.
07/17/06 Dickinson II, Michael A
07/16/06 Evey, Jason M.
07/15/06 Contreras, Andres J.
07/15/06 Holguin, Manuel J.
07/14/06 Turner Jr., Thomas B.
07/13/06 Floyd, Al'Kaila
07/12/06 Tharp, Jerry A.
07/12/06 Hernandez Jr., Irving
07/10/06 Dreasky, Duane J.
07/09/06 Montoya, Damien M.
07/08/06 Micks, Joseph P.
07/08/06 Linden, Troy Carlin
07/08/06 Flores, Omar
07/03/06 Pabla, Paul
07/02/06 Noyes, Justin
07/02/06 Mason, Collin T.
07/01/06 Ware Jr., Carl Jerome
06/29/06 Muldoon, James P.
06/29/06 Miller, Kyle
06/29/06 Clark, Ryan. J.
06/29/06 Rose, Christopher D.
06/29/06 Luckey, Bryan C.
06/28/06 Page, Rex A.
06/27/06 Morrow, Jason W.
06/27/06 Wallace, Terry O.P.
06/27/06 Jones, Jeremy
06/26/06 Potocki, Michael J.
06/26/06 Plouhar, Raymond J.
06/26/06 Lisk, Terry
06/25/06 King, Paul N.
06/24/06 Sanchez, Virrueta A.
06/24/06 Laymon, Benjamin J.
06/24/06 Norton, Justin Dean
06/23/06 Singletary, Channing G.
06/23/06 Gibbons, Devon J.
06/23/06 Buckley, Ryan J.
06/23/06 Bievre, Mario J.
06/23/06 Beyer, Paul A.
06/22/06 Baker, Riley E.
06/21/06 Cuaresma, Sirlou C.
06/21/06 Whyte, Nicholas J.
06/21/06 Buzzard, Jason J.
06/20/06 Leon, Christopher D.
06/20/06 Williams, Benjamin D.
06/20/06 Webb, Brandon J
06/20/06 White, Christopher N.
06/17/06 Ramirez, Reyes
06/17/06 Jones, Robert L.
06/16/06 Menchaca, Kristian
06/16/06 Tucker, Thomas Lowell
06/16/06 Koch, Brent W.
06/16/06 Babineau, David J.
06/15/06 Santos, Jeremiah S.
06/14/06 Estrella, Michael A.
06/09/06 Guerrero, Salvador
06/09/06 Alday, Zachary M.
06/09/06 Slaven, Ben
06/09/06 Zoucha, Brent
06/09/06 Velez, Jose M.
06/08/06 McSwain, Clarence D.
06/08/06 Crabtree, Daniel
06/08/06 Santos, Luis D.
06/07/06 Vaughan, John Shaw
06/07/06 Crombie, David N.
06/07/06 Love, Scott M.
06/06/06 Smykowski, Mark T.
06/06/06 Blakley, Richard A.
06/06/06 Anderson, Andy D.
06/06/06 Pernell, Carlos E.
06/06/06 Sanders, Ryan T.
06/06/06 Gionet, Daniel
06/05/06 Lawson, Issac S.
06/05/06 Rovinski, Gary
06/05/06 Jaenke, Jamie
06/03/06 Stover, Michael D.
06/03/06 Harmon, Darren
06/03/06 Cummings, Ryan J.
06/03/06 Tribble, Brett L.
05/31/06 Mejia, Benjamin E.
05/31/06 Kolasa, Alexander J.
05/30/06 Bucklin, Brock L.
05/30/06 West, Bobby R.
05/29/06 Loveless, Jeremy M.
05/29/06 Funkhouser, James A.
05/27/06 Garcia, J. Adan
05/27/06 Doring, Nathanael J.
05/27/06 Bennett, Richard A.
05/26/06 Lucas, Adam
05/25/06 Lufkin, Caleb A.
05/25/06 Blair, Robert E.
05/25/06 DiCenzo, Douglas A.
05/23/06 Hermanson, Michael L.
05/23/06 Posivio III, Robert G.
05/23/06 Freund, Steven
05/22/06 Leusink, William J.
05/22/06 Christoff Jr., David
05/21/06 Ramirez, Benito A.
05/18/06 Fulks, William B.
05/18/06 Holland, Daniel E.
05/18/06 Cournoyer, Nicholas
05/18/06 Allen Jr., Lonnie Calvin
05/18/06 Seidel III, Robert
05/17/06 Deal, Lee Hamilton
05/16/06 Halsel, Santiago M.
05/15/06 Flint Jr., Marion
05/15/06 Dampier, Grant Allen
05/14/06 Mahaffee, Shane
05/14/06 Yearby, Hatak Yuka Keyu M.
05/14/06 Marin-Dominguez Jr., Jose S.
05/14/06 Worrel, Matthew W.
05/14/06 Weeks, Jamie D.
05/14/06 West, Robert H.
05/14/06 Engeman, John W.
05/13/06 James, Richard Z.
05/13/06 Gebur, Ron
05/12/06 Teeters, Brandon L.
05/12/06 Conboy, Adam C.
05/11/06 Vahaviolos, Steve
05/11/06 Licalzi, Michael L.
05/11/06 GramesSanchez, David J.
05/11/06 Burnett, Jason K.
05/11/06 Burkart, Armer N.
05/11/06 Snowberger III, Stephen P.
05/11/06 Clark, Eric D.
05/10/06 Carbonaro, Alessandro
05/09/06 Latimer, Aaron P.
05/08/06 Wagner, Gregory A.
05/07/06 Legaspi, Emmanuel L.
05/06/06 Palmer, Cory L.
05/06/06 Deraps, Leon
05/06/06 Fenton, Matthew J.
05/06/06 Veverka, David Michael
05/06/06 Kelly Jr., Dale James
05/05/06 Gaylord, Alva L.
05/05/06 Torres, Teodoro
05/05/06 Saenz, Carlos N.
05/05/06 Vacho, Nathan J.
05/04/06 Parker, Elisha R.
05/04/06 Bixler, Stephen R.
05/04/06 Quinton, Bryan L.
05/04/06 Reinke, Gavin B.
05/03/06 Zieske, Benjamin T.
05/03/06 Proctor, Joseph E.
05/03/06 Letendre, Brian S.
05/03/06 Eckhardt, Christopher M.
05/01/06 Moscillo, Robert L.
05/01/06 Light, Robbie Glen
04/29/06 Sakoda, Steve M.
04/28/06 Herlem, Bryant A.
04/28/06 Hardy, Brandon M.
04/28/06 Mills, Lea R.
04/28/06 Davis III, Edward G.
04/28/06 Gomez, Jose
04/27/06 Wall, Mark A.
04/27/06 Webber, Matthew A.
04/27/06 Mendez, Bobby
04/26/06 Ford, Michael L.
04/25/06 Henry, Raymond L.
04/25/06 Herrema, Richard J.
04/24/06 Bandonill, Metodio A.
04/24/06 Simons, Aaron William
04/23/06 Ehney, Robert W.
04/23/06 Lasswell Jr., Shawn Thomas
04/23/06 Daniel, Jason B.
04/22/06 Lueken, Eric R.
04/22/06 Zimmerman, Travis C.
04/22/06 Bouthot, Michael E.
04/22/06 Allcott, Jacob H.
04/22/06 King, Eric D.
04/22/06 Colnot, Kyle A.
04/20/06 Ramseyer, Jason C.
04/19/06 Tinnell, Patrick A.
04/19/06 Settle, Robert J.
04/18/06 Weikel, Ian P.
04/16/06 Cubert, Clinton W.
04/15/06 Melcher, Mark W.
04/15/06 Sims, Justin D.
04/15/06 Winslow, Ryan G.
04/15/06 Mayorga, Pablo V.
04/15/06 Cothran, Derrick J.
04/14/06 Settle, Darin T.
04/13/06 Perez, Stephen Joseph
04/13/06 Bachar, Salem
04/13/06 Waits, Andrew K.
04/12/06 Glimpse, Marcus S.
04/12/06 Calderon-Ascencio, Roland E.
04/12/06 Bandhold, Scott M.
04/11/06 Hess, Kenneth D.
04/11/06 Roehl Jr., George R.
04/11/06 Costello III, James F.
04/11/06 Blanco, Joseph A.
04/10/06 Gardner, James W. "Will"
04/10/06 Lamberson, Randall L.
04/09/06 Love-Fowler, Joseph I.
04/09/06 Collins, David S.
04/09/06 Rogers, Gregory S.
04/08/06 Martini, Philip John
04/08/06 NavarroArellano, Juana
04/08/06 Creighton, Shawn R.
04/08/06 Missildine, Jody W.
04/07/06 Waller, Richard P.
04/06/06 Taylor, Bryan N.
04/06/06 Edwards, Chase A.
04/06/06 Sesker, Daniel L.
04/06/06 Harris, Dustin J.
04/04/06 Johnson, Ty J.
04/02/06 Ehle, Jeremy W.
04/02/06 Nettles, Marcques J.
04/02/06 Palmisano, Eric A.
04/02/06 Aguilar Jr., Andres
04/02/06 Twitchell, Abraham G.
04/02/06 Sandoval-Flores, Felipe D.
04/02/06 Bass, David A.
04/02/06 Gallagher, Patrick J.
04/02/06 St. Germain, Brian R.
04/02/06 Padilla Aleman, Geovani
04/02/06 McIntosh, Eric A.
04/02/06 Kim, Kun Y.
04/02/06 Procopio, Scott J.
04/01/06 Hartwick, Michael L.
04/01/06 Moshier, Timothy J.
04/01/06 Devora Garcia, Israel
04/01/06 Clay, Darrell P.
03/31/06 Beisel, Jacob Walter
03/30/06 Duenas, Joseph J.
03/30/06 Moss Jr., Walter M.
03/28/06 Rowe, Michael D.
03/28/06 Tharp, Sean D.
03/28/06 Hernandez, Robert
03/25/06 Carlson, Frederick A.
03/23/06 McCaulley, Randy D.
03/23/06 Beery, Brock A.
03/21/06 McKinzie, Antoine J.
03/18/06 Barraza, Ricardo
03/18/06 Brehm, Dale G.
03/16/06 Pinson, Amanda N.
03/16/06 Gonzalez, Carlos M.
03/16/06 Yates III, Nyle
03/15/06 Zawaydeh, Angelo A.
03/13/06 Silva, Marco A.
03/13/06 Dan, Corey A.
03/13/06 Lewis, Bryan A.
03/12/06 Marino (Figueroa), Kristen K.
03/11/06 Duerksen, Amy A.
03/10/06 Long, Bunny
03/08/06 Fry, John D.
03/07/06 Martone, Justin R.
03/07/06 Salas Jr., Ricky
03/06/06 Zanutto, Adam O.
03/05/06 Jessen, Kevin P.
03/03/06 Snyder, Matthew A.
03/01/06 Youmans, Joshua V.
03/01/06 Merchant, Christopher S.
03/01/06 Priest, Tina M.
02/27/06 Lewis, Dwayne Peter R.
02/26/06 Pearce, Joshua M.
02/26/06 Schornak, Christopher J.
02/26/06 Humble, Joshua U.
02/26/06 Farr, Clay P.
02/25/06 Thornton, John Joshua
02/25/06 Schuster, Benjamin C.
02/25/06 VanAlstine, Adam J.
02/24/06 Muscat, Dimitri
02/24/06 Powers, Joshua Francis
02/22/06 Wilwerth, Thomas J.
02/22/06 Misner II, Gordon F.
02/22/06 Howard II, Curtis T.
02/22/06 Morr, Allan A.
02/22/06 Marion, Christopher L.
02/22/06 Gourley, Gregson G.
02/22/06 Jones, Rickey E.
02/21/06 Fitzgerald, Almar L.
02/20/06 Collado, Jay T.
02/20/06 Kuhlmeier, Daniel J.
02/20/06 Davila, Jessie
02/18/06 Conley, Matthew D.
02/18/06 Matheny IV, Charles E.
02/17/06 Garcia, Anthony R.
02/17/06 Edwards Jr., Amos C.
02/14/06 Washam, Rusty L.
02/14/06 Barnes, Matthew Ron
02/14/06 Probst, Michael S.
02/12/06 Kemple, Andrew J.
02/12/06 Garcia Villareal, Felipe J.
02/12/06 Wilson, Nicholas
02/09/06 Smith, Ross A.
02/09/06 Chavez Jr., Javier
02/07/06 Phillips, Steven L.
02/07/06 Kokesh Jr., Allen D.
02/06/06 Herried, Patrick W.
02/06/06 Schuck, Brandon S.
02/06/06 Spann, Jacob D. "Jake"
02/06/06 Gerena, Orville
02/06/06 Parr, David S.
02/05/06 Mercedes Saez, Sergio A.
02/05/06 Hayes III, William S.
02/05/06 Morningstar, Christopher R.
02/05/06 Boehmer, Jeremiah J.
02/04/06 Martinez Salazar, Roberto L.
02/03/06 Zamora, Jesse M.
02/03/06 Cornett, Lance S.
02/02/06 Cox Jr., Simon T.
02/02/06 Messer, Scott A.
02/02/06 Howard II, Walter B.
02/01/06 Cardelli, Sean T.
02/01/06 Owens, Anthony Chad
02/01/06 Viglienzone, Caesar S.
02/01/06 Bustamante, Marlon A.
02/01/06 Avery, Garrison C.
01/28/06 Schoff, Brian J.
01/28/06 Herrera, David L.
01/28/06 Barbosa, Felipe C.
01/27/06 Lopez Lopez, Hugo R.
01/25/06 Johnson, Joshua Allen
01/25/06 Durbin Jr., Jerry M. "Michael"
01/24/06 Miles, Sean H.
01/23/06 Wagler, Peter D.
01/23/06 Chase, Lance M.
01/23/06 Scott, Joshua A.
01/23/06 Calapini, Lewis T. D.
01/23/06 Hunter, Matthew D.
01/22/06 McElroy, Brian
01/22/06 Norton, Jason L.
01/20/06 Arrelano Pandura, Carlos
01/20/06 Dewey, Brandon Christopher
01/20/06 Frantz, Matthew C.
01/20/06 Yazzie, Clifton J.
01/20/06 Flanagan, Dennis J.
01/20/06 Scott, Rickey
01/17/06 Shepherd, Adam R.
01/16/06 Garcia, Ruel M.
01/16/06 Kenyon, Rex C.
01/15/06 Kendall, Dustin L.
01/15/06 Dudkiewicz, Kasper Allen
01/14/06 Watts, Justin J.
01/13/06 Jordan, Michael Anthony
01/13/06 Price, Jonathan Kyle
01/13/06 Jackson, Kyle E.
01/13/06 Carver Jr., Mitchell K.
01/10/06 McMullen, Michael Joseph
01/07/06 Lundstrom, Brett L.
01/07/06 Jacobs, Jeriad P.
01/07/06 Brown, Kyle W.
01/07/06 Camilomatos, Radhames
01/07/06 Upchurch, Clinton R.
01/07/06 Johnson, Robert T.
01/07/06 Field, Nathan R.
01/07/06 Braswell, Darren D.
01/07/06 deMoors, Joseph D.
01/07/06 LaBouff, Douglas A.
01/07/06 Martinez, Michael R.
01/07/06 Anderson, Stuart M.
01/07/06 Melson, Jacob E.
01/07/06 Edwards, Michael I.
01/07/06 Troxel, Chester W.
01/07/06 Campbell, Jaime L.
01/07/06 Little, Jason T.
01/07/06 Mercado, Raul
01/05/06 McCurdy, Ryan S.
01/05/06 Gettings, Albert Pasquale
01/05/06 Walker, Ryan D.
01/05/06 Lopezreyes, Jason
01/05/06 McLaughlin, Michael E.
01/05/06 Cann, Adam Leigh
01/05/06 Mariano, Robbie M.
01/05/06 Peralez Jr., Johnny J.
01/05/06 White, Stephen J.
01/05/06 Petty, Christopher P.
01/05/06 Hecker III, William F.
01/01/06 Bishop, Jason Lee
01/01/06 Vanderhorn, Christopher J.
12/31/05 Corniel, Marcelino Ronald
12/30/05 Taha, Ayman A.
12/30/05 Pfender, Jonathan R.
12/30/05 Dostie, Shawn Christopher
12/29/05 Lutz II, George Anthony "Tony"
12/29/05 Teewia, Prince K.
12/28/05 Forbes, Aaron M.
12/27/05 Morberg, Joshua M.
12/27/05 Sage, Lance S.
12/26/05 Carver, Dane O.
12/26/05 Santos, Isaias E.
12/26/05 Salter, Richard Matthew "Matt"
12/26/05 Coles, Dominic R.
12/25/05 Cardinal, Anthony O.
12/25/05 Gudino, Sergio
12/24/05 Andres Jr., Joseph J.
12/24/05 Maravillosa, Myla L.
12/23/05 Willey, Cheyenne C.
12/23/05 Reali, Regina C.
12/22/05 Lopez-Feliciano, William
12/22/05 Britt, Benjamin T.
12/20/05 Naputi, Richard Jr. DeGracia
12/20/05 Cleary, Michael J.
12/19/05 Mason, Johnnie V.
12/18/05 Tapia, Samuel
12/16/05 Fales, Adam R.
12/15/05 Boyce, Timothy R.
12/15/05 Lucas, Joseph Alan
12/14/05 Presley, Michael B.
12/14/05 Pospisil, Kenneth B.
12/13/05 Navarro, Peter J.
12/13/05 Kesinger, James C.
12/13/05 Karim, Brian C.
12/13/05 Zyla, Michael S.
12/12/05 Mitchell, Curtis A.
12/12/05 Nelson, Lex S.
12/12/05 Kubasak, Jared William
12/11/05 Bennett, Keith A.
12/11/05 Moudy, James S. "Shawn"
12/10/05 Casica, Kenith
12/10/05 Nelson, Travis L.
12/10/05 Floyd Jr., Clarence L.
12/10/05 Atkins, Julia V.
12/09/05 Orosco, Adrian N.
12/08/05 Rivera-Vargas, Milton
12/08/05 Smith, Kevin J.
12/08/05 Akers, Spencer C.
12/07/05 Taylor, Michael C.
12/07/05 Bier, Joseph P.
12/06/05 Siekert, Thomas C.
12/06/05 Wright, Brian A.
12/04/05 Cuka, Daniel M.
12/04/05 Schild, Richard L.
12/03/05 Shelton, Jimmy Lee
12/02/05 Futrell, Marcus S.
12/02/05 Travis, Philip L.
12/02/05 Dodson Jr., Philip Allan
12/01/05 Adams, Brent A.
12/01/05 Watson, Craig N.
12/01/05 Stevens, Andy A.
12/01/05 Patten, Andrew G.
12/01/05 Modeen, Scott T.
12/01/05 McElveen, Anthony T.
12/01/05 Martinez, Robert Alexander
12/01/05 Kaiser, Adam Wade
12/01/05 Huhn, David A.
12/01/05 Holmason, John M.
12/01/05 Clay, Daniel J.
11/30/05 Taylor, William G.
11/30/05 Richardson, William D.
11/30/05 Snyder, Joshua D.
11/30/05 Jakoniuk, Grzegorz
11/29/05 Hasse, Donald J.
11/29/05 Mills Jr., Jerry W.
11/26/05 Angus, Brett E.
11/25/05 Tull, Gregory L.
11/24/05 Christensen, Ryan D.
11/24/05 Pearrow, Eric P.
11/24/05 Delgado, Marc A.
11/24/05 Reynolds, Steven C.
11/24/05 Villanueva, Javier A.
11/23/05 Knop, Allen J.
11/23/05 Meeuwsen, William B.
11/23/05 Bass, Aram J.
11/22/05 Gallardo, Denis J.
11/21/05 Dearing, John Wilson "J.W."
11/20/05 Sacco, Dominic J.
11/19/05 Alcozer, Christopher M.
11/19/05 Troyer, Tyler J.
11/19/05 Terrazas, Miguel
11/19/05 Idanan, Michael J.
11/19/05 Hinton, Dominic Joseph
11/19/05 Blair, Jonathan F.
11/19/05 Karolasz, Edward
11/19/05 Zilinski, Dennis W.
11/19/05 Yost, Anthony R. C.
11/18/05 Reyes, Luis R.
11/18/05 Gaunky, Anthony Alexander "Alex"
11/17/05 Widner, Vernon R.
11/17/05 Alarcon, Ivan Vargas
11/16/05 Paytas, Dylan R.
11/16/05 Murray, Jeremy E.
11/16/05 Roman-Cruz, Alexis
11/16/05 Ware, Joshua J.
11/16/05 Rogers, Jeffry A.
11/16/05 Deeds, Roger W.
11/16/05 Lucente, John A. "JT"
11/16/05 McGlothin, Donald R.
11/15/05 Schiavoni, Nickolas David
11/15/05 Grigg, Travis J.
11/15/05 Holley, Matthew J.
11/15/05 Estep, James E.
11/14/05 Longoria, John M.
11/14/05 McCrackin, Christopher M.
11/14/05 Mendoza Jr., Ramon J.
11/12/05 Sutherland, Stephen J.
11/12/05 Mendez Ruiz, David A.
11/12/05 Zubowski, Scott A.
11/11/05 Chisholm, Tyrone L.
11/11/05 Mendez Sanchez, Antonio "Tony"
11/11/05 Fisher II, Donald E.
11/10/05 Swaim, Daniel Freeman
11/10/05 Terando, Joshua A.
11/10/05 Parrott, Michael C.
11/08/05 Cashe, Alwyn C. "Al"
11/08/05 Tamburello, Jeremy P.
11/07/05 Reyes, Mario A.
11/07/05 Pope II, Robert C.
11/07/05 Freeman, Brian L.
11/07/05 Smith, Justin S.
11/06/05 Hayes, James F.
11/06/05 Cahill, Joel E.
11/06/05 Sorensen, Ryan J.
11/05/05 Wren, Thomas A.
11/04/05 Boatman, Darrell W.
11/04/05 Yancey, Dustin A.
11/04/05 Gurbisz, James M.
11/04/05 Brown, Timothy D.
11/04/05 Fegler, Jason A.
11/03/05 Toczylowski, Jeffrey P.
11/03/05 Howe, Darren D.
11/03/05 Pratt, Daniel J.
11/03/05 Wehrly, Kyle B.
11/02/05 MacKenzie, Tyler R.
11/02/05 Smith, Benjamin A.
11/02/05 Munger, Joshua J.
11/02/05 Procopio, Mark J.
11/02/05 Ferderer Jr., Dennis J.
11/02/05 Martino, Michael D.
11/02/05 Bloomfield II, Gerald M.
11/01/05 Espiritu, Allan M.
11/01/05 Tsue, Daniel A.
10/31/05 Kading, Matthew R.
10/31/05 Oneto-Sikorski, Robert C.
10/31/05 Jack, Derence W.
10/31/05 Lieto, Wilgene T.
10/31/05 Johnson, Adam R. "A.J."
10/31/05 Martin, David J.
10/31/05 Byler, William J.
10/31/05 Tessar, Jonathan
10/30/05 Dameron, Joel P.
10/30/05 Hodshire, Michael Paul
10/29/05 Guy, Shaker T.
10/29/05 Hill II, Raymond D.
10/29/05 Rojas, Kenny D.
10/28/05 Jutras, Dillon M.
10/28/05 Banaszak, Debra A.
10/27/05 Kremm, Jared J.
10/27/05 Eckfield Jr., Robert F.
10/27/05 Wood, William W.
10/27/05 Lightner Jr., Daniel R.
10/27/05 Mackinnon, Michael J.
10/26/05 Gentry, Lewis J.
10/26/05 Witkowski, James
10/26/05 Acevedoaponte, Ramon A.
10/26/05 Wallsmith, Thomas A.
10/26/05 Parker, Evan S.
10/25/05 Robertson, Michael T.
10/25/05 Hoeffner, Benjamin D.
10/25/05 Monroe, Christopher T.
10/23/05 Spears, Jonathan R.
10/22/05 Alexander Jr., George T.
10/21/05 Swisher, Tyler B.
10/21/05 Cockerham III, Benny Gray
10/21/05 Butler, Kenneth J.
10/21/05 Thompson, Christopher W.
10/21/05 Davey, Seamus M.
10/20/05 Merck, Dennis P.
10/20/05 Dones, Jacob D.
10/20/05 Szwydek, Steven W.
10/20/05 Russoli, Andrew D.
10/20/05 Pummill, Richard T.
10/19/05 Anderson III, Norman W.
10/19/05 Rosario, Jose E.
10/19/05 Nahvi, Russell H.
10/19/05 Mora Jr., Arthur A.
10/19/05 Frederick, Kendall K.
10/19/05 Folks Jr., Tommy Ike
10/19/05 Bartels, Daniel D.
10/18/05 Frantz, Lucas A.
10/17/05 Poston, Christopher M.
10/17/05 Pillen, Paul J.
10/17/05 Bubb, Daniel Scott R.
10/17/05 Hildebrandt, Chad R.
10/15/05 Adams, Mark P.
10/15/05 Watkins, Timothy D.
10/15/05 Summers, Vincent E.
10/15/05 Hardy, Richard Allen
10/15/05 Corban, Jeffrey W.
10/15/05 Byrd, Thomas H.
10/14/05 Ceo, Bernard L.
10/14/05 Boswell, Samuel M.
10/14/05 Conner, Brian R.
10/13/05 Babcock IV, Howard E.
10/13/05 Tucker, Robert W.
10/12/05 Hunt Jr., Kenneth E.
10/12/05 Grijalva, James T.
10/12/05 Ponce Ruiz, Lorenzo
10/12/05 Furman, Donald D.
10/11/05 Kimmell, Matthew A.
10/10/05 Bonifacio Jr., Jerry L.
10/10/05 James II, Leon G.
10/10/05 Johnson, Leon M.
10/10/05 Sneed, Brandon K.
10/10/05 Hodge, Jeremy M.
10/09/05 Harper Jr., Gary R.
10/08/05 Escobar, Sergio H.
10/07/05 Greer, Nicholas J.
10/07/05 Fifer, Eric A.
10/06/05 Raines II, Carl L.
10/06/05 McVicker, Daniel M.
10/06/05 Frye, Jason L.
10/06/05 Cherava, Nicholas O.
10/06/05 Cabino, Shayne M.
10/06/05 Kenny, Patrick Brian
10/06/05 Robinson, Jeremiah W.
10/04/05 Joplin, Brian K.
10/04/05 Bedard, Andrew D.
10/03/05 Pankey Jr., Larry Wayne
10/03/05 Baez, Roberto C.
10/03/05 Vanderbosch, Jacob T.
10/03/05 Large, Bryan W.
10/03/05 Stalvey, John R.
10/03/05 Berry, Sean B.
10/02/05 Roark, Timothy J.
10/01/05 Schelbert, Jens E.
10/01/05 Kynoch, Joshua J.
10/01/05 Westbrook, Marshall A.
09/28/05 Brown, Oliver J.
09/28/05 Wiegand, Lee A.
09/28/05 Slebodnik, Eric W.
09/28/05 Pugliese, George A.
09/28/05 Arnold, Daniel L.
09/28/05 Jacobson, Elizabeth Nicole
09/28/05 Morin Jr., Steve
09/27/05 Benford, Jason A.
09/26/05 Howe, Casey E.
09/26/05 Tuliau, Tulsa T.
09/26/05 Ortega, Elijah M.
09/26/05 Wallace, Andrew P.
09/26/05 Wendling, Michael J.
09/26/05 Allen, Howard P.
09/25/05 Graham, Shawn A.
09/24/05 Dunlap, Brian E.
09/24/05 Schelle, Daniel R.
09/23/05 Neubauer, Paul C.
09/23/05 Derrick, Andrew Joseph
09/22/05 McLaughlin, Scott P.
09/22/05 Jones, Kevin M.
09/22/05 Sonoda Jr., Mike T.
09/21/05 Arndt, Travis M.
09/20/05 Raymond, Pierre A.
09/20/05 Allers III, William Alvin
09/19/05 Morrison, Lawrence E.
09/19/05 Evans, William L.
09/19/05 Fernandez, William V.
09/19/05 Egan, Michael
09/19/05 Dooley, Mark H.
09/17/05 Nelom, Regilio E.
09/16/05 Deckard, Matthew L.
09/16/05 Gifford, Alan Nye
09/16/05 Ford IV, David H.
09/15/05 Silva, Alfredo B.
09/15/05 Swanberg, Shane C.
09/12/05 Macrum, Robert D.
09/11/05 Campbell, Jeremy M.
09/11/05 Arcala, Kurtis Dean K.
09/07/05 Everett, Christopher L.
09/06/05 Martens, Robert N.
09/06/05 Vilorio, Franklin R.
09/06/05 Jonaus, Jude R.
09/05/05 Williams, Luke C.
09/05/05 Bohling, Matthew Charles
09/05/05 Williams, Jeffrey A.
09/02/05 Parson, Lonnie J.
09/01/05 Draughn Jr., George Ray
09/01/05 Hollar Jr., Robert Lee
08/31/05 Ames, Jason E.
08/31/05 Ruth, Monta S.
08/31/05 Miller II, Lowell T.
08/30/05 Fester, Gregory J.
08/29/05 Rubado, Charles R.
08/29/05 Hay, Dennis P.
08/28/05 Kolath, Obediah J.
08/27/05 Martinez, Joseph L.
08/25/05 Shea, Timothy M.
08/25/05 Jerak, Ivica
08/25/05 Diesing, Trevor J.
08/23/05 Chapin, Chris S.
08/23/05 Diaz, Carlos J.
08/22/05 Romero, Ramon
08/22/05 Kathiria, Hatim S.
08/22/05 Lieurance, Victoir P.
08/22/05 Hunt, Joseph Daniel
08/21/05 Cathey, James J.
08/21/05 Arcand, Elden D.
08/21/05 Morris, Brian Lee
08/21/05 Nurre, Joseph C.
08/20/05 Partridge, Willard Todd
08/18/05 Seamans, Timothy J.
08/18/05 Fuhrmann II, Ray M.
08/18/05 Bouchard, Nathan K.
08/18/05 Doyle, Jeremy W.
08/16/05 Stokely, Michael J.
08/15/05 Ruiz, Jose L.
08/15/05 Saylor, Paul A.
08/15/05 Dingler, Joshua P.
08/15/05 Strickland, Thomas J.
08/14/05 Green, Toccara R.
08/14/05 Reese Jr., Gary L.
08/14/05 Taylor, Shannon D.
08/14/05 Hawn II, Asbury F.
08/13/05 Derks, Brian K.
08/12/05 Bell, Rusty W.
08/12/05 Giaimo, David L.
08/10/05 Herrera, Evenor C.
08/10/05 Benson, Michael A.
08/09/05 Ostrom, Ryan S.
08/09/05 Straub Jr., Francis J.
08/09/05 Detample, Nathaniel E. "Nate"
08/09/05 Kulick, John
08/09/05 Pellegrini Jr., Gennaro
08/09/05 Carrasquillo, Miguel
08/08/05 Rios, Hernando
08/08/05 Kalladeen, Anthony N.
08/08/05 Gonzales Cordova, Ramon E.
08/07/05 Reyna, Seferino J.
08/06/05 Comley, Chase Johnson
08/06/05 Jeffcoat, Brahim J.
08/06/05 Krout, Kurt E.
08/05/05 Ball Jr., Terry W.
08/05/05 Walden, Brett Eugene
08/05/05 Derenda, Robert V.
08/04/05 Thompson, Nils George
08/04/05 Simon, Chad J.
08/03/05 Strain, Adam J.
08/03/05 Gibbs, Mathew V.
08/03/05 Warren, Charles Houghton
08/03/05 Ganey Jr., Jerry Lewis
08/03/05 Fraser, Grant B.
08/03/05 Bloem, Nicholas William B.
08/03/05 Waruinge, Kevin G.
08/03/05 Stewart, David S.
08/03/05 Harper, Bradley J.
08/03/05 Wightman, William Brett
08/03/05 Schroeder II, Edward August
08/03/05 Reed, Aaron H.
08/03/05 Kreuter, David Kenneth J.
08/03/05 Hoffman, Justin F.
08/03/05 Dyer, Christopher Jenkins
08/03/05 Cifuentes, Michael J.
08/03/05 Bernholtz, Eric J.
08/03/05 Bell Jr., Timothy Michael
08/02/05 Hull, Thomas C.
08/02/05 McNaughton, James D.
08/01/05 Graham III, James R.
08/01/05 Castleberry Jr., Roger D.
08/01/05 Coullard, David J.
08/01/05 Deyarmin Jr., Daniel Nathan
08/01/05 Boskovitch, Jeffrey A.
08/01/05 Montgomery, Brian P.
08/01/05 Rock, Nathaniel S.
07/31/05 Carroll, James D.
07/30/05 Scheuerman, Jason D.
07/30/05 Shelley Sr., Ronnie L. "Rod"
07/30/05 Haggin, Jonathon C.
07/30/05 Jones Sr., David R.
07/30/05 Anderson, Victor A.
07/30/05 Swaney, Robert A.
07/29/05 Guerra, Ernesto R.
07/28/05 Lyons, Christopher P.
07/28/05 Williams, Andre L.
07/27/05 Jansky, Benjamin D.
07/27/05 Butler, Adrian J.
07/27/05 Tollefson, John O.
07/27/05 Myers, Edward L.
07/25/05 Harting, Adam J.
07/24/05 Montefering, Jason W.
07/24/05 Monzon Jr., Milton M.
07/24/05 Villatoro Jr., Ramon A.
07/24/05 Dallas Jr., Ernest W.
07/24/05 Fuller, Carl Ray
07/24/05 Thomas, John Frank
07/24/05 Kinlow, James Ondra
07/24/05 Brunson, Jacques Earl "Gus"
07/24/05 Taylor, Christopher J.
07/23/05 Opskar, Bryan James
07/21/05 Gill, Steven P.
07/21/05 Youngblood, Travis L.
07/19/05 McGill, Arthur R.
07/19/05 Farrow, Jefferey J.
07/19/05 Johnson, Lavena L.
07/17/05 Tiai, Frank F.
07/17/05 Sanchez Jr., Efrain
07/17/05 Williams, Ronnie D.
07/16/05 Pena-Romero, Jorge Luis
07/16/05 Cooper, Travis S.
07/16/05 Wood, Ronald T.
07/15/05 Hartley, Jared D.
07/14/05 Hines Jr., Timothy J.
07/14/05 Jameson, Tricia L.
07/14/05 Mounce, Clifton Blake
07/14/05 Winchester, Christopher D.
07/13/05 Yahudah, Benyahmin B.
07/11/05 Sutton, Timothy J.
07/10/05 Kovacicek, Ryan J.
07/10/05 Goodrich, Joseph P.
07/09/05 Bradfield Jr., Hoby F.
07/09/05 Woods, Eric Paul
07/08/05 Cariaga, Deyson K.
07/05/05 Mazzarella, Anthony M.
07/05/05 Cambridge, Lyle J.
07/05/05 Bright, Scottie L.
07/05/05 Dickison, Christopher W.
07/03/05 Brown, Jeremy A.
07/03/05 Montgomery, Ryan J.
06/30/05 Mercer, Chad M.
06/28/05 Carrillo Jr., Rafael A. "T. J."
06/28/05 Hornedo, Manny
06/28/05 Hall Jr., Robert E.
06/27/05 Mariotti, Keith R.
06/27/05 Shepard, Steven E.
06/27/05 Coutu, Matthew S.
06/26/05 Kaufman, Charles A.
06/24/05 Pineda, Carlos
06/23/05 Clark, Regina R.
06/23/05 Valdez, Ramona M.
06/23/05 Muy, Veashna
06/23/05 Charette, Holly A.
06/23/05 Powell, Chad W.
06/23/05 Phelps, Christopher W.
06/23/05 Tackett, Joseph M.
06/22/05 Duplantier II, Arnold
06/21/05 Vaughn, Brian A.
06/21/05 Hoskins, Christopher L.
06/21/05 Idalski, Nicholas R.
06/21/05 Stewart, James D.
06/20/05 Kilpatrick, Christopher R.
06/18/05 Crumpler, Adam J.
06/18/05 Long, William A.
06/18/05 Harris, Noah
06/17/05 Horrigan, Robert M.
06/17/05 McNulty, Michael L.
06/16/05 Maloney, John W.
06/16/05 Heldt, Erik R.
06/16/05 Cometa, Anthony S.
06/15/05 Baez, Cesar O.
06/15/05 Maynard, Chad B.
06/15/05 Whitley, Dion M.
06/15/05 Trovillion, Tyler S.
06/15/05 Jaime, Jesse
06/15/05 Flores, Jonathan R.
06/14/05 Jones, Anthony G.
06/14/05 Clemons, Nathan B.
06/14/05 Klinger, Joshua P.
06/14/05 Hayes, Michael Ray
06/13/05 Kinslow, Anthony D.
06/13/05 Kuhns Jr., Larry R.
06/13/05 Mattek Jr., John J.
06/11/05 Byers, Casey
06/11/05 Prince, Neil A.
06/11/05 Arnold Sr., Larry R.
06/11/05 Lee Sr., Terrance D.
06/11/05 Lapinski, Stanley J.
06/10/05 Castillo, Mario Alberto
06/10/05 Kilpela, Andrew J.
06/09/05 Murray, David Joseph
06/09/05 Squires, Brad D.
06/09/05 Seymour, Devon Paul
06/09/05 Keeling, Thomas O.
06/09/05 Chavez, Daniel
06/09/05 Birch, Dustin V.
06/09/05 Edwards, Mark O.
06/08/05 Kashmer, Douglas E.
06/08/05 Arizola Jr., Roberto
06/08/05 Tucker, Marc Lucas
06/08/05 Fasnacht, Michael J.
06/08/05 Esposito, Phillip T.
06/08/05 Allen, Louis E.
06/07/05 Crowe, Terrence K.
06/07/05 Burri, Eric T.
06/06/05 Romines, Brian M.
06/06/05 Smith, Jonathan L.
06/06/05 Mininger, Robert T.
06/05/05 Ulbrich, Brian Scott "Scotty"
06/05/05 Poelman, Eric J.
06/05/05 Vasquez, Justin L.
06/05/05 Westhusing, Theodore S.
06/05/05 French, Carrie L.
06/03/05 Villar, Linda J.
06/03/05 Mendoza, Antonio
06/01/05 Niedermeier, Louis E.
06/01/05 Case, Virgil R.
06/01/05 Edmundson, Phillip C.
05/31/05 Ramos, Miguel A.
05/31/05 Langmack, Steven M.
05/30/05 Starr, Jeffrey B.
05/30/05 Crate, Casey
05/30/05 Argel, Derek
05/30/05 Fresques, Jeremy
05/30/05 Downs, William
05/29/05 Cortes III, Victor M.
05/28/05 Smart, Albert E.
05/28/05 Sayles, Phillip N.
05/28/05 Barnhill, Michael S.
05/27/05 Maida, Mark A.
05/27/05 Scott, Joshua Michael
05/27/05 Lourey, Matthew Scott
05/26/05 Crocker, Ricardo A.
05/25/05 Wimberg, David Neil
05/25/05 Siler, Alfred Barton
05/24/05 Collins, Randy D.
05/24/05 Hahn, Peter J.
05/24/05 Wallace, Jeffrey R.
05/24/05 Fisher, Dustin C.
05/24/05 Drier, Charles A. "Chuck"
05/23/05 Verdugo, Russell J.
05/23/05 Brazee, Joshua T.
05/23/05 Perez, Christopher S.
05/23/05 Varnado, Daniel Ryan
05/23/05 Barron, Bryan Edward
05/23/05 Lunsford, Audrey Daron
05/23/05 Parker, Saburant "Sabe"
05/22/05 Wilkerson, Charles T.
05/22/05 Schall, Kenneth J.
05/22/05 Seesan, Aaron N.
05/22/05 Creamean, Tyler L.
05/22/05 Morton, Benjamin C.
05/22/05 Ogburn III, John B.
05/22/05 Morgain, Carl J.
05/20/05 Wentz, Brad A.
05/20/05 Schamberg, Kurt D.
05/19/05 Fell, Robin V.
05/19/05 Sembly, Bernard L.
05/19/05 Eisenhauer, Wyatt D.
05/18/05 Walker, Antwan L. "Twan"
05/17/05 Riggs, Wesley R.
05/16/05 Simpson, Jacob M.
05/14/05 Gillican III, Charles C.
05/13/05 Anderson, Travis W.
05/12/05 Zeigler II, Kenneth E.
05/12/05 Jodon, Andrew R.
05/12/05 Smith, John M.
05/11/05 Castle, Samuel Tyrone
05/11/05 Schmidt III, John T.
05/11/05 Grez, Jourdan L.
05/11/05 Grant, Jonathan Walter
05/11/05 Erdy, Nicholas B.
05/11/05 Dixon, Christopher R.
05/11/05 Davids, Wesley G.
05/11/05 Ivy II, Kendall H.
05/10/05 Bordelon, Michael J.
05/09/05 Mahdee, Marcus
05/09/05 Prazynski, Taylor B.
05/09/05 Baldwyn, Stephen P.
05/09/05 Goodwin, Anthony L.
05/08/05 Philippon, Lawrence R.
05/08/05 Derga, Dustin A.
05/08/05 Givens, Steven Ray
05/08/05 Ingraham, Thor H.
05/08/05 Messmer, Nicolas E.
05/08/05 Eckert Jr., Gary A. "Andy"
05/07/05 Marzano, Michael A.
05/07/05 Cepeda Sr., Aaron N.
05/07/05 Graham, Lance Tanner
05/07/05 Wiener, Jeffery L.
05/07/05 Postal, Michael V.
05/03/05 Brooks, William J.
05/03/05 Saxton, Stephen P.
05/02/05 Hinz, Kelly C.
05/02/05 Spahr, John C.
05/02/05 Little, Tommy S.
05/02/05 McGee, John E.
05/01/05 Lutters, Derrick Joseph
04/30/05 Parker, Kenya A.
04/30/05 Garcia-Arana, Juan de Dios
04/29/05 Cooper Jr., Charles S.
04/29/05 Deblanc, Darren A.
04/29/05 Harting III, Ralph J. "Jay"
04/29/05 Frank, Stephen W.
04/29/05 Gadsden, Clifford V. "CC"
04/28/05 Murray Jr., Robert W.
04/28/05 Rockholt Jr., Ricky W.
04/28/05 Edens, William A.
04/28/05 Morris, Eric Wayne
04/28/05 Kiser, Timothy Craig
04/27/05 Tremblay, Joseph S.
04/26/05 Rice, David L.
04/25/05 Millsap, Timmy J.
04/24/05 Walters Jr., Gary W.
04/23/05 Davis Jr., Anthony J.
04/23/05 Kent, Aaron A.
04/23/05 Prince, Kevin William
04/22/05 Colburn, Gavin J.
04/21/05 Guy, Robert A. "Bobby"
04/20/05 Mortenson, Marty G.
04/20/05 Cannan, Kelly M.
04/19/05 Wessel, Kevin S. K.
04/19/05 Pfister, Jacob M.
04/18/05 Thornton, Steven W.
04/18/05 Huff, Sam W.
04/17/05 Knott, Joseph L.
04/17/05 Sirko, Steven F.
04/16/05 Stevens, Randy Lee
04/16/05 Toy Sr., Tromaine K.
04/16/05 Lozada Jr., Angelo L.
04/16/05 Hudson, Aaron M.
04/15/05 Ramirezgonzalez, Aleina
04/14/05 Edge, James C.
04/13/05 Lindemuth, Michael B.
04/12/05 Lopez III, Manuel
04/12/05 Miller, John W.
04/12/05 Dickens, Tyler J.
04/09/05 LaWare, Casey M.
04/08/05 Davis, Kevin Dewayne
04/07/05 Venegas, Juan C.
04/05/05 Garcia, Javier J.
04/05/05 Watkins, Glenn J.
04/04/05 Kennedy, Stephen C.
04/04/05 Dill, Christopher W.
04/04/05 Kinchen, Jeremiah C.
04/03/05 Richardson, William D.
04/03/05 Sherrill, James Alexander
04/02/05 Tavae Jr., Ioasa F.
04/02/05 Dengkhim, Tenzin
04/01/05 Rimes, Garrywesley Tan
03/31/05 McNary, Robbie D.
03/30/05 Toth, Eric L.
03/30/05 Ridgley, Kenneth L.
03/30/05 Morris, Kelly S.
03/30/05 Wells Jr., Charles G.
03/28/05 Lee, Samuel S.
03/26/05 Sinclair, Isiah J.
03/26/05 Godbolt, Lee M.
03/25/05 Richardson, Bryan J.
03/23/05 Bruce, Travis R.
03/21/05 Smith, Kevin S.
03/20/05 Martinez, Francisco G.
03/20/05 Thomason III, Paul W.
03/19/05 Hughes, Jonathan A.
03/18/05 Lewis Jr., Lee A.
03/16/05 Payne, Rocky D.
03/15/05 Kieffer, Ricky A.
03/15/05 Heltzel, Paul M.
03/14/05 Torrence, Joshua L.
03/11/05 Griffith Jr., Donald D.
03/11/05 Wilson, Nicholas E.
03/09/05 Koch, Matthew A.
03/07/05 Franklin, Michael W.
03/07/05 Bossert, Andrew L.
03/04/05 Solorio, Juan M.
03/04/05 Salem, Adriana N.
03/04/05 Grimes, Sean
03/04/05 Eacho, Donald W.
03/04/05 Twyman, Wade Michael
03/04/05 McGowan, Stephen M.
03/04/05 Garceau, Seth K.
03/02/05 Lwin, Wai Pyoe
03/02/05 Ali, Azhar
03/02/05 Pugh, Robert Shane
03/01/05 Robles, Lizbeth
02/28/05 Negron, Julio E.
02/27/05 Gienau, Richard Brian
02/27/05 Anderson, Danny L.
02/26/05 Giles, Landon S.
02/26/05 Choi, Min-su
02/26/05 Nowacki, Andrew W.
02/25/05 Henry, Chassan S.
02/25/05 Farnan, Colby M.
02/25/05 Brewer, Adam Noel
02/25/05 Moski, Jason L.
02/24/05 Deem, Michael S.
02/24/05 Crackel, Alexander B.
02/24/05 Gresham, Daniel G.
02/24/05 Palmatier, Jacob C.
02/23/05 Olivier, Nicholas J.
02/23/05 Steffeney, Eric M.
02/22/05 Aston, Trevor D.
02/21/05 Olson, John T.
02/21/05 Lhotka, Jesse M.
02/21/05 Day, David F.
02/21/05 Timmerman, Jason G.
02/19/05 Gertson, Clinton R.
02/19/05 Clarke, Kevin Michael
02/19/05 Malson, Adam
02/19/05 Trahan, Seth R.
02/18/05 Gil, Carlos J.
02/17/05 Hernandez, Frank B.
02/16/05 Pusateri, Christopher M.
02/16/05 Hendrix, Jason R.
02/16/05 Plumondore, Adam J.
02/16/05 Osbey, Timothy R.
02/16/05 Rahaim, Joseph A.
02/16/05 Bell-Johnson, Katrina Lani
02/16/05 Carter, Justin B.
02/15/05 Arciola, Michael A.
02/14/05 Salie, David J.
02/13/05 Brangman, David J.
02/13/05 Gooding, Dakotah L.
02/13/05 Knox Jr., Rene
02/13/05 Lake, Chad W.
02/13/05 Rangel, Ray
02/11/05 McNail, Robert A.
02/11/05 Shepherd, Kristopher L.
02/10/05 Perez Jr., Richard A.
02/10/05 Robbins, William T.
02/09/05 Housby, Jessica M.
02/08/05 Henthorn, Jeffrey S.
02/06/05 Wobler, Zachary Ryan
02/06/05 Allmon, Jeremy O.
02/05/05 Wichlacz, Travis M.
02/04/05 Bayow, Steven G.
02/04/05 Torres, Daniel
02/03/05 Sherman, Stephen R.
02/03/05 Cooley, Sean Michael
02/03/05 Clifton, Richard C.
02/02/05 Brock, Sean Lee
02/02/05 Maher, Sean P.
02/01/05 Hendrickson, Robert T.
01/31/05 Warren, Mark C.
01/31/05 Zimny, Christopher E.
01/31/05 Redifer, Jason C.
01/31/05 Swain IV, Harry R.
01/30/05 Serrano, Nazario
01/30/05 Miller IV, James H.
01/29/05 Jack, Edward E.
01/29/05 Heald, Barbara
01/29/05 Taylor, Keith Edward
01/29/05 James, Lindsey T.
01/28/05 Castellano, Stephen A.
01/28/05 Zaun, Mickey E.
01/28/05 Farrar Jr., Andrew K.
01/28/05 Jones, Charles S.
01/28/05 Bonilla, Orlando A.
01/28/05 Evans II, Michael S.
01/28/05 Ramsey, Christopher J.
01/28/05 Reed, Jonathan Ray
01/28/05 Rymer II, Lyle W.
01/28/05 Rodriguez, Joseph E.
01/27/05 Beatty, Jonathan S.
01/27/05 Luna, Kevin M.
01/26/05 Burk, Taylor J.
01/26/05 Kimble, Dexter S.
01/26/05 Hernandez, Tony L.
01/26/05 Gordon, Lyle L.
01/26/05 Alaniz, Paul C.
01/26/05 Starr Jr., Michael L.
01/26/05 Spence, Joseph B.
01/26/05 Smith, Matthew R.
01/26/05 Shumney, Dustin M.
01/26/05 Schumann, Darrell J.
01/26/05 Schubert, Nathan A.
01/26/05 Saintvil, Gael
01/26/05 Ramos, Hector
01/26/05 Rairdan, Rhonald Dain
01/26/05 Ragimov, Mourad
01/26/05 Moore, Nathaniel K.
01/26/05 Moore, James Lee
01/26/05 Maciel, Fred L.
01/26/05 Knight, Timothy A.
01/26/05 Klein, Allan
01/26/05 Kelly, Sean P.
01/26/05 Johnson, Stephen P.
01/26/05 Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr., Saeed
01/26/05 Hopper, Brian C.
01/26/05 Grimes, Kyle J.
01/26/05 Gilbert Jr., Richard A.
01/26/05 Gibson, Timothy M.
01/26/05 Fuller, Travis J.
01/26/05 Finke Jr., Michael W.
01/26/05 Etterling, Jonathan Edward
01/26/05 Bland, Brian D.
01/26/05 House, John Daniel
01/26/05 Weaver, Christopher L.
01/26/05 Strong, Jesse W.
01/26/05 Linn, Karl R.
01/26/05 Bowling, Jonathan W.
01/26/05 Kinzer Jr., William S.
01/24/05 Adams, Leonard W.
01/24/05 Swank, Brett D.
01/24/05 Leon-Perez, Jesus A.
01/24/05 Carlson, Michael C.
01/24/05 Stevens, Joseph W.
01/24/05 Marin Jr., Javier
01/24/05 Yolkin, Viktar V.
01/23/05 Rangel, Jose C.
01/22/05 Hoe, Nainoa K.
01/21/05 Lusk II, Joe Fenton
01/21/05 Childress, Kyle William
01/18/05 Sullivan, Christopher J.
01/17/05 Fonseca, Jesus
01/17/05 Vitagliano, Thomas E.
01/17/05 Geer, George R.
01/17/05 Obaji, Francis C.
01/16/05 Kamolvathin, Alain L.
01/15/05 Swindell, Nathaniel T.
01/15/05 Patterson, Jayton D.
01/14/05 Holter III, Paul C.
01/13/05 Becker, Gunnar D.
01/13/05 Holloway, Matthew W.
01/13/05 Rodriguez Velasco, Juan Rodrigo
01/13/05 Mack, Brian A.
01/11/05 Smith, Michael J.
01/10/05 Manuel, William F.
01/10/05 Sweeney III, Robert Wesley
01/09/05 Fite, Joseph E.
01/09/05 McFarlane Jr., Dwayne James
01/07/05 Guastaferro, Daniel F.
01/06/05 Vonronn, Kenneth G.
01/06/05 Murphy, Warren A.
01/06/05 Frickey, Armand L.
01/06/05 Fassbender, Huey P. L.
01/06/05 Bergeron, Bradley J.
01/06/05 Babin, Christopher J.
01/06/05 Comeaux, Kurt J.
01/06/05 Davis, Zachariah Scott
01/06/05 Cisneros-Alvarez, Julio C.
01/04/05 Washington, Bennie J.
01/04/05 Depew, Cory R.
01/04/05 Buie, Jimmy D.
01/04/05 Marcum, Joshua S.
01/04/05 McHalffey, Jeremy W.
01/04/05 Wooten III, Curtis L.
01/03/05 Houser, Thomas E.
01/01/05 LeBrun, Jeff
01/01/05 Parrello, Brian P.
12/31/04 Smith, Jason E.
12/30/04 Ficek, Damien T.
12/29/04 Nelson, Craig L.
12/29/04 Sanchez, Oscar
12/28/04 Nyren, Nathaniel J.
12/28/04 Lehto, Jason A.
12/28/04 Briones Jr., Pablito Pena
12/27/04 Rivera-Serrano, Jose A.
12/27/04 Olson, Todd D.
12/23/04 Smith, Raleigh C.
12/23/04 Phillips, James R.
12/23/04 Hillenburg, Eric
12/23/04 Barnett, Christopher W.
12/21/04 Petsche, Neil D.
12/21/04 ODell, Robert D.
12/21/04 VanKomen, Darren D.
12/21/04 Melo, Julian S.
12/21/04 Johnson, Robert S.
12/21/04 Jacobsen Jr., William W.
12/21/04 Castro, Jonathan
12/21/04 Ayro, Lionel
12/21/04 Hewitt, Cory Michael
12/21/04 Baldwin, Joel Egan
12/21/04 Karpowich, Paul D.
12/21/04 Ruhren, David A.
12/21/04 Mason, Nicholas C. "Nick"
12/21/04 Dostie, Thomas John
12/21/04 Poulin Sr., Lynn Robert
12/19/04 Farmer, Donald B.
12/19/04 Meza, Barry K.
12/16/04 Sweger, Franklin A.
12/14/04 Anderson, Michael D.
12/14/04 Martinez, Victor A.
12/13/04 Vroman, Brent T.
12/13/04 Warner, Richard D.
12/13/04 Time, Tina Safaira
12/12/04 Ramsey, Joshua A.
12/12/04 Dickinson, Joshua W.
12/12/04 Kirk, Jeffrey L.
12/12/04 Stewart, Ian W.
12/12/04 Clairday, Jason S.
12/12/04 Lopez, Hilario F.
12/12/04 Blazer, Melvin L.
12/12/04 Blanton, Jeffery S.
12/11/04 Hoyt, Robert W.
12/11/04 Rund, Gregory P.
12/09/04 Renehan, Kyle J.
12/09/04 Leach, Patrick D.
12/09/04 Shields, Andrew C.
12/09/04 Adlesperger, Christopher S.
12/08/04 Williams IV, Arthur C.
12/07/04 Gibbs, Todd Clayton
12/07/04 Stubenhofer, Mark N.
12/07/04 Kim, In C.
12/05/04 Ward, Andrew M.
12/05/04 Roodhouse, Edwin William
12/05/04 Eggers, Kyle A.
12/05/04 Trost III, Marvin Lee
12/04/04 Behnke, Joseph O.
12/04/04 Mitts, David A.
12/04/04 Tuialuuluu, Salamo J.
12/04/04 Gasiewicz, Cari Anne
12/04/04 Boatright, Michael L.
12/03/04 Wyatt, Matthew A.
12/03/04 Le, Binh N.
12/03/04 Irizarry, Henry E.
12/03/04 Mahlenbrock, David P.
12/02/04 Harrison, George Daniel
12/01/04 Wilson, Bryan S.
12/01/04 Kolda, Zachary A.
12/01/04 Pena, Javier Obleas-Prado
12/01/04 Fisher, David M.
11/30/04 Calderon, Pablo A.
11/30/04 Guereca Jr., Jose
11/29/04 Magaoay, Blake A.
11/29/04 Hayes, Erik W.
11/29/04 Davis, Daryl A.
11/29/04 Urbina, Wilfredo F.
11/29/04 Engeldrum, Christian P.
11/28/04 Benish, Stephen C.
11/28/04 Lee, Carl W.
11/28/04 Shackelford, Michael B.
11/28/04 Martinezluis, Trinidad R.
11/28/04 Hanson Jr., Charles A.
11/28/04 Brooks, Adam R.
11/27/04 Lucero, Joshua E.
11/27/04 Christensen, Jeremy E.
11/27/04 Smith, Michael A.
11/27/04 Bosselmann, Kirk J.
11/26/04 Houck, David B.
11/26/04 Faircloth, Bradley M.
11/26/04 Winkler, Jordan D.
11/26/04 Meyer, Harrison J.
11/26/04 Grant, Brian K.
11/25/04 Marku, Gentian
11/25/04 Holmes, Jeffery Scott
11/25/04 Cantafio, Ryan J.
11/24/04 Diaz Varela, Sergio R.
11/24/04 Nolte, Nicholas S.
11/23/04 Edinger, Benjamin C.
11/22/04 Cohen, Michael R.
11/22/04 Ebert, Blain M.
11/20/04 Heredia, Joseph J.
11/20/04 Bryant Jr., Jack
11/20/04 Welke, Joseph T.
11/20/04 Roustum, David L.
11/19/04 Brown, Demarkus D.
11/19/04 Arms, Bradley Thomas
11/19/04 West, Phillip G.
11/19/04 Gavriel, Dimitrios
11/19/04 Downey, Michael A.
11/18/04 Nolan, Joseph M.
11/18/04 Figueroa, Luis A.
11/17/04 Hanks, Michael Wayne
11/16/04 Qualls, Louis W.
11/16/04 Heflin, Christopher T.
11/16/04 Wullenwaber, Luke C.
11/16/04 Caddy, Marshall H.
11/16/04 McConnell, Daniel James
11/16/04 Flores-Mejia, Jose Ricardo
11/15/04 Miller, William L.
11/15/04 Thompson, Lance M.
11/15/04 Smith, Antoine D.
11/15/04 Rapicault, Patrick Marc M.
11/15/04 Swain, James E.
11/15/04 Peralta, Rafael
11/15/04 Ailes, Jeramy A.
11/15/04 Ryan, Marc T.
11/15/04 Kielion, Shane E.
11/15/04 Parker, Bradley L.
11/15/04 Desiato, Travis R.
11/15/04 Hunt, Isaiah R.
11/14/04 Payton, George J.
11/14/04 Burger Jr., Dale A.
11/14/04 Perez, Andres H.
11/14/04 Ziolkowski, Nicholas L.
11/13/04 Larsen, Cole W.
11/13/04 Sims, Sean P.
11/13/04 Lu, Victor R.
11/13/04 McLeese, Justin D.
11/13/04 Bryan, Benjamin S.
11/13/04 Velez, Jose A.
11/13/04 Norwood, Byron W.
11/13/04 Ellsworth, Justin M.
11/13/04 Dempsey, Kevin J.
11/13/04 Dima, Catalin D.
11/12/04 Anderson, Nicholas H.
11/12/04 Matteson, James C. "J.C."
11/12/04 Medina, Brian A.
11/12/04 Branning, David M.
11/12/04 Shields, Jonathan B.
11/12/04 Iwan, Edward D.
11/12/04 Prening, Brian P.
11/12/04 Anderson, Nathan R.
11/12/04 Strader, Morgan W.
11/12/04 Maher, Jarrod L.
11/12/04 White, Raymond L.
11/11/04 Burns, Kyle W.
11/11/04 Blecksmith, James P. "JP"
11/11/04 Holder II, Theodore S. "Sam"
11/11/04 Bowling, Theodore A.
11/11/04 Doerflinger, Thomas K.
11/11/04 Huey, Sean P.
11/11/04 Giannopoulos, Peter J.
11/11/04 Reppuhn, Justin D.
11/10/04 Canning, Wesley J.
11/10/04 Miller Jr., Dennis J.
11/10/04 Ottolini, Michael C.
11/10/04 Jimenez II, Romulo J.
11/10/04 Pickering, Aaron C.
11/10/04 Ramirez, Gene
11/10/04 Hodges, Erick J.
11/10/04 Malcom Jr., Dan T.
11/10/04 Woods, Julian
11/09/04 Simpson, Abraham
11/09/04 Caruso, David M.
11/09/04 Trotter, John Byron
11/09/04 Cornell, Todd R.
11/09/04 Slay, Russell L.
11/09/04 Wood, Nathan R.
11/09/04 Larson, Nicholas D.
11/09/04 James, William C.
11/09/04 Segura, Juan E.
11/09/04 Wells, Lonny D.
11/09/04 Faulkenburg, Steven W.
11/09/04 Babbitt, Travis A.
11/09/04 Auchman, Steven E.
11/09/04 Moore, Horst Gerhard "Gary"
11/08/04 Zapp, Thomas J.
11/08/04 Warns II, Robert P.
11/08/04 Clary, Don Allen
11/08/04 Wisdom, Clinton Lee
11/08/04 Ries, David G.
11/08/04 Ramey, Branden P.
11/08/04 O'Donnell, Shane K.
11/08/04 Hammond, Nathaniel T.
11/08/04 Freeman, Bryan L.
11/08/04 Palmer, Joshua D.
11/08/04 Lam, Jeffrey
11/07/04 McVey, Otie Joseph
11/07/04 Tran, Quoc Binh
11/07/04 Langley, Sean M.
11/07/04 Baker, Brian K.
11/06/04 Yoemans, Justin R.
11/05/04 Camacho-Rivera, Carlos M.
11/04/04 Hubbard, Jared P.
11/04/04 Baro, Jeremiah A.
11/04/04 Wentz, Cody L.
11/03/04 Webb, Charles Joseph
10/31/04 Lynch, Matthew D.
10/30/04 Lukac, John
10/30/04 Courtney, Kelley L.
10/30/04 Riedel, Andrew G.
10/30/04 Byrd II, John T.
10/30/04 Lapka, Christopher J.
10/30/04 Fox, Travis A.
10/30/04 Scarborough, Michael P.
10/30/04 Bow, Jeremy D.
10/29/04 Fortune, Maurice Keith
10/28/04 Downing II, Stephen P.
10/28/04 Akintade, Segun Frederick
10/28/04 Battles Sr., Michael
10/27/04 Lemon, Jerome
10/25/04 Oliveira, Brian
10/24/04 Boles, Dennis J.
10/24/04 Slocum, Richard Patrick
10/22/04 Gadsden, Jonathan E.
10/20/04 Bascom, Douglas E.
10/18/04 Ehrlich, Andrew C.
10/16/04 Brennan, William I.
10/16/04 Johnson, Christopher B.
10/15/04 Schramm, Brian K.
10/15/04 Owen, Michael G.
10/15/04 Santos, Jonathan J.
10/15/04 Salazar, William I.
10/15/04 Burgess, Alan J.
10/14/04 Waters, David L.
10/14/04 Vandertulip, Josiah H.
10/14/04 Barbret, Mark A.
10/14/04 Beard, Bradley S.
10/14/04 Hawkins II, Omer T.
10/13/04 Baker, Ronald W.
10/13/04 Gonzalez, Victor A.
10/13/04 Felsberg, Paul M.
10/13/04 Soltes Jr., Charles R.
10/13/04 Phelan, Mark P.
10/13/04 Regnier, Jeremy F.
10/13/04 Moreno, Jaime
10/12/04 Weger, Michael S.
10/12/04 Pintor, Dennis L.
10/12/04 Wyatt, Daniel R.
10/12/04 Merville, Christopher A.
10/12/04 Zook, Ian T.
10/12/04 Martinez, Oscar A.
10/11/04 Rusin, Aaron J.
10/11/04 Burbank, Michael Lee
10/11/04 Monroe, Anthony W.
10/11/04 Osbourne, Pamela G.
10/10/04 Prevete, James E.
10/10/04 Ramsey, Carson J.
10/09/04 Halverson, Andrew
10/08/04 Brown, Andrew W.
10/08/04 Voss, Michael S.
10/07/04 Jacobs, Morgen N.
10/06/04 Kim, Jeungjin Na "Nikky"
10/06/04 Cawvey, Jessica L.
10/05/04 Morgan Jr., Richard L.
10/03/04 Pettaway Jr., James L.
10/03/04 Collier, Russell L.
10/03/04 Potts, Christopher S.
10/01/04 Hennessy, Jack Taft
10/01/04 Uvanni, Michael A.
09/30/04 Nolan, Allen
09/30/04 Cunningham, Darren J.
09/30/04 Jones, Rodney A.
09/29/04 Dennie, Mike A.
09/29/04 Titcomb, Joshua K.
09/28/04 Prewitt, Tyler D.
09/27/04 Sickels, Kenneth L.
09/27/04 Villanueva, Joselito O.
09/27/04 Cox, Gregory A.
09/26/04 Allton, Eric L.
09/25/04 Unruh, Robert Oliver
09/25/04 Moxley Jr., Clifford L.
09/25/04 Johnson, David W.
09/24/04 Leduc, Ryan
09/24/04 Folmar, Timothy
09/24/04 Mateo, Ramon
09/24/04 Boyles, Aaron
09/22/04 Smith, Benjamin K.
09/22/04 Soram, Skipper
09/22/04 Harris, Adam J.
09/22/04 Koenig, Lance J.
09/21/04 Stahl, Nathan E.
09/20/04 Harrington, Foster L.
09/20/04 Cates, Steven C. T.
09/20/04 Henry, Joshua J.
09/19/04 Adams, Brandon E.
09/18/04 Price, James W.
09/18/04 Rosenbaum, Thomas Chad
09/17/04 Ebert, Christopher S.
09/16/04 Rintamaki, Steven A.
09/16/04 Stern, Andrew K.
09/15/04 Howman, Gregory C.
09/15/04 Uhles, Drew M.
09/14/04 Brown, Tyler Hall
09/14/04 Shea, Kevin M.
09/14/04 Demand, Jacob H.
09/13/04 Meluat, Jaygee Ngirmidol
09/13/04 Soltau, Adrian V.
09/13/04 Puckett, Mathew D.
09/13/04 Thomas, Carl
09/13/04 Hagy Jr., Guy Stanley
09/13/04 Brown, Dominic C.
09/13/04 Halal, Michael J.
09/13/04 Machado-Olmos, Cesar F.
09/13/04 Weisenburg, David J.
09/13/04 Isenberg, Benjamin W.
09/12/04 Poindexter, Jason T.
09/12/04 Wetherbee, Alexander E.
09/11/04 Cedergren, David A.
09/10/04 Daclan Jr., Edgar P.
09/08/04 Sparks, Jason L.
09/08/04 Martinez, Michael A.
09/08/04 Faulkner, James Daniel
09/08/04 DeLeon Jr., Lauro G.
09/07/04 Drake, Chad H.
09/07/04 Price, Timothy E.
09/07/04 Aneiros, Yoe M.
09/07/04 Adams III, Clarence
09/06/04 Grella, Devin J.
09/06/04 Boria, John J.
09/06/04 Garces, Tomas
09/06/04 Bourdon, Elvis
09/06/04 Read, Brandon Michael
09/06/04 Wilson, Lamont N.
09/06/04 Nygardbekowsky, Mick R.
09/06/04 McCarthy, Joseph C.
09/06/04 Keith, Quinn A.
09/06/04 Gardner, Derek L.
09/06/04 Burridge, David Paul
09/06/04 Allred, Michael J.
09/05/04 McCauley, Ryan Michael
09/05/04 Vaillant, Gary A.
09/05/04 Lamb, Charles R.
09/05/04 Morrison, Shawna M.
09/04/04 Knott, Eric L.
09/03/04 Wilt, Nicholas
09/03/04 Winchester, Ronald
09/03/04 Rowe, Alan
09/03/04 Perez, Nicholas
09/01/04 Thibodeaux III, Joseph C.
08/30/04 Holleyman, Aaron N.
08/29/04 Anderson Jr., Carl L.
08/28/04 Lopez, Edgar E.
08/27/04 Aldrich, Nickalous N.
08/27/04 Razani, Omead H.
08/27/04 Perez, Luis A.
08/26/04 Skinner, Nicholas M.
08/26/04 Humlhanz, Barton R.
08/25/04 Ross, Marco D.
08/25/04 Neeley, Charles L.
08/25/04 Arredondo, Alexander S.
08/24/04 Lugo, Jacob R.
08/24/04 Davis, Donald N.
08/23/04 Thornton Jr., Robert C.
08/22/04 Belchik, Christopher
08/22/04 Stovall, Matthew R.
08/21/04 Reeder, Edward T.
08/21/04 Washalanta, Nachez
08/21/04 Huston, Seth
08/21/04 Cook, Jason
08/21/04 Alvarez, Nicanor
08/21/04 Cuming, Kevin A.
08/20/04 Martin, Ryan A.
08/20/04 Wilkins III, Charles L.
08/19/04 McCormick, Brad Preston
08/18/04 Lord, Richard M.
08/18/04 Martir, Jacob D.
08/18/04 Fitzgerald, Dustin R.
08/18/04 Parkerson III, Harvey Emmett
08/18/04 Risner, Henry C.
08/17/04 Titus, Brandon T.
08/17/04 Powers, Caleb J.
08/16/04 Heath, David M.
08/15/04 Perez, Geoffrey
08/15/04 Hannon, Fernando B.
08/15/04 Shepherd, Daniel Michael
08/15/04 Goins, James Michael
08/15/04 Zapata, Mark Anthony
08/15/04 Sapp, Brandon R.
08/13/04 Santoriello, Neil Anthony
08/13/04 Morrison, Nicholas B.
08/13/04 Funke, Kane M.
08/12/04 Tarlavsky, Michael Yury
08/11/04 Hubbard, Tavon L.
08/11/04 Howard, John R.
08/09/04 Houghton, Andrew R.
08/08/04 Ulbright, Rick A.
08/08/04 Collins, Jonathan W.
08/07/04 Potter, David L.
08/06/04 Bunch, Joshua I.
08/06/04 Abad, Roberto
08/06/04 Wells, Larry L.
08/05/04 McCune, Donald R.
08/05/04 Reynoso, Yadir G.
08/05/04 Rocha, Moses Daniel
08/05/04 Faulstich Jr., Raymond J.
08/04/04 Nice, Joseph L.
08/04/04 Fontecchio, Elia P.
08/03/04 Gray, Tommy L.
08/03/04 Ratzlaff, Gregory A.
08/03/04 Shondee Jr., Harry N.
08/02/04 Pratt, Dean P.
08/02/04 Calderon Jr., Juan
08/02/04 Onwordi, Justin B.
08/01/04 Hernandez, Armando
08/01/04 Dixon, Anthony J.
07/29/04 Herndon II, Joseph F.
07/28/04 Lane, Shawn A.
07/28/04 Greene, David S.
07/28/04 Leisten, Ken W.
07/27/04 Talbert, DeForest L. "Dee"
07/24/04 Zangara, Nicholas J.
07/24/04 Sullivan, Vincent M.
07/22/04 Reed, Tatjana
07/22/04 Dantzler, Torey J.
07/21/04 Engel, Mark E.
07/21/04 Blodgett, Nicholas H.
07/20/04 Daniels II, Danny B.
07/20/04 Clark, Michael J.
07/20/04 Godwin, Todd J.
07/19/04 Persing, Charles C. "C.C."
07/19/04 Lloyd, Dale Thomas
07/17/04 Hartman, David A.
07/17/04 Frank, Craig S.
07/16/04 Kelly, Bryan P.
07/15/04 Mardis Jr., Paul C.
07/14/04 Martinez, Jesse J.
07/14/04 Rice, Demetrius Lamont
07/13/04 Harris, Torry D.
07/11/04 Wilson, Dana N.
07/11/04 West, James G.
07/11/04 Fischer, Jeremy J.
07/11/04 Tarango-Griess, Linda Ann
07/11/04 Peters, Dustin W.
07/10/04 Reed, Christopher J.
07/10/04 Nachampassak, Krisna
07/10/04 Spink, Trevor
07/10/04 Holmes Ordóñez, Terry
07/08/04 Schmunk, Jeremiah W.
07/08/04 Davies, Shawn M.
07/08/04 Garmback Jr., Joseph M.
07/08/04 Barcus, Collier Edwin
07/08/04 Colvill Jr., Robert E.
07/08/04 Sampler, Sonny Gene
07/08/04 Emanuel IV, William River
07/07/04 Bowen, Samuel R.
07/07/04 Barkey, Michael C.
07/06/04 Youmans, Rodricka Antwan
07/06/04 Dougherty, Scott Eugene
07/06/04 Lawrence, Jeffrey D.
07/06/04 Hunt, Justin T.
07/05/04 Kerns, Dallas L.
07/05/04 Vangyzen IV, John J.
07/05/04 Torres, Michael S.
07/02/04 Martin, Stephen G.
07/02/04 Smith, Brian D.
07/02/04 Huston Jr., James B.
07/01/04 Creager, Timothy R.
07/01/04 Conde Jr., Kenneth
07/01/04 Wagener, Christopher A.
06/30/04 DuSang, Robert L.
06/29/04 Adle, Patrick R.
06/29/04 Todd III, John H.
06/29/04 Sherman, Alan David
06/27/04 Utt, Ernest E.
06/26/04 Ceniceros, Manuel A.
06/26/04 Heines, Jeremy M.
06/24/04 Kiser, Charles A.
06/24/04 Desens, Daniel A.
06/24/04 Cash, Christopher S.
06/22/04 McCaffrey Sr., Patrick R.
06/22/04 Tyson, Andre D.
06/21/04 Pennington, Gregory V.
06/21/04 Otey, Deshon E.
06/21/04 Lopez, Juan
06/21/04 Contreras, Pedro
06/21/04 Parker Jr., Tommy L.
06/20/04 Best, Marvin
06/19/04 Horn, Sean
06/18/04 Lynch, Jason N.
06/18/04 Vue, Thai
06/16/04 Dimaranan, Jeremy M.
06/16/04 Mastrapa, Arthur S. (Stacey)
06/16/04 Syverson III, Paul R.
06/14/04 Atkins, Shawn M.
06/13/04 McKinley, Eric S.
06/09/04 Caughman, Thomas D.
06/08/04 Khan, Humayun S. M.
06/07/04 Bohlman, Jeremy L.
06/07/04 Gray, Jamie A.
06/06/04 Hobart, Melissa J.
06/06/04 Mora Lopez, Melvin Y.
06/05/04 Timoteo, Humberto F.
06/05/04 Doltz, Ryan E.
06/04/04 Duffy, Christopher M.
06/04/04 Carvill, Frank T.
06/04/04 Eyerly, Justin L.
06/04/04 Linden, Justin W.
06/04/04 McCrae, Erik S.
06/03/04 Bolding, Todd J.
06/02/04 Lee, Bumrok
06/01/04 Johnson, Markus J.
05/31/04 Scheetz Jr., Robert C.
05/31/04 Sides, Dustin L.
05/30/04 Odums II, Charles E.
05/30/04 Coleman, Bradli N.
05/30/04 Zimmer, Nicholaus E.
05/30/04 Ballard, Kenneth Michael
05/30/04 Elandt, Aaron C.
05/29/04 Reynosasuarez, Rafael
05/29/04 Calavan, Cody S.
05/29/04 Gonzalez, Benjamin R.
05/28/04 Wiesemann, Michael J.
05/26/04 Nicolas, Dominique J.
05/26/04 Henderson, Matthew C.
05/26/04 Codner, Kyle W.
05/25/04 Lambert, James P.
05/25/04 Rosas, Richard H.
05/25/04 Unger, Daniel Paul
05/25/04 Bean Jr., Alan N.
05/25/04 Sheehan, Kevin F.
05/24/04 Witt, Owen D.
05/24/04 Beaulieu, Beau R.
05/23/04 Molina Bautista, Jorge A.
05/23/04 Ridlen, Jeremy L.
05/21/04 Zabierek, Andrew J.
05/21/04 Horton, Jeremy R.
05/20/04 Jackson, Leslie D.
05/20/04 Salas, Rudy
05/20/04 Miranda, Troy "Leon"
05/19/04 Campbell, Michael C.
05/18/04 Chaney, William D.
05/18/04 Nolasco, Marcos O.
05/18/04 Garyantes, Joseph P.
05/18/04 Carey, Michael M.
05/17/04 Roberts, Bob W.
05/17/04 Curran, Carl F.
05/17/04 Kasecky, Mark Joseph
05/16/04 Cowherd Jr., Leonard M.
05/15/04 Espaillat Jr., Pedro I.
05/15/04 Ledesma, Rene
05/14/04 Mora, Michael A.
05/14/04 Cronkrite, Brud J.
05/14/04 Harlan, James William
05/14/04 Spakosky, Philip I.
05/14/04 Barnhill, Edward C.
05/13/04 Cutter, Brian K.
05/13/04 Sturdy, Brandon C.
05/12/04 Savage, Jeremiah E.
05/12/04 Shaver, Jeffrey R.
05/11/04 Brinlee, Kyle A.
05/10/04 Tuazon, Andrew L.
05/09/04 Murray, Rodney A.
05/08/04 Brown, Philip D.
05/08/04 Holmes, James J.
05/08/04 Rubalcava, Isela
05/08/04 Whitman, Chase R.
05/06/04 Schrage, Dustin H.
05/06/04 Box Jr., Hesley
05/05/04 Green, Jeffrey G.
05/05/04 Kritzer, Bradley G.
05/05/04 Marshall, James E.
05/05/04 Buryj, Jesse R.
05/03/04 Marcus Jr., Lyndon A.
05/03/04 Wahl, Gregory L.
05/03/04 Sprayberry III, Marvin R.
05/03/04 Kenny, Christopher J.
05/03/04 Baum, Ronald E.
05/03/04 Petty, Erickson H.
05/02/04 Tipton, John E.
05/02/04 Ginther, Ronald A.
05/02/04 Jenkins, Robert B.
05/02/04 Mchugh, Scott R.
05/02/04 Dossett, Trace W.
05/02/04 Anderson, Michael C.
05/02/04 Nunes, Todd E.
05/02/04 Drexler, Jeremy L.
05/02/04 Caradine Jr., Ervin
05/01/04 Ojeda, Ramon C.
05/01/04 Vargas-Medina, Oscar D.
05/01/04 Ladd, Joshua S.
05/01/04 Wine, Trevor A.
04/30/04 Dickerson, Christopher M.
04/30/04 Dwelley, Jason B.
04/30/04 Wilfong, Joshua S.
04/30/04 Vincent, Scott M.
04/29/04 Garrison, Landis W.
04/29/04 Ewing, Jeremy Ricardo
04/29/04 Darling, Norman
04/29/04 Reed, Ryan E.
04/29/04 Schmidt, Justin B.
04/29/04 Beckstrand, James L.
04/29/04 Campbell, Ryan M.
04/29/04 Dayton, Jeffrey F.
04/29/04 Patterson Jr., Esau G.
04/29/04 Kondor, Martin W.
04/29/04 Estep, Adam W.
04/28/04 Thomas, Kendall
04/28/04 Herring, Jacob R.
04/27/04 Whitaker, Marquis A.
04/27/04 Penamedina, Abraham D.
04/26/04 Austin, Aaron C.
04/26/04 Roukey, Lawrence A.
04/26/04 Baker, Sherwood R.
04/25/04 Bruckenthal, Nathan B.
04/25/04 Melton, Kenneth A.
04/24/04 Brooks, Cory W.
04/24/04 Watts, Christopher E.
04/24/04 Pernaselli, Michael J.
04/24/04 Brandon, Stacey C.
04/24/04 Orton, Billy J.
04/24/04 Felder, Arthur L. "Bo"
04/24/04 Kordsmeier, Patrick W.
04/23/04 Edwards, Shawn C.
04/22/04 Dunham, Jason L.
04/20/04 Harris-Kelly, Leroy
04/20/04 Fox, Bradley C.
04/20/04 Gelineau, Christopher D.
04/17/04 Morgan, Dennis B.
04/17/04 Camposiles, Marvin A.
04/17/04 Carman, Edward W.
04/17/04 Gibson, Christopher A.
04/17/04 Van Leuven, Gary F.
04/17/04 Valdez Jr., Ruben
04/17/04 Smith Jr., Michael J.
04/17/04 Gannon II, Richard J.
04/17/04 Hartman, Jonathan N.
04/17/04 Henson, Clayton Welch
04/17/04 Henderson II, Robert L.
04/17/04 McGlothin, Michael A.
04/16/04 Wood, Brian M.
04/15/04 Arroyave, Jimmy J.
04/14/04 Ramirez, Christopher
04/14/04 Trevithick, Richard K.
04/14/04 Rivers Jr., Frank K.
04/13/04 Kolm, Kevin T.
04/13/04 Boye, Noah L.
04/13/04 Rosaleslomeli, Victor A.
04/12/04 Shuder, Brad S.
04/12/04 Zurheide Jr., Robert Paul
04/11/04 Stack, Michael Boyd
04/11/04 Brown, Nathan P.
04/11/04 Torres, George D.
04/11/04 Gray, Torrey L.
04/11/04 Amaya, Daniel R.
04/11/04 Jimenez, Oscar
04/11/04 Colton, Lawrence S.
04/11/04 Fortenberry, Wesley C.
04/10/04 Johnson, Justin W.
04/10/04 Carballo, Adolf C.
04/10/04 Eckhart, William C.
04/10/04 Sims Jr., John T.
04/10/04 Holt, Antoine J.
04/09/04 Phelps, Chance R.
04/09/04 Ayon, Eric A.
04/09/04 Vandayburg, Allen Jeffrey "A.J."
04/09/04 Witmer, Michelle M.
04/09/04 Jones Jr., Raymond Edison
04/09/04 Mallet, Toby W.
04/09/04 Enos, Peter G.
04/09/04 McMahan, Don Steven
04/09/04 Speer, Michael Raymond
04/09/04 Torrez III, Elias
04/09/04 Matula, Matthew E.
04/09/04 Kephart, Jonathan Roy
04/09/04 Krause, Elmer C.
04/09/04 Goodrich, Gregory R.
04/09/04 Delgreco, Felix M.
04/08/04 Frank, Phillip E.
04/08/04 Wasser, Christopher B.
04/08/04 Dieruf, Nicholas J.
04/08/04 Wafford, Michael B.
04/08/04 Palmer, Joshua M.
04/08/04 Harrell, William M.
04/08/04 Angell, Levi T.
04/08/04 Nieves, Isaac Michael
04/07/04 Morel, Brent L.
04/07/04 Miller, Marvin Lee
04/07/04 Labadie Jr., William W.
04/07/04 Felder, Tyanna S.
04/07/04 Rentschler, George S.
04/07/04 Wroblewski, John Thomas "J.T."
04/06/04 Todacheene, Lee Duane
04/06/04 Mabry, Christopher D.
04/06/04 Mendez-Aceves, Fernando A.
04/06/04 Carman, Benjamin R.
04/06/04 Cherry, Marcus M.
04/06/04 Roberts, Anthony P.
04/06/04 Crowley, Kyle D.
04/06/04 Walker, Allan K.
04/06/04 Layfield, Travis J.
04/06/04 Jerabek, Ryan M.
04/06/04 Cobb, Christopher R.
04/06/04 Moreno, Gerardo
04/05/04 Larson Jr., Scott Quentin
04/05/04 McKeever, David M.
04/05/04 Goldman, Shane Lee
04/05/04 Thiry, Jesse L.
04/05/04 Ramos, Christopher
04/05/04 Serio, Matthew K.
04/05/04 Langhorst, Moises A.
04/05/04 Hallal, Deryk L.
04/04/04 Rogers, Philip G.
04/04/04 Amos II, John D.
04/04/04 Mitchell, Michael W.
04/04/04 Chen, Yihiyh L.
04/04/04 Hiller, Stephen D. "Dusty"
04/04/04 Cason, Ahmed Akil "Mel"
04/04/04 Sheehan, Casey
04/04/04 Jostes, Forest Joseph
04/04/04 Garza, Israel
04/04/04 Arsiaga, Robert R.
04/04/04 Fey, Tyler R.
04/04/04 Barr, Aric J.
04/03/04 Morris, Geoffrey S.
04/02/04 Strange, William R.
04/01/04 Sekula, Dustin M.
03/31/04 Davis, Brandon L.
03/31/04 Raney, Cleston C.
03/31/04 Karr Jr., Michael G.
03/31/04 Mitchell, Sean R.
03/31/04 Hufstedler, Doyle M.
03/30/04 Ferguson, Richard L.
03/30/04 Wiscowiche, William J.
03/29/04 Holmes, Jeremiah J.
03/29/04 Schneider, Sean M.
03/27/04 Toney, Timothy
03/26/04 Sandoval Jr., Leroy
03/25/04 Casper, James A.
03/25/04 Burgess, Jeffrey C.
03/25/04 Froehlich, Adam D.
03/24/04 Shanaberger III, Wentz Jerome Henry
03/22/04 Miller Jr., Bruce
03/22/04 Dang, Andrew S.
03/21/04 Hudson, Christopher E.
03/21/04 Kreider, Dustin L.
03/20/04 Vega, Michael W.
03/20/04 Taylor, Mark D.
03/20/04 Sandri, Matthew J.
03/19/04 Vicente, David M.
03/19/04 Ludlam, Jason C.
03/19/04 Matthews, Clint Richard "Bones"
03/18/04 Chan, Doron
03/18/04 Brownfield, Andrew D.
03/18/04 Sutphin, Ernest Harold
03/18/04 Morris Jr., Ricky A.
03/18/04 Smith, Brandon C.
03/17/04 Phipps, Ivory L.
03/17/04 Laramore, Tracy L.
03/16/04 Thigpen Sr., Thomas R.
03/16/04 Adams, Michael R.
03/14/04 Normandy, William J.
03/14/04 Carrasquillo, Jocelyn "Joce" L.
03/13/04 Brattain, Joel K.
03/13/04 Londono, Daniel J.
03/13/04 Ferrin, Clint D.
03/13/04 Ford, Jason C.
03/13/04 Kurth, John F. "Hans"
03/11/04 Hill, Christopher K.
03/11/04 Dunigan Jr., Joe L.
03/10/04 Hoyer, Bert Edward
03/09/04 Zangas, Robert J.
03/09/04 Holland, Fern L.
03/09/04 Brabazon, Edward W.
03/09/04 Gottfried, Richard S.
03/08/04 Milczark, Matthew G.
03/07/04 Jones, Gussie M.
03/05/04 Gray, Michael J.
03/02/04 Woodliff, Michael R.
02/25/04 Laskowski, Matthew C.
02/25/04 Wells, Stephen M.
02/20/04 Bacon, Henry A.
02/19/04 Ling, Roger G.
02/19/04 Graham, Jeffrey C.
02/16/04 Merila, Michael M.
02/16/04 Taylor, Christopher M.
02/16/04 Frye, Nichole M.
02/14/04 Spry, Bryan N.
02/12/04 Ramirez, Eric U.
02/11/04 Ramirez, William C.
02/11/04 Tainsh, Patrick S.
02/10/04 Mariano, Jude C.
02/09/04 Wong, Elijah Tai Wah
02/09/04 Robbins, Thomas D.
02/08/04 Ramey, Richard P.
02/05/04 Knowles, Joshua L.
02/03/04 Dvorin, Seth J.
02/01/04 Soriano, Armando
02/01/04 Turner Jr., Roger C.
01/31/04 McGeogh, Holly J.
01/31/04 Cabralbanuelos, Juan C.
01/31/04 Miersandoval, Eliu A.
01/29/04 Moreno, Luis A.
01/29/04 Landrus, Sean G.
01/27/04 Moothart, Travis A.
01/27/04 Kinney II, Lester O.
01/27/04 Hoffman, James T.
01/27/04 James, Luke S.
01/27/04 Mracek, Cory R.
01/27/04 August, Matthew J.
01/25/04 Mooney, Adam G.
01/25/04 Bunda, Christopher
01/25/04 Dorff, Patrick D.
01/25/04 Dervishi, Ervin
01/24/04 Rosenberg, Randy S.
01/24/04 Sturges Jr., William R.
01/24/04 Chappell, Jason K.
01/24/04 Smette, Keith L.
01/24/04 Hendrickson, Kenneth W.
01/23/04 Hazelgrove, Brian D.
01/23/04 Blaise, Michael T.
01/21/04 Parker, James D.
01/21/04 Palacios, Gabriel T.
01/18/04 Hornbeck, Kelly L.
01/17/04 Orr, Cody J.
01/17/04 Polley Jr., Larry E.
01/17/04 Randle Jr., Edmond Lee
01/16/04 Castro, Roland L.
01/13/04 Hines, Keicia M.
01/12/04 Crockett, Ricky L.
01/08/04 Manuel, Ian D.
01/08/04 Johnson Jr., Philip A.
01/08/04 Davis, Craig
01/08/04 Golby, Christopher A.
01/08/04 Johnson, Nathaniel H.
01/08/04 Hicks, Gregory B.
01/08/04 Diraimondo, Michael A.
01/08/04 Walker, Jeffrey C.
01/08/04 Weaver, Aaron A.
01/07/04 Mizener, Jesse D.
01/05/04 Frist, Luke P.
01/02/04 Seiden, Marc S.
01/02/04 Bangayan, Solomon C. "Kelly"
01/02/04 Paliwoda, Eric Thomas
01/02/04 Hampton, Kimberly N.
01/02/04 Corral, Dennis A.
12/30/03 Pollard, Justin W.
12/28/03 Jordan Jr., Curt E.
12/28/03 Blanco, Ernesto M.
12/28/03 Cuervo, Rey D.
12/26/03 Mihalakis, Michael G.
12/26/03 Sutter, Michael J.
12/26/03 Haight, Charles G.
12/25/03 Hattamer, Stephen C.
12/25/03 Christensen, Thomas W.
12/24/03 Yashinski, Michael E.
12/24/03 Cooke, Eric F.
12/24/03 Biskie, Benjamin W.
12/24/03 Soelzer, Christopher F.
12/24/03 Splinter, Christopher J.
12/22/03 Moore, Stuart W.
12/22/03 Saltz, Edward M.
12/19/03 Bush Jr., Charles E.
12/18/03 Allison, Glenn R.
12/17/03 Holland, Christopher J.
12/15/03 Nakis, Nathan W.
12/15/03 Souslin, Kenneth C.
12/14/03 Voelz, Kimberly A.
12/14/03 Ferguson, Rian C.
12/12/03 Black, Jarrod W.
12/12/03 Braun, Jeffrey F.
12/11/03 Edgerton, Marshall L.
12/10/03 Bates, Todd M.
12/10/03 Reese, Aaron T.
12/10/03 Burdick, Richard A.
12/10/03 Petty, Jerrick M.
12/08/03 Wesley, Christopher Jude Rivera
12/08/03 Blickenstaff, Joseph M.
12/08/03 Bridges, Steven H.
12/08/03 Wright, Jason G.
12/07/03 Hutchinson, Ray J.
12/05/03 Clark, Arron R.
12/02/03 Boone, Clarence E.
12/02/03 Young, Ryan C.
12/02/03 Davis, Raphael S.
12/01/03 Singh, Uday
11/29/03 Bertolino, Stephen A.
11/29/03 Sissel, Aaron J.
11/28/03 Rico, Ariel
11/27/03 Sweet II, Thomas J.
11/26/03 Goldberg, David J.
11/23/03 Nason, Christopher G.
11/23/03 Smith, Darrell L.
11/23/03 Menyweather, Eddie E.
11/23/03 Ravago IV, Rel A.
11/23/03 Wilson, Jerry L.
11/22/03 Roberts, Robert D.
11/22/03 Bushart, Damian S.
11/21/03 Coleman, Gary B.
11/20/03 Tyrrell, Scott Matthew
11/20/03 Wood, George A.
11/20/03 Lister, Joseph L.
11/17/03 Dalley, Nathan S.
11/17/03 Shull, James A.
11/17/03 Coulter, Alexander S.
11/17/03 Panchot, Dale A.
11/15/03 Whitener, Joey D.
11/15/03 Piche, Pierre E.
11/15/03 Hafer, Richard W.
11/15/03 DiGiovanni, Jeremiah J.
11/15/03 Heidelberg, Damian L.
11/15/03 Saboe, Scott A.
11/15/03 Russell, John W.
11/15/03 Bolor, Kelly
11/15/03 Wolfe, Jeremy L.
11/15/03 Sullivan, John R.
11/15/03 Kesterson, Erik C.
11/15/03 Hawk Eagle, Sheldon R.
11/15/03 Uhl III, Eugene A.
11/15/03 Hansen, Warren S.
11/15/03 Dusenbery, William D.
11/15/03 Baker, Ryan T.
11/15/03 Acklin II, Michael D.
11/15/03 Hayslett, Timothy L.
11/14/03 Medina, Irving
11/13/03 Fletcher, Jacob S.
11/13/03 Minucci II, Joseph
11/12/03 Bailey, Nathan J.
11/12/03 Wise, Robert A.
11/11/03 Jackson, Marlon P.
11/11/03 Acosta, Genaro
11/09/03 Tomko, Nicholas A.
11/08/03 Jimenez, Linda C.
11/08/03 Frosheiser, Kurt R.
11/08/03 Collins, Gary L.
11/08/03 Vasquez, Mark D.
11/07/03 Kennon, Morgan DeShawn
11/07/03 Gilmore I, Cornell W.
11/07/03 Smith, Benedict J.
11/07/03 Rose, Scott C.
11/07/03 Neff II, Paul M.
11/07/03 Kennedy, Kyran E.
11/07/03 Swartworth, Sharon T.
11/06/03 Wolf, James R.
11/06/03 Fisher, Paul F.
11/06/03 Chance III, James A.
11/05/03 Rivera, Jose A.
11/04/03 Benson, Robert T.
11/04/03 Martinez, Francisco
11/03/03 Johnson, Rayshawn S.
11/02/03 Smith, Bruce A.
11/02/03 Perez, Joel
11/02/03 Penisten, Brian H.
11/02/03 Conover, Steven Daniel
11/02/03 Bader, Daniel A.
11/02/03 Jennings, Darius T.
11/02/03 Wilson, Joe Nathan
11/02/03 Vega, Frances M.
11/02/03 Slavenas, Brian D.
11/02/03 Pennanen, Ross A.
11/02/03 Moss, Keelan L.
11/02/03 Lau, Karina S.
11/02/03 Dagostino, Anthony D.
11/02/03 Bucklew, Ernest G.
11/02/03 Velasquez, Paul A.
11/02/03 Colgan, Benjamin J.
11/01/03 Johnson, Maurice J.
11/01/03 Hurley, Joshua C.
10/31/03 Bryant, Todd J.
10/28/03 Campoy, Isaac
10/28/03 Barrera, Michael Paul
10/28/03 Adams, Algernon
10/27/03 Falaniko, Jonathan I.
10/27/03 Bell, Aubrey D.
10/26/03 Acosta, Steven
10/26/03 Huggins, Jamie L.
10/26/03 Buehring, Charles H.
10/26/03 Bosveld, Rachel K.
10/26/03 Guerrera, Joseph R.
10/25/03 Cannon, Jakia Sheree
10/24/03 Hancock, Michael S.
10/24/03 Mora, Jose L.
10/24/03 Brassfield, Artimus D.
10/23/03 Teal, John R.
10/22/03 Johnson, John P.
10/22/03 Ward, Jason M.
10/21/03 Bueche, Paul J.
10/20/03 Johnson, Paul J.
10/18/03 Bernstein, David R.
10/18/03 Hart, John D.
10/17/03 Williams, Michael L.
10/16/03 Grilley, Sean R.
10/16/03 Bellavia, Joseph P.
10/16/03 Orlando, Kim S.
10/13/03 Freeman, Benjamin L.
10/13/03 Weismantle, Douglas J.
10/13/03 Wheeler, Donald L.
10/13/03 Wyatt, Stephen E.
10/13/03 Casanova, Jose
10/12/03 Powell, James E.
10/09/03 Silva, Sean A.
10/09/03 Swisher, Christopher W.
10/09/03 Norquist, Joseph C.
10/06/03 Torres, Richard
10/06/03 Karol, Spencer Timothy
10/06/03 Scott, Kerry D.
10/03/03 Pirtle, James H.
10/03/03 Sims, Charles M.
10/01/03 Ramos, Tamarra J.
10/01/03 Blankenbecler, James D.
10/01/03 Gutierrez, Analaura Esparza
10/01/03 Hunte, Simeon
09/30/03 McGaugh, Dustin K.
09/29/03 Potter, Darrin K.
09/29/03 Baddick, Andrew Joseph
09/29/03 Cutchall, Christopher E.
09/25/03 Rooney, Robert E.
09/25/03 Thomas, Kyle G.
09/25/03 Lucero, Robert L.
09/24/03 Andrade, Michael
09/22/03 Sturino, Paul J.
09/20/03 Miller Jr., Frederick L.
09/20/03 Brown II, Lunsford B.
09/20/03 Friedrich, David Travis
09/18/03 Arriaga, Richard
09/18/03 Thompson, Anthony O.
09/18/03 Faunce, Brian R.
09/18/03 Wright, James C
09/16/03 Pinkston, Foster
09/15/03 Peterson, Alyssa R.
09/15/03 Kimmerly, Kevin C.
09/14/03 Blumberg, Trevor A.
09/12/03 Morehead, Kevin N.
09/12/03 Bennett, William M.
09/11/03 Ybarra III, Henry
09/10/03 Robsky Jr., Joseph E.
09/09/03 Carlock, Ryan G.
09/07/03 Thompson, Jarrett B.
09/04/03 Brown, Bruce E.
09/02/03 Sisson, Christopher A.
09/01/03 Caldwell, Charles Todd
09/01/03 Camara, Joseph
09/01/03 Sarno, Cameron B.
08/30/03 Cataudella, Sean K.
08/29/03 Lawton, Mark A.
08/27/03 Sherman, Anthony L.
08/27/03 Belanger, Gregory A.
08/27/03 Navea, Rafael L.
08/26/03 Dent, Darryl T.
08/25/03 Manzano, Pablo
08/25/03 Allen Jr., Ronald D.
08/23/03 Scott, Stephen M.
08/23/03 Mack, Vorn J.
08/21/03 Jones-Huffman, Kylan A.
08/21/03 Adams, Michael S.
08/20/03 Franklin, Bobby C.
08/20/03 Harris Jr., Kenneth W.
08/18/03 Hull, Eric R.
08/17/03 Ivory, Craig S.
08/14/03 Kirchhoff, David M.
08/13/03 White, Steven W.
08/12/03 Parker, Daniel R.
08/12/03 Brown Jr., Timmy R.
08/12/03 Eaton Jr., Richard S.
08/12/03 Williams, Taft V.
08/10/03 Perry, David S.
08/09/03 Kinchen, Levi B.
08/09/03 Knighten Jr., Floyd G.
08/08/03 Ramsey, Brandon
08/08/03 Bush, Matthew D.
08/07/03 Longstreth, Duane E.
08/06/03 Hellerman, Brian R.
08/06/03 Simmons, Leonard D.
08/06/03 Colunga, Zeferino E.
08/06/03 Gilbert, Kyle C.
08/05/03 Letufuga, Farao K.
08/05/03 Loyd, David L.
08/01/03 Hebert, Justin W.
07/31/03 Lambert III, James I.
07/31/03 Deutsch, Michael J.
07/30/03 Nott, Leif E.
07/28/03 Hart Jr., Nathaniel
07/28/03 Maher III, William J.
07/27/03 McMillin, Heath A.
07/26/03 Cheatham, Jonathan M.
07/26/03 Perez Jr., Wilfredo
07/26/03 Methvin, Daniel K.
07/26/03 Barnes, Jonathan P.
07/24/03 Heighter, Raheen Tyson
07/24/03 Serrano, Juan M.
07/24/03 Perez, Hector R.
07/24/03 Ashcraft, Evan Asa
07/23/03 Byers, Joshua T.
07/23/03 Christian, Brett T.
07/22/03 Fettig, Jon P.
07/21/03 Bibby, Mark Anthony
07/20/03 Scott, David A.
07/20/03 Willoughby, Christopher R.
07/20/03 Garvey, Justin W.
07/20/03 Jordan, Jason D.
07/19/03 Rozier, Jonathan D.
07/18/03 Bertoldie, Joel L.
07/17/03 Whetstone, Mason Douglas
07/17/03 Moreno, David J.
07/16/03 Torres, Ramon Reyes
07/15/03 Geurin, Cory Ryan
07/14/03 Crockett, Michael T.
07/13/03 Puello-Coronado, Jaror C.
07/13/03 Cassidy, Paul J.
07/12/03 Neusche, Joshua M.
07/11/03 Schultz, Christian C.
07/09/03 Gabrielson, Dan H.
07/09/03 Valles, Melissa
07/09/03 Tetrault, Jason
07/09/03 Rowe, Roger Dale
07/08/03 McKinley, Robert L.
07/08/03 Boling, Craig A.
07/07/03 Sanford Sr., Barry
07/07/03 Keith, Chad L.
07/06/03 Parson, David B.
07/06/03 Wershow, Jeffrey M.
07/04/03 Coons, James Curtis
07/03/03 Herrgott, Edward J.
07/03/03 Small, Corey L.
07/02/03 Bradachnall, Travis J.
07/01/03 Coffin, Christopher D.
06/28/03 Conneway, Timothy M.
06/27/03 Sotelo Jr., Tomas
06/26/03 McIntosh, Joshua
06/26/03 Hubbell, Corey A.
06/26/03 Orengo, Richard P.
06/25/03 Ott, Kevin C.
06/25/03 Philippe, Gladimir
06/25/03 Chris, Andrew F.
06/25/03 MacDonald, Gregory E.
06/24/03 Lennon, Cedric Lamont
06/22/03 Smith, Orenthial Javon
06/19/03 Nakamura, Paul T.
06/18/03 Latham, William T.
06/18/03 Deuel, Michael R.
06/17/03 Tosto, Michael L.
06/17/03 Frantz, Robert L.
06/16/03 Pahnke, Shawn D.
06/16/03 Suell, Joseph D.
06/15/03 Cox, Ryan R.
06/13/03 Pokorny, Andrew R.
06/12/03 Klinesmith Jr., John K.
06/10/03 Neighbor, Gavin L.
06/08/03 Dooley, Michael E.
06/07/03 Halling, Jesse M.
06/06/03 Sisung, David
06/06/03 Burkhardt, Travis L.
06/06/03 Bollinger Jr., Doyle W.
06/05/03 Oberleitner, Branden F.
06/03/03 Haro Marin Jr., Atanasio
06/01/03 Lambert, Jonathan W.
05/30/03 Long, Zachariah W.
05/30/03 Griffin, Kyle A.
05/30/03 Gleason, Michael T.
05/28/03 Perez III, Jose A.
05/28/03 Bradley, Kenneth R.
05/27/03 Quinn, Michael B.
05/27/03 Broomhead, Thomas F.
05/26/03 Schram, Matthew E.
05/26/03 Smith, Jeremiah D.
05/26/03 Petriken, Brett J.
05/26/03 Nalley, Kenneth A.
05/26/03 Mitchell, Keman L.
05/25/03 Evans Jr., David
05/21/03 Caldwell, Nathaniel A.
05/19/03 Moore, Jason William
05/19/03 Straseskie, Kirk Allen
05/19/03 White, Aaron Dean
05/19/03 Ryan, Timothy Louis
05/19/03 LaMont, Andrew David
05/19/03 Baragona, Dominic Rocco
05/18/03 Sahib, Rasheed
05/18/03 Marencoreyes, Douglas Jose
05/16/03 Payne, William L.
05/14/03 Nutt, David T.
05/13/03 Kleiboeker, Nicholas Brian
05/13/03 Griffin Jr., Patrick Lee
05/12/03 Rodriguez, Jose F. Gonzalez
05/12/03 Kowalik, Jakub Henryk
05/10/03 Smith, Matthew R.
05/09/03 Van Dusen, Brian K.
05/09/03 Gukeisen, Hans N.
05/09/03 Carl, Richard P.
05/09/03 Bruns, Cedric E.
05/08/03 Rockhold, Marlin T.
05/04/03 Deibler, Jason L.
05/03/03 Reynolds, Sean C.
05/01/03 Givens, Jesse Alan
04/28/03 Garza, Joe Jesus
04/25/03 Sullivan, Narson Bertil
04/25/03 Orozco, Osbaldo
04/24/03 Jenkins, Troy David
04/22/03 Buckley, Roy Russell
04/22/03 Lam, Alan Dinh
04/22/03 Channell Jr., Robert William
04/22/03 Arnold, Andrew Todd
04/17/03 Rivero, John Travis
04/14/03 Brown, John Eli
04/14/03 Mileo, Jason David
04/14/03 Goward, Richard Allen
04/14/03 Gonzalez, Armando Ariel
04/14/03 Mayek, Joseph Patrick
04/14/03 Foley III, Thomas Arthur
04/13/03 Acevedo, Joseph
04/13/03 Mercado, Gil
04/12/03 Owens Jr., David Edward
04/12/03 Gonzalez, Jesus Angel
04/11/03 Tejeda, Riayan Augusto
04/10/03 Hemingway, Terry Wayne
04/10/03 Bohr Jr., Jeffrey Edward
04/08/03 Sather, Scott Douglas
04/08/03 Stever, Robert Anthony
04/08/03 Meyer, Jason Michael
04/08/03 Marshall, John Winston
04/08/03 Garza Jr., Juan Guadalupe
04/08/03 Brown, Henry Levon
04/07/03 Das, Eric Bruce
04/07/03 Watkins III, William Randolph
04/07/03 Mitchell Jr., George Arthur
04/07/03 Miller, Anthony Scott
04/07/03 Kaylor, Jeffrey Joseph
04/07/03 Hollinsaid, Lincoln Daniel
04/07/03 Medellin, Jesus Martin Antonio
04/07/03 Aviles, Andrew Julian
04/06/03 Prewitt, Kelley Stephen
04/06/03 Huxley Jr., Gregory Paul
04/05/03 Smith, Edward
04/05/03 Brown, Larry Kenyatta
04/05/03 Booker, Stevon Alexander
04/04/03 Rios, Duane Roy
04/04/03 McPhillips, Brian Michael
04/04/03 Gooden, Bernard George
04/04/03 Smith, Paul Ray
04/04/03 Jones, Devon Demilo
04/04/03 Cunningham Jr., Daniel Francis
04/04/03 Bellard, Wilfred Davyrussell
04/04/03 Aitken, Tristan Neil
04/04/03 Sammis, Benjamin Wilson
04/04/03 Ford, Travis Allen
04/03/03 Korn, Edward Jason
04/03/03 Davis, Wilbert
04/03/03 Silva, Erik Hernandez
04/03/03 Evnin, Mark Asher
04/03/03 Rippetoe, Russell Brian
04/03/03 Long, Ryan Patrick
04/03/03 Livaudais, Nino Dugue
04/03/03 Robbins, Todd James
04/03/03 Rehn, Randall Scott
04/03/03 Oaks Jr., Donald Samuel
04/03/03 Bales, Chad Eric
04/02/03 Boule, Matthew George
04/02/03 Smith, Eric Allen
04/02/03 Pedersen, Michael Francis
04/02/03 Jamar, Scott
04/02/03 Halvorsen, Erik Anders
04/02/03 Adamouski, James Francis
04/02/03 White, Nathan Dennis
04/02/03 Fernandez, George Andrew
04/02/03 Gurtner, Christian Daniel
04/02/03 Anderson, Brian Edward
04/01/03 Maglione III, Joseph Basil
04/01/03 Butler, Jacob Lee
03/31/03 Rowe, Brandon Jacob
03/31/03 Jeffries, William Andrew
03/30/03 Contreras, Aaron Joseph
03/30/03 McGinnis, Brian Daniel
03/30/03 Lalush, Michael Vernon
03/29/03 White, William Wayne
03/29/03 Williams, Eugene
03/29/03 Rincon, Diego Fernando
03/29/03 Curtin, Michael Edward
03/29/03 Creighton-Weldon, Michael Russell
03/29/03 Cawley, James Wilford
03/28/03 Solomon, Roderic Antoine
03/28/03 Padilla-Ramirez, Fernando
03/27/03 Suarez del Solar, Jesus Alberto
03/27/03 Menusa, Joseph
03/27/03 Rodriguez, Robert Marcus
03/27/03 Martinez-Flores, Francisco Abraham
03/27/03 O'Day, Patrick Terence
03/27/03 May Jr., Donald Charles
03/26/03 Nave, Kevin Gerard
03/25/03 Johnson Jr., Michael Vann
03/25/03 Stone, Gregory Lewis
03/24/03 Blair, Thomas Alan
03/24/03 Sanders, Gregory Paul
03/24/03 Korthaus, Bradley Steven
03/24/03 James, Evan Tyler
03/23/03 Chanawongse, Kemaphoom "Ahn"
03/23/03 Gifford, Jonathan Lee
03/23/03 Hutchings, Nolen Ryan
03/23/03 Cline Jr., Donald John
03/23/03 Burkett, Tamario Demetrice
03/23/03 Reiss, Brendon Curtis
03/23/03 Nixon, Patrick Ray
03/23/03 Williams, Michael Jason
03/23/03 Rosacker, Randal Kent
03/23/03 Buesing, Brian Rory
03/23/03 Slocum, Thomas Jonathan
03/23/03 Jordan, Phillip Andrew
03/23/03 Gonzalez, Jorge Alonso
03/23/03 Garibay, Jose Angel
03/23/03 Fribley, David Keith
03/23/03 Bitz, Michael Edward
03/23/03 Anguiano, Edward John
03/23/03 Walters, Donald Ralph
03/23/03 Sloan, Brandon Ulysses
03/23/03 Piestewa, Lori Ann
03/23/03 Mata, Johnny Villareal
03/23/03 Kiehl, James Michael
03/23/03 Johnson II, Howard
03/23/03 Estrella-Soto, Ruben
03/23/03 Dowdy, Robert John
03/23/03 Buggs, George Edward
03/23/03 Pokorney Jr., Frederick Eben
03/23/03 Addison, Jamaal Rashard
03/23/03 Seifert, Christopher Scott
03/23/03 Hodson, Nicolas Michael
03/22/03 Adams, Thomas Mullen
03/22/03 Tobler, Brandon Scott
03/22/03 Orlowski, Eric James
03/21/03 Gutierrez, Jose Antonio
03/21/03 Waters-Bey, Kendall Damon
03/21/03 Kennedy, Brian Matthew
03/21/03 Beaupre, Ryan Anthony
03/21/03 Aubin, Jay Thomas
03/21/03 Childers, Therrel Shane
Copyright 2003 by Lunaville
Confirmed: 2991
Date Name
12/28/06 Donica, Dustin R.
12/28/06 Esckelson, Christopher E.
12/28/06 Miller, Nicholas A.
12/28/06 Spencer, William D.
12/27/06 Shaffer, Edward W.
12/27/06 McCormick, Clinton T.
12/27/06 Messer, Christopher P.
12/27/06 Given, Nathaniel A.
12/27/06 Koprince Jr., William C.
12/27/06 Tinsley, Douglas L.
12/26/06 Strong, Joseph A.
12/26/06 Schmitz, Joshua M.
12/25/06 Clayton, Hayes
12/25/06 Wheelous, Dexter E.
12/25/06 Moon, Jae S.
12/26/06 Bubeck, John T.
12/25/06 Wilkus, Eric R.
12/25/06 Preston, Aaron L.
12/25/06 Nelson, Andrew H.
12/25/06 Denfrund, Jason C.
12/24/06 Bixler, Evan A.
12/24/06 Morris, Stephen L.
12/23/06 Crutchfield, Michael J.
12/23/06 Barta, John
12/23/06 Vollmer, Chad J.
12/23/06 Algrim, Wilson A.
12/23/06 Mejia II, Bobby
12/23/06 Norris, Curtis L.
12/23/06 Elias, Elias
12/22/06 Sheppard, Joshua D.
12/21/06 Tamayo, Fernando S.
12/21/06 Burgess, Ryan J.
12/21/06 Mayhan, Ryan L.
12/21/06 Nolen, Kyle A.
12/20/06 Sebastien, Myles Cody
12/20/06 Dykman, Scott D.
12/20/06 McMillan, Jacob G.
12/20/06 Volker, Robert J.
12/19/06 Daul, Andrew P.
12/19/06 Pickard, Joshua D.
12/18/06 Kryst, Kevin M.
12/18/06 Mintzlaff, Brian L.
12/17/06 Stanton, Seth M.
12/16/06 Palmer, Nick J.
12/16/06 Baines, Joe L.
12/16/06 Staats, David R.
12/16/06 Stanley, Matthew J.
12/15/06 Kahalewai, Henry K.
12/15/06 Balint Jr., Paul
12/14/06 Spatol, Theodore A.
12/14/06 Yepsen, Luke C.
12/14/06 Clark, Matthew W.
12/12/06 Davis, Gloria D.
12/12/06 Dunkleberger, Brent W.
12/11/06 Cote, Budd M.
12/11/06 Dillon, Matthew V.
12/11/06 Miller, Clinton J.
12/11/06 McAnulty, Brian P.
12/10/06 Clemons, Thomas W.
12/10/06 Murphy, Shawn M.
12/10/06 Ford, Philip C.
12/10/06 Gibson, Brennan C.
12/10/06 Steinbacher, Nicholas P.
12/09/06 Krissoff, Nathan M.
12/07/06 Beeler, Brent E.
12/07/06 Linck, Henry W.
12/07/06 Gifford, Micah S.
12/07/06 Ciraso, Kristofer R.
12/06/06 Gibbs, Nicholas R.
12/06/06 Watson, Cody G.
12/06/06 Ryndych, Yevgeniy
12/06/06 Krege, Travis C.
12/06/06 Mokri, Yari
12/06/06 Huffman, Jason
12/06/06 Castro, Jesse J.J.
12/06/06 Madden, Joshua B.
12/06/06 Patriquin, Travis L.
12/06/06 Pomante III, Vincent J.
12/06/06 Libby, Dustin J.
12/06/06 McClung, Megan M.
12/05/06 Hess, Jordan W.
12/05/06 Miller, Marco L.
12/04/06 Suarez-Gonzalez, Roger A.
12/04/06 Nelson, Albert M.
12/04/06 Echols, Thomas P.
12/04/06 Anderson, Christopher A.
12/04/06 Gauthreaux, Jay R.
12/04/06 Turcotte, Nicholas D.
12/04/06 McGinnis, Ross A.
12/04/06 Adkins, Dustin M.
12/03/06 English, Shawn L.
12/03/06 Sticklen, Joshua C.
12/03/06 McCloud, Joseph Trane
12/03/06 Evans, Kermit O.
12/03/06 Cooper, Troy D.
12/03/06 Haines, Kenneth W.
12/03/06 Farris, Billy B.
12/02/06 Tillery, Jesse D.
12/02/06 Rystad, Corey J.
12/02/06 McDonough, Bryan T.
12/02/06 Fiscus, Keith E.
12/01/06 Love Jr., Robert L.
11/30/06 Hartman Jr., John L.
11/30/06 Mulhair, Jeremy W.
11/29/06 West, Theodore M.
11/28/06 Loney, Jonerik
11/28/06 Mason, Chris
11/27/06 Gilbert, Troy L.
11/27/06 Schwarz, Michael A.
11/26/06 Dunn, Jeannette T.
11/26/06 Hamill, Jason R.
11/26/06 Fraser, David M.
11/26/06 Burrows, Joshua C.
11/25/06 West, Jeromy D.
11/25/06 Ledsome, Michael C.
11/25/06 Morris, Daniel M.
11/24/06 Moreno, Reece D.
11/24/06 Rapavi, Nicholas P.
11/23/06 Priestap, James D.
11/22/06 Davenport, James R.
11/22/06 Alonzo, Joshua C.
11/22/06 Warner, Heath
11/21/06 Musack, James P.
11/21/06 Watts, Donovan E.
11/21/06 Vizcaino, Eric
11/19/06 Shock, Jeremy S.
11/18/06 Shilling, Bradley N.
11/16/06 Schiller, Rhett W.
11/15/06 Dennison, John R.
11/15/06 Mutz, Mitchel T.
11/15/06 Haynes, Schuyler B.
11/14/06 Nguyen, Tung M.
11/14/06 Garcia, Justin R.
11/14/06 Felts Sr., Thomas H.
11/14/06 Scholl, Michael D.
11/14/06 Gonzalez, Mario D.
11/14/06 Brown, Timothy W.
11/14/06 Rivera, Eric G. Palacios
11/13/06 Kim, Jang H.
11/13/06 Allman II, Daniel J.
11/12/06 Winkler III, Harry A.
11/12/06 Cerrone, Michael A.
11/11/06 Martinez, Misael
11/11/06 Jackson II, William Samuel
11/11/06 Ramirez, Angel De Jesus Lucio
11/09/06 Salcido, Rudy A.
11/09/06 Warren, Kristopher C.
11/09/06 Burgess, Bryan
11/09/06 Kennard, Courtland A.
11/09/06 McCoy, Gregory W. G.
11/07/06 Doria, Richwell A.
11/07/06 McCaughn, Ryan T.
11/06/06 White, Lucas T.
11/06/06 Priestner, John R.
11/06/06 Henderson, Miles P.
11/05/06 Desjardins, Douglas C.
11/05/06 Galvan, Jose A.
11/04/06 Powell, Kyle W.
11/04/06 Gelina, Mark C.
11/04/06 Bridges, James L.
11/02/06 Finken, Paul J.
11/02/06 Kruger, Eric J.
11/02/06 Gage, Joseph A.
11/02/06 Brown, James
11/02/06 Whitehouse, Jason D.
11/02/06 Lasky, Michael H.
11/02/06 Holler, Luke B.
11/02/06 Bridges, Michael P.
11/01/06 Kim, Minhee
11/01/06 Koehler, Gary A.
11/01/06 Ellenburg, Kevin J.
10/31/06 Franco, Jason
10/31/06 Weidemann, Michael R.
10/30/06 Foyteck, Kraig D.
10/30/06 Seeley, Michael T.
10/30/06 Bostic, Kenneth E.
10/29/06 Nealey, Troy D.
10/27/06 Zimmerman, Luke J.
10/26/06 McGinnis, Ricky L.
10/25/06 Brown, Donald S.
10/25/06 Gilbert, Thomas M.
10/25/06 Chaires, Daniel B.
10/25/06 Thornsberry, Jonathan B.
10/25/06 Komppa, Charles V.
10/23/06 Bock, Amos C. R
10/23/06 Sare, Charles O.
10/23/06 Buerstetta, Richard A.
10/23/06 Overstreet, Tyler R.
10/23/06 Eason, Carl A.
10/22/06 Rogers, Nicholas K.
10/22/06 Mock, Willsun M.
10/22/06 Creed, Matthew W.
10/22/06 Aguirre, Nathaniel A.
10/22/06 Taylor, David G.
10/21/06 Herzberg, Eric W.
10/21/06 Knier, Tony L.
10/21/06 Watkins, Joshua C.
10/21/06 Manoukian, Nicholas J.
10/21/06 Elrod, Nathan R.
10/21/06 Collinsworth, Clifford R.
10/20/06 Witte, Kevin M.
10/19/06 Lopez Jr., Edwardo
10/18/06 Barlow, Patrick O.
10/18/06 Brozovich, Daniel A.
10/18/06 Perez, Jose R.
10/17/06 Winegeart, Daniel W.
10/17/06 Paulsen, Ronald L.
10/18/06 Montalvo, Jesus M.
10/17/06 Dumas Jr., Joseph C.
10/17/06 Unger, David M.
10/17/06 Culbertson III, Russell G.
10/17/06 Loudon, Christopher E.
10/17/06 Haupt, Ryan E.
10/17/06 Taylor III, Norman R.
10/17/06 Frigo, Nathan J.
10/17/06 Sizemore, Garth D.
10/17/06 Booth, Joshua L.
10/15/06 Baroncini, Jr., Lester Domenico
10/15/06 Bicknell, Stephen
10/15/06 Deese, Joshua
10/15/06 Lootens, Jonathan E.
10/15/06 Paine, Mark C.
10/15/06 Babb, Brock A.
10/15/06 Hines, Joshua M.
10/14/06 Moore, Keith J.
10/14/06 King, Charles M.
10/14/06 Kane, Joseph M.
10/14/06 Lauer, Timothy J.
10/14/06 Simpson, Jonathan J.
10/14/06 Chavis, Leebenard E.
10/13/06 Craver, Johnny K.
10/13/06 Stanton Jr., Kenny F.
10/13/06 Hewett, Thomas J.
10/12/06 Hawkins, Gene A.
10/11/06 Walsh, Justin T.
10/11/06 Adcock, Shane T.
10/11/06 Sowinski, Nicholas R.
10/09/06 Feniello, Shelby J.
10/08/06 Jones, Derek W.
10/09/06 Bowman, Jon Eric
10/09/06 Williams, Phillip B.
10/08/06 Secher, Robert M.
10/08/06 Austin, Shane R.
10/08/06 Johnson, Stephen F.
10/09/06 Arechaga, Julian M.
10/08/06 Monroe, Jeremy Scott Sandvick
10/08/06 Fulkerson, Timothy
10/07/06 Napper Jr, Roger Alan
10/07/06 Wood, John Edward
10/07/06 Parrish, Lawrence
10/07/06 Johnson II, Carl W.
10/07/06 Asbury, Brandon S.
10/06/06 Hale, John Edward
10/06/06 Payne, Bradford H.
10/06/06 Arvanitis, Nicholas A.
10/04/06 Rosales, Benjamin S.
10/04/06 Garvin, Edward M.
10/04/06 Moudry, Christopher O.
10/04/06 Obourn Jr., George R.
10/04/06 Burke, Timothy
10/04/06 Bright, Dean
10/03/06 Rojas, Jonathan
10/03/06 Isshak, Daniel
10/02/06 Perry, Joseph W.
10/02/06 Oremus, Michael K.
10/02/06 Jarrett, Justin R.
10/02/06 Ellis, James D.
10/02/06 Armijo, Raymond S.
10/02/06 Walker, Kristofer C.
10/02/06 Greenlee, Satieon V.
10/02/06 Narvaez, Joe A.
10/01/06 Lannaman, Denise A.
10/01/06 Nelson, Mario
10/01/06 Haag, Chase A.
10/01/06 Peterson, Justin D.
10/01/06 Cosgrove III, Christopher B.
10/01/06 Seal, Aaron L.
09/30/06 Tejeda, Luis E.
09/30/06 Sourivong, Kampha B.
09/30/06 Nisely, Scott E.
09/30/06 Weber, Robert
09/29/06 Monsoor, Michael A.
09/29/06 Blaney, Christopher T.
09/28/06 Chamroeun, James
09/27/06 Lyons, James N.
09/26/06 Lanzarin, Jose A.
09/26/06 Riviere, Christopher T.
09/26/06 Reynolds Jr., Edward C.
09/26/06 Paul, Henry
09/25/06 Mellen, Casey L.
09/24/06 March Jr., Howard S.
09/24/06 Martinez, Rene
09/23/06 Kincaid, IV, Kenneth E
09/23/06 Locklear, III, Velton
09/23/06 Dominguez, Carlos
09/23/06 Simmons, Windell J.
09/21/06 Bevington, Allan R.
09/20/06 Rodriguez, Yull Estrada
09/20/06 Zimmerman, Christopher Michael
09/20/06 Kavanagh, Eric
09/20/06 Needham, Robb Gordon
09/20/06 Jones, Charles Jason
09/19/06 Lanham, Jane Elizabeth
09/19/06 Callahan, Robert Thomas
09/19/06 Raymond, Jared J.
09/19/06 Huff, Ashley L. Henderson
09/18/06 Worster, James R.
09/17/06 Knox, Adam L.
09/17/06 Davis, David J.
09/16/06 Roddy, David Sean
09/15/06 Granados, Cesar A.
09/14/06 Cain, Marcus A.
09/14/06 Hartman, Jennifer M.
09/14/06 Smith, Aaron A.
09/14/06 Miller, Ryan A.
09/14/06 Williams, Clint E.
09/14/06 Makowski, Russell M.
09/14/06 Weir, David Thomas
09/13/06 Shaffer, Jeffrey
09/13/06 Mattingly, Matthew C.
09/12/06 Perez, Emily J.T.
09/11/06 Andrews, Harley D.
09/10/06 Jordan, Alexander
09/09/06 Benson, Johnathan
09/09/06 Seig, Anthony P.
09/08/06 Gordon, David W.
09/07/06 Ramsey, David J.
09/07/06 Montes, Luis A.
09/07/06 Frassetto, Vincent M.
09/06/06 Shank, Jeremy R.
09/06/06 Carroll, John A.
09/04/06 Gutierrez, Marshall A.
09/04/06 Debro, Germaine L.
09/04/06 Walsh, Christopher
09/04/06 Valdepenas, Eric P.
09/04/06 Gunterman, Hannah L.
09/04/06 Shoemaker, Jared M.
09/03/06 Merrill, Jason L.
09/03/06 Andino Jr., Edwin Anthony
09/03/06 Madaras, Nicholas A.
09/03/06 Henkes II, Richard J.
09/03/06 Miller, Ryan Edwin
09/03/06 Johnson, Philip A.
09/03/06 Harris, Shane P.
09/03/06 Dreese, Justin W.
09/03/06 Porras, Ralph N.
09/02/06 Alex, Eugene
09/01/06 Mercado-Velazquez, Angel D.
09/01/06 Golla, Cliff
08/31/06 Deason, Michael L.
08/30/06 Hanson, Joshua R.
08/30/06 Wolfe, Colin Joseph
08/29/06 Warndorf, Christopher Tyler
08/29/06 Vosbein, Matthew J.
08/28/06 Shannon L. Squires
08/28/06 Schneider, Matthew E.
08/27/06 Benson, Darry
08/27/06 Hansen, Jeffrey J.
08/27/06 Almazan, David J.
08/27/06 Champlin, Donald E.
08/27/06 Jones, Joshua D.
08/27/06 Novak, Shaun A.
08/27/06 Lee, Qixing
08/27/06 Jazmine, Moises
08/27/06 Smith, Tristan
08/27/06 Cross, Kenneth
08/27/06 Dolan, Dan
08/27/06 Hildreth, Seth A.
08/26/06 Weimortz, David G.
08/26/06 Zayas, Edgardo
08/25/06 Pierson, Jordan C.
08/24/06 Solomon, Gordon George
08/24/06 Williams, Dwayne E.
08/24/06 King, Jeremy E.
08/24/06 Thorne, William E.
08/23/06 Hirlston, James Daniel
08/23/06 Barbieri, Thomas J.
08/22/06 Darga, Paul J.
08/21/06 Clemmons, Brad A.
08/20/06 DeRoo, Gabriel G.
08/20/06 Kenyon, Chadwick Thomas
08/20/06 Galvez, Adam Anthony
08/20/06 Newman, Randy Lee
08/19/06 Quick, Marquees A.
08/18/06 Villa Jr, Ruben J.
08/17/06 Arellano, James J.
08/16/06 Loa, Jeffrey S.
08/16/06 Glover, Michael Dennis
08/16/06 Phillips, John P.
08/16/06 McKenna IV, John James
08/12/06 Jenkins, Kenneth A.
08/12/06 Zeigler, Kevin L.
08/12/06 Lloyd, Michael C.
08/10/06 Long, Jeremy Z.
08/09/06 Brown, Jeffery S.
08/09/06 Mennemeyer, Steven P.
08/09/06 Woods, Shane W.
08/09/06 Ramirez, Ignacio
08/09/06 Jagger, Aaron
08/06/06 Melvin, Tracy L.
08/06/06 Zamora, Jose
08/06/06 Clark, Carlton A.
08/06/06 Seale, Stephen A.
08/05/06 Kubik, Brian J.
08/04/06 Segura Jr., Leroy
08/04/06 Storey, Clint J.
08/04/06 Beste, Bradley H.
08/03/06 Dechen, Kurt Edward
08/03/06 Ulloa Jr., George M.
08/02/06 Lee, Marc A.
08/02/06 Tomci, Joseph A.
08/02/06 Jopek, Ryan D.
08/02/06 Laird, Dustin D.
08/01/06 Hsia, Hai Ming
07/31/06 Ford, Joshua
07/29/06 Hanson, Jason
07/29/06 Baucus, Phillip E.
07/29/06 Williams, Christian B.
07/29/06 Butterfield, Anthony E.
07/27/06 Higgins, James W.
07/27/06 Murray, Adam R.
07/27/06 Sanchez, Enrique Henry
07/27/06 Roos, Timothy D.
07/26/06 Koth, Edward A
07/25/06 Graves, Joseph A.
07/24/06 Castner, Stephen W.
07/24/06 West, Jason M.
07/24/06 Samson Jr., Dennis K.
07/22/06 Swanson, Christopher
07/22/06 Russell, Blake H.
07/22/06 Fargo, Adam J.
07/21/06 Wallace, Matthew P.
07/21/06 Pate, Christopher T.
07/20/06 Plowman, Derek J.
07/20/06 Ramon, Julian A.
07/18/06 Cayer, Geofrey R.
07/18/06 Vecchione, Mark Richard
07/17/06 Baughman, Nathaniel S.
07/17/06 Pugh, Kenneth I.
07/17/06 Smith, Scott R.
07/17/06 Dickinson II, Michael A
07/16/06 Evey, Jason M.
07/15/06 Contreras, Andres J.
07/15/06 Holguin, Manuel J.
07/14/06 Turner Jr., Thomas B.
07/13/06 Floyd, Al'Kaila
07/12/06 Tharp, Jerry A.
07/12/06 Hernandez Jr., Irving
07/10/06 Dreasky, Duane J.
07/09/06 Montoya, Damien M.
07/08/06 Micks, Joseph P.
07/08/06 Linden, Troy Carlin
07/08/06 Flores, Omar
07/03/06 Pabla, Paul
07/02/06 Noyes, Justin
07/02/06 Mason, Collin T.
07/01/06 Ware Jr., Carl Jerome
06/29/06 Muldoon, James P.
06/29/06 Miller, Kyle
06/29/06 Clark, Ryan. J.
06/29/06 Rose, Christopher D.
06/29/06 Luckey, Bryan C.
06/28/06 Page, Rex A.
06/27/06 Morrow, Jason W.
06/27/06 Wallace, Terry O.P.
06/27/06 Jones, Jeremy
06/26/06 Potocki, Michael J.
06/26/06 Plouhar, Raymond J.
06/26/06 Lisk, Terry
06/25/06 King, Paul N.
06/24/06 Sanchez, Virrueta A.
06/24/06 Laymon, Benjamin J.
06/24/06 Norton, Justin Dean
06/23/06 Singletary, Channing G.
06/23/06 Gibbons, Devon J.
06/23/06 Buckley, Ryan J.
06/23/06 Bievre, Mario J.
06/23/06 Beyer, Paul A.
06/22/06 Baker, Riley E.
06/21/06 Cuaresma, Sirlou C.
06/21/06 Whyte, Nicholas J.
06/21/06 Buzzard, Jason J.
06/20/06 Leon, Christopher D.
06/20/06 Williams, Benjamin D.
06/20/06 Webb, Brandon J
06/20/06 White, Christopher N.
06/17/06 Ramirez, Reyes
06/17/06 Jones, Robert L.
06/16/06 Menchaca, Kristian
06/16/06 Tucker, Thomas Lowell
06/16/06 Koch, Brent W.
06/16/06 Babineau, David J.
06/15/06 Santos, Jeremiah S.
06/14/06 Estrella, Michael A.
06/09/06 Guerrero, Salvador
06/09/06 Alday, Zachary M.
06/09/06 Slaven, Ben
06/09/06 Zoucha, Brent
06/09/06 Velez, Jose M.
06/08/06 McSwain, Clarence D.
06/08/06 Crabtree, Daniel
06/08/06 Santos, Luis D.
06/07/06 Vaughan, John Shaw
06/07/06 Crombie, David N.
06/07/06 Love, Scott M.
06/06/06 Smykowski, Mark T.
06/06/06 Blakley, Richard A.
06/06/06 Anderson, Andy D.
06/06/06 Pernell, Carlos E.
06/06/06 Sanders, Ryan T.
06/06/06 Gionet, Daniel
06/05/06 Lawson, Issac S.
06/05/06 Rovinski, Gary
06/05/06 Jaenke, Jamie
06/03/06 Stover, Michael D.
06/03/06 Harmon, Darren
06/03/06 Cummings, Ryan J.
06/03/06 Tribble, Brett L.
05/31/06 Mejia, Benjamin E.
05/31/06 Kolasa, Alexander J.
05/30/06 Bucklin, Brock L.
05/30/06 West, Bobby R.
05/29/06 Loveless, Jeremy M.
05/29/06 Funkhouser, James A.
05/27/06 Garcia, J. Adan
05/27/06 Doring, Nathanael J.
05/27/06 Bennett, Richard A.
05/26/06 Lucas, Adam
05/25/06 Lufkin, Caleb A.
05/25/06 Blair, Robert E.
05/25/06 DiCenzo, Douglas A.
05/23/06 Hermanson, Michael L.
05/23/06 Posivio III, Robert G.
05/23/06 Freund, Steven
05/22/06 Leusink, William J.
05/22/06 Christoff Jr., David
05/21/06 Ramirez, Benito A.
05/18/06 Fulks, William B.
05/18/06 Holland, Daniel E.
05/18/06 Cournoyer, Nicholas
05/18/06 Allen Jr., Lonnie Calvin
05/18/06 Seidel III, Robert
05/17/06 Deal, Lee Hamilton
05/16/06 Halsel, Santiago M.
05/15/06 Flint Jr., Marion
05/15/06 Dampier, Grant Allen
05/14/06 Mahaffee, Shane
05/14/06 Yearby, Hatak Yuka Keyu M.
05/14/06 Marin-Dominguez Jr., Jose S.
05/14/06 Worrel, Matthew W.
05/14/06 Weeks, Jamie D.
05/14/06 West, Robert H.
05/14/06 Engeman, John W.
05/13/06 James, Richard Z.
05/13/06 Gebur, Ron
05/12/06 Teeters, Brandon L.
05/12/06 Conboy, Adam C.
05/11/06 Vahaviolos, Steve
05/11/06 Licalzi, Michael L.
05/11/06 GramesSanchez, David J.
05/11/06 Burnett, Jason K.
05/11/06 Burkart, Armer N.
05/11/06 Snowberger III, Stephen P.
05/11/06 Clark, Eric D.
05/10/06 Carbonaro, Alessandro
05/09/06 Latimer, Aaron P.
05/08/06 Wagner, Gregory A.
05/07/06 Legaspi, Emmanuel L.
05/06/06 Palmer, Cory L.
05/06/06 Deraps, Leon
05/06/06 Fenton, Matthew J.
05/06/06 Veverka, David Michael
05/06/06 Kelly Jr., Dale James
05/05/06 Gaylord, Alva L.
05/05/06 Torres, Teodoro
05/05/06 Saenz, Carlos N.
05/05/06 Vacho, Nathan J.
05/04/06 Parker, Elisha R.
05/04/06 Bixler, Stephen R.
05/04/06 Quinton, Bryan L.
05/04/06 Reinke, Gavin B.
05/03/06 Zieske, Benjamin T.
05/03/06 Proctor, Joseph E.
05/03/06 Letendre, Brian S.
05/03/06 Eckhardt, Christopher M.
05/01/06 Moscillo, Robert L.
05/01/06 Light, Robbie Glen
04/29/06 Sakoda, Steve M.
04/28/06 Herlem, Bryant A.
04/28/06 Hardy, Brandon M.
04/28/06 Mills, Lea R.
04/28/06 Davis III, Edward G.
04/28/06 Gomez, Jose
04/27/06 Wall, Mark A.
04/27/06 Webber, Matthew A.
04/27/06 Mendez, Bobby
04/26/06 Ford, Michael L.
04/25/06 Henry, Raymond L.
04/25/06 Herrema, Richard J.
04/24/06 Bandonill, Metodio A.
04/24/06 Simons, Aaron William
04/23/06 Ehney, Robert W.
04/23/06 Lasswell Jr., Shawn Thomas
04/23/06 Daniel, Jason B.
04/22/06 Lueken, Eric R.
04/22/06 Zimmerman, Travis C.
04/22/06 Bouthot, Michael E.
04/22/06 Allcott, Jacob H.
04/22/06 King, Eric D.
04/22/06 Colnot, Kyle A.
04/20/06 Ramseyer, Jason C.
04/19/06 Tinnell, Patrick A.
04/19/06 Settle, Robert J.
04/18/06 Weikel, Ian P.
04/16/06 Cubert, Clinton W.
04/15/06 Melcher, Mark W.
04/15/06 Sims, Justin D.
04/15/06 Winslow, Ryan G.
04/15/06 Mayorga, Pablo V.
04/15/06 Cothran, Derrick J.
04/14/06 Settle, Darin T.
04/13/06 Perez, Stephen Joseph
04/13/06 Bachar, Salem
04/13/06 Waits, Andrew K.
04/12/06 Glimpse, Marcus S.
04/12/06 Calderon-Ascencio, Roland E.
04/12/06 Bandhold, Scott M.
04/11/06 Hess, Kenneth D.
04/11/06 Roehl Jr., George R.
04/11/06 Costello III, James F.
04/11/06 Blanco, Joseph A.
04/10/06 Gardner, James W. "Will"
04/10/06 Lamberson, Randall L.
04/09/06 Love-Fowler, Joseph I.
04/09/06 Collins, David S.
04/09/06 Rogers, Gregory S.
04/08/06 Martini, Philip John
04/08/06 NavarroArellano, Juana
04/08/06 Creighton, Shawn R.
04/08/06 Missildine, Jody W.
04/07/06 Waller, Richard P.
04/06/06 Taylor, Bryan N.
04/06/06 Edwards, Chase A.
04/06/06 Sesker, Daniel L.
04/06/06 Harris, Dustin J.
04/04/06 Johnson, Ty J.
04/02/06 Ehle, Jeremy W.
04/02/06 Nettles, Marcques J.
04/02/06 Palmisano, Eric A.
04/02/06 Aguilar Jr., Andres
04/02/06 Twitchell, Abraham G.
04/02/06 Sandoval-Flores, Felipe D.
04/02/06 Bass, David A.
04/02/06 Gallagher, Patrick J.
04/02/06 St. Germain, Brian R.
04/02/06 Padilla Aleman, Geovani
04/02/06 McIntosh, Eric A.
04/02/06 Kim, Kun Y.
04/02/06 Procopio, Scott J.
04/01/06 Hartwick, Michael L.
04/01/06 Moshier, Timothy J.
04/01/06 Devora Garcia, Israel
04/01/06 Clay, Darrell P.
03/31/06 Beisel, Jacob Walter
03/30/06 Duenas, Joseph J.
03/30/06 Moss Jr., Walter M.
03/28/06 Rowe, Michael D.
03/28/06 Tharp, Sean D.
03/28/06 Hernandez, Robert
03/25/06 Carlson, Frederick A.
03/23/06 McCaulley, Randy D.
03/23/06 Beery, Brock A.
03/21/06 McKinzie, Antoine J.
03/18/06 Barraza, Ricardo
03/18/06 Brehm, Dale G.
03/16/06 Pinson, Amanda N.
03/16/06 Gonzalez, Carlos M.
03/16/06 Yates III, Nyle
03/15/06 Zawaydeh, Angelo A.
03/13/06 Silva, Marco A.
03/13/06 Dan, Corey A.
03/13/06 Lewis, Bryan A.
03/12/06 Marino (Figueroa), Kristen K.
03/11/06 Duerksen, Amy A.
03/10/06 Long, Bunny
03/08/06 Fry, John D.
03/07/06 Martone, Justin R.
03/07/06 Salas Jr., Ricky
03/06/06 Zanutto, Adam O.
03/05/06 Jessen, Kevin P.
03/03/06 Snyder, Matthew A.
03/01/06 Youmans, Joshua V.
03/01/06 Merchant, Christopher S.
03/01/06 Priest, Tina M.
02/27/06 Lewis, Dwayne Peter R.
02/26/06 Pearce, Joshua M.
02/26/06 Schornak, Christopher J.
02/26/06 Humble, Joshua U.
02/26/06 Farr, Clay P.
02/25/06 Thornton, John Joshua
02/25/06 Schuster, Benjamin C.
02/25/06 VanAlstine, Adam J.
02/24/06 Muscat, Dimitri
02/24/06 Powers, Joshua Francis
02/22/06 Wilwerth, Thomas J.
02/22/06 Misner II, Gordon F.
02/22/06 Howard II, Curtis T.
02/22/06 Morr, Allan A.
02/22/06 Marion, Christopher L.
02/22/06 Gourley, Gregson G.
02/22/06 Jones, Rickey E.
02/21/06 Fitzgerald, Almar L.
02/20/06 Collado, Jay T.
02/20/06 Kuhlmeier, Daniel J.
02/20/06 Davila, Jessie
02/18/06 Conley, Matthew D.
02/18/06 Matheny IV, Charles E.
02/17/06 Garcia, Anthony R.
02/17/06 Edwards Jr., Amos C.
02/14/06 Washam, Rusty L.
02/14/06 Barnes, Matthew Ron
02/14/06 Probst, Michael S.
02/12/06 Kemple, Andrew J.
02/12/06 Garcia Villareal, Felipe J.
02/12/06 Wilson, Nicholas
02/09/06 Smith, Ross A.
02/09/06 Chavez Jr., Javier
02/07/06 Phillips, Steven L.
02/07/06 Kokesh Jr., Allen D.
02/06/06 Herried, Patrick W.
02/06/06 Schuck, Brandon S.
02/06/06 Spann, Jacob D. "Jake"
02/06/06 Gerena, Orville
02/06/06 Parr, David S.
02/05/06 Mercedes Saez, Sergio A.
02/05/06 Hayes III, William S.
02/05/06 Morningstar, Christopher R.
02/05/06 Boehmer, Jeremiah J.
02/04/06 Martinez Salazar, Roberto L.
02/03/06 Zamora, Jesse M.
02/03/06 Cornett, Lance S.
02/02/06 Cox Jr., Simon T.
02/02/06 Messer, Scott A.
02/02/06 Howard II, Walter B.
02/01/06 Cardelli, Sean T.
02/01/06 Owens, Anthony Chad
02/01/06 Viglienzone, Caesar S.
02/01/06 Bustamante, Marlon A.
02/01/06 Avery, Garrison C.
01/28/06 Schoff, Brian J.
01/28/06 Herrera, David L.
01/28/06 Barbosa, Felipe C.
01/27/06 Lopez Lopez, Hugo R.
01/25/06 Johnson, Joshua Allen
01/25/06 Durbin Jr., Jerry M. "Michael"
01/24/06 Miles, Sean H.
01/23/06 Wagler, Peter D.
01/23/06 Chase, Lance M.
01/23/06 Scott, Joshua A.
01/23/06 Calapini, Lewis T. D.
01/23/06 Hunter, Matthew D.
01/22/06 McElroy, Brian
01/22/06 Norton, Jason L.
01/20/06 Arrelano Pandura, Carlos
01/20/06 Dewey, Brandon Christopher
01/20/06 Frantz, Matthew C.
01/20/06 Yazzie, Clifton J.
01/20/06 Flanagan, Dennis J.
01/20/06 Scott, Rickey
01/17/06 Shepherd, Adam R.
01/16/06 Garcia, Ruel M.
01/16/06 Kenyon, Rex C.
01/15/06 Kendall, Dustin L.
01/15/06 Dudkiewicz, Kasper Allen
01/14/06 Watts, Justin J.
01/13/06 Jordan, Michael Anthony
01/13/06 Price, Jonathan Kyle
01/13/06 Jackson, Kyle E.
01/13/06 Carver Jr., Mitchell K.
01/10/06 McMullen, Michael Joseph
01/07/06 Lundstrom, Brett L.
01/07/06 Jacobs, Jeriad P.
01/07/06 Brown, Kyle W.
01/07/06 Camilomatos, Radhames
01/07/06 Upchurch, Clinton R.
01/07/06 Johnson, Robert T.
01/07/06 Field, Nathan R.
01/07/06 Braswell, Darren D.
01/07/06 deMoors, Joseph D.
01/07/06 LaBouff, Douglas A.
01/07/06 Martinez, Michael R.
01/07/06 Anderson, Stuart M.
01/07/06 Melson, Jacob E.
01/07/06 Edwards, Michael I.
01/07/06 Troxel, Chester W.
01/07/06 Campbell, Jaime L.
01/07/06 Little, Jason T.
01/07/06 Mercado, Raul
01/05/06 McCurdy, Ryan S.
01/05/06 Gettings, Albert Pasquale
01/05/06 Walker, Ryan D.
01/05/06 Lopezreyes, Jason
01/05/06 McLaughlin, Michael E.
01/05/06 Cann, Adam Leigh
01/05/06 Mariano, Robbie M.
01/05/06 Peralez Jr., Johnny J.
01/05/06 White, Stephen J.
01/05/06 Petty, Christopher P.
01/05/06 Hecker III, William F.
01/01/06 Bishop, Jason Lee
01/01/06 Vanderhorn, Christopher J.
12/31/05 Corniel, Marcelino Ronald
12/30/05 Taha, Ayman A.
12/30/05 Pfender, Jonathan R.
12/30/05 Dostie, Shawn Christopher
12/29/05 Lutz II, George Anthony "Tony"
12/29/05 Teewia, Prince K.
12/28/05 Forbes, Aaron M.
12/27/05 Morberg, Joshua M.
12/27/05 Sage, Lance S.
12/26/05 Carver, Dane O.
12/26/05 Santos, Isaias E.
12/26/05 Salter, Richard Matthew "Matt"
12/26/05 Coles, Dominic R.
12/25/05 Cardinal, Anthony O.
12/25/05 Gudino, Sergio
12/24/05 Andres Jr., Joseph J.
12/24/05 Maravillosa, Myla L.
12/23/05 Willey, Cheyenne C.
12/23/05 Reali, Regina C.
12/22/05 Lopez-Feliciano, William
12/22/05 Britt, Benjamin T.
12/20/05 Naputi, Richard Jr. DeGracia
12/20/05 Cleary, Michael J.
12/19/05 Mason, Johnnie V.
12/18/05 Tapia, Samuel
12/16/05 Fales, Adam R.
12/15/05 Boyce, Timothy R.
12/15/05 Lucas, Joseph Alan
12/14/05 Presley, Michael B.
12/14/05 Pospisil, Kenneth B.
12/13/05 Navarro, Peter J.
12/13/05 Kesinger, James C.
12/13/05 Karim, Brian C.
12/13/05 Zyla, Michael S.
12/12/05 Mitchell, Curtis A.
12/12/05 Nelson, Lex S.
12/12/05 Kubasak, Jared William
12/11/05 Bennett, Keith A.
12/11/05 Moudy, James S. "Shawn"
12/10/05 Casica, Kenith
12/10/05 Nelson, Travis L.
12/10/05 Floyd Jr., Clarence L.
12/10/05 Atkins, Julia V.
12/09/05 Orosco, Adrian N.
12/08/05 Rivera-Vargas, Milton
12/08/05 Smith, Kevin J.
12/08/05 Akers, Spencer C.
12/07/05 Taylor, Michael C.
12/07/05 Bier, Joseph P.
12/06/05 Siekert, Thomas C.
12/06/05 Wright, Brian A.
12/04/05 Cuka, Daniel M.
12/04/05 Schild, Richard L.
12/03/05 Shelton, Jimmy Lee
12/02/05 Futrell, Marcus S.
12/02/05 Travis, Philip L.
12/02/05 Dodson Jr., Philip Allan
12/01/05 Adams, Brent A.
12/01/05 Watson, Craig N.
12/01/05 Stevens, Andy A.
12/01/05 Patten, Andrew G.
12/01/05 Modeen, Scott T.
12/01/05 McElveen, Anthony T.
12/01/05 Martinez, Robert Alexander
12/01/05 Kaiser, Adam Wade
12/01/05 Huhn, David A.
12/01/05 Holmason, John M.
12/01/05 Clay, Daniel J.
11/30/05 Taylor, William G.
11/30/05 Richardson, William D.
11/30/05 Snyder, Joshua D.
11/30/05 Jakoniuk, Grzegorz
11/29/05 Hasse, Donald J.
11/29/05 Mills Jr., Jerry W.
11/26/05 Angus, Brett E.
11/25/05 Tull, Gregory L.
11/24/05 Christensen, Ryan D.
11/24/05 Pearrow, Eric P.
11/24/05 Delgado, Marc A.
11/24/05 Reynolds, Steven C.
11/24/05 Villanueva, Javier A.
11/23/05 Knop, Allen J.
11/23/05 Meeuwsen, William B.
11/23/05 Bass, Aram J.
11/22/05 Gallardo, Denis J.
11/21/05 Dearing, John Wilson "J.W."
11/20/05 Sacco, Dominic J.
11/19/05 Alcozer, Christopher M.
11/19/05 Troyer, Tyler J.
11/19/05 Terrazas, Miguel
11/19/05 Idanan, Michael J.
11/19/05 Hinton, Dominic Joseph
11/19/05 Blair, Jonathan F.
11/19/05 Karolasz, Edward
11/19/05 Zilinski, Dennis W.
11/19/05 Yost, Anthony R. C.
11/18/05 Reyes, Luis R.
11/18/05 Gaunky, Anthony Alexander "Alex"
11/17/05 Widner, Vernon R.
11/17/05 Alarcon, Ivan Vargas
11/16/05 Paytas, Dylan R.
11/16/05 Murray, Jeremy E.
11/16/05 Roman-Cruz, Alexis
11/16/05 Ware, Joshua J.
11/16/05 Rogers, Jeffry A.
11/16/05 Deeds, Roger W.
11/16/05 Lucente, John A. "JT"
11/16/05 McGlothin, Donald R.
11/15/05 Schiavoni, Nickolas David
11/15/05 Grigg, Travis J.
11/15/05 Holley, Matthew J.
11/15/05 Estep, James E.
11/14/05 Longoria, John M.
11/14/05 McCrackin, Christopher M.
11/14/05 Mendoza Jr., Ramon J.
11/12/05 Sutherland, Stephen J.
11/12/05 Mendez Ruiz, David A.
11/12/05 Zubowski, Scott A.
11/11/05 Chisholm, Tyrone L.
11/11/05 Mendez Sanchez, Antonio "Tony"
11/11/05 Fisher II, Donald E.
11/10/05 Swaim, Daniel Freeman
11/10/05 Terando, Joshua A.
11/10/05 Parrott, Michael C.
11/08/05 Cashe, Alwyn C. "Al"
11/08/05 Tamburello, Jeremy P.
11/07/05 Reyes, Mario A.
11/07/05 Pope II, Robert C.
11/07/05 Freeman, Brian L.
11/07/05 Smith, Justin S.
11/06/05 Hayes, James F.
11/06/05 Cahill, Joel E.
11/06/05 Sorensen, Ryan J.
11/05/05 Wren, Thomas A.
11/04/05 Boatman, Darrell W.
11/04/05 Yancey, Dustin A.
11/04/05 Gurbisz, James M.
11/04/05 Brown, Timothy D.
11/04/05 Fegler, Jason A.
11/03/05 Toczylowski, Jeffrey P.
11/03/05 Howe, Darren D.
11/03/05 Pratt, Daniel J.
11/03/05 Wehrly, Kyle B.
11/02/05 MacKenzie, Tyler R.
11/02/05 Smith, Benjamin A.
11/02/05 Munger, Joshua J.
11/02/05 Procopio, Mark J.
11/02/05 Ferderer Jr., Dennis J.
11/02/05 Martino, Michael D.
11/02/05 Bloomfield II, Gerald M.
11/01/05 Espiritu, Allan M.
11/01/05 Tsue, Daniel A.
10/31/05 Kading, Matthew R.
10/31/05 Oneto-Sikorski, Robert C.
10/31/05 Jack, Derence W.
10/31/05 Lieto, Wilgene T.
10/31/05 Johnson, Adam R. "A.J."
10/31/05 Martin, David J.
10/31/05 Byler, William J.
10/31/05 Tessar, Jonathan
10/30/05 Dameron, Joel P.
10/30/05 Hodshire, Michael Paul
10/29/05 Guy, Shaker T.
10/29/05 Hill II, Raymond D.
10/29/05 Rojas, Kenny D.
10/28/05 Jutras, Dillon M.
10/28/05 Banaszak, Debra A.
10/27/05 Kremm, Jared J.
10/27/05 Eckfield Jr., Robert F.
10/27/05 Wood, William W.
10/27/05 Lightner Jr., Daniel R.
10/27/05 Mackinnon, Michael J.
10/26/05 Gentry, Lewis J.
10/26/05 Witkowski, James
10/26/05 Acevedoaponte, Ramon A.
10/26/05 Wallsmith, Thomas A.
10/26/05 Parker, Evan S.
10/25/05 Robertson, Michael T.
10/25/05 Hoeffner, Benjamin D.
10/25/05 Monroe, Christopher T.
10/23/05 Spears, Jonathan R.
10/22/05 Alexander Jr., George T.
10/21/05 Swisher, Tyler B.
10/21/05 Cockerham III, Benny Gray
10/21/05 Butler, Kenneth J.
10/21/05 Thompson, Christopher W.
10/21/05 Davey, Seamus M.
10/20/05 Merck, Dennis P.
10/20/05 Dones, Jacob D.
10/20/05 Szwydek, Steven W.
10/20/05 Russoli, Andrew D.
10/20/05 Pummill, Richard T.
10/19/05 Anderson III, Norman W.
10/19/05 Rosario, Jose E.
10/19/05 Nahvi, Russell H.
10/19/05 Mora Jr., Arthur A.
10/19/05 Frederick, Kendall K.
10/19/05 Folks Jr., Tommy Ike
10/19/05 Bartels, Daniel D.
10/18/05 Frantz, Lucas A.
10/17/05 Poston, Christopher M.
10/17/05 Pillen, Paul J.
10/17/05 Bubb, Daniel Scott R.
10/17/05 Hildebrandt, Chad R.
10/15/05 Adams, Mark P.
10/15/05 Watkins, Timothy D.
10/15/05 Summers, Vincent E.
10/15/05 Hardy, Richard Allen
10/15/05 Corban, Jeffrey W.
10/15/05 Byrd, Thomas H.
10/14/05 Ceo, Bernard L.
10/14/05 Boswell, Samuel M.
10/14/05 Conner, Brian R.
10/13/05 Babcock IV, Howard E.
10/13/05 Tucker, Robert W.
10/12/05 Hunt Jr., Kenneth E.
10/12/05 Grijalva, James T.
10/12/05 Ponce Ruiz, Lorenzo
10/12/05 Furman, Donald D.
10/11/05 Kimmell, Matthew A.
10/10/05 Bonifacio Jr., Jerry L.
10/10/05 James II, Leon G.
10/10/05 Johnson, Leon M.
10/10/05 Sneed, Brandon K.
10/10/05 Hodge, Jeremy M.
10/09/05 Harper Jr., Gary R.
10/08/05 Escobar, Sergio H.
10/07/05 Greer, Nicholas J.
10/07/05 Fifer, Eric A.
10/06/05 Raines II, Carl L.
10/06/05 McVicker, Daniel M.
10/06/05 Frye, Jason L.
10/06/05 Cherava, Nicholas O.
10/06/05 Cabino, Shayne M.
10/06/05 Kenny, Patrick Brian
10/06/05 Robinson, Jeremiah W.
10/04/05 Joplin, Brian K.
10/04/05 Bedard, Andrew D.
10/03/05 Pankey Jr., Larry Wayne
10/03/05 Baez, Roberto C.
10/03/05 Vanderbosch, Jacob T.
10/03/05 Large, Bryan W.
10/03/05 Stalvey, John R.
10/03/05 Berry, Sean B.
10/02/05 Roark, Timothy J.
10/01/05 Schelbert, Jens E.
10/01/05 Kynoch, Joshua J.
10/01/05 Westbrook, Marshall A.
09/28/05 Brown, Oliver J.
09/28/05 Wiegand, Lee A.
09/28/05 Slebodnik, Eric W.
09/28/05 Pugliese, George A.
09/28/05 Arnold, Daniel L.
09/28/05 Jacobson, Elizabeth Nicole
09/28/05 Morin Jr., Steve
09/27/05 Benford, Jason A.
09/26/05 Howe, Casey E.
09/26/05 Tuliau, Tulsa T.
09/26/05 Ortega, Elijah M.
09/26/05 Wallace, Andrew P.
09/26/05 Wendling, Michael J.
09/26/05 Allen, Howard P.
09/25/05 Graham, Shawn A.
09/24/05 Dunlap, Brian E.
09/24/05 Schelle, Daniel R.
09/23/05 Neubauer, Paul C.
09/23/05 Derrick, Andrew Joseph
09/22/05 McLaughlin, Scott P.
09/22/05 Jones, Kevin M.
09/22/05 Sonoda Jr., Mike T.
09/21/05 Arndt, Travis M.
09/20/05 Raymond, Pierre A.
09/20/05 Allers III, William Alvin
09/19/05 Morrison, Lawrence E.
09/19/05 Evans, William L.
09/19/05 Fernandez, William V.
09/19/05 Egan, Michael
09/19/05 Dooley, Mark H.
09/17/05 Nelom, Regilio E.
09/16/05 Deckard, Matthew L.
09/16/05 Gifford, Alan Nye
09/16/05 Ford IV, David H.
09/15/05 Silva, Alfredo B.
09/15/05 Swanberg, Shane C.
09/12/05 Macrum, Robert D.
09/11/05 Campbell, Jeremy M.
09/11/05 Arcala, Kurtis Dean K.
09/07/05 Everett, Christopher L.
09/06/05 Martens, Robert N.
09/06/05 Vilorio, Franklin R.
09/06/05 Jonaus, Jude R.
09/05/05 Williams, Luke C.
09/05/05 Bohling, Matthew Charles
09/05/05 Williams, Jeffrey A.
09/02/05 Parson, Lonnie J.
09/01/05 Draughn Jr., George Ray
09/01/05 Hollar Jr., Robert Lee
08/31/05 Ames, Jason E.
08/31/05 Ruth, Monta S.
08/31/05 Miller II, Lowell T.
08/30/05 Fester, Gregory J.
08/29/05 Rubado, Charles R.
08/29/05 Hay, Dennis P.
08/28/05 Kolath, Obediah J.
08/27/05 Martinez, Joseph L.
08/25/05 Shea, Timothy M.
08/25/05 Jerak, Ivica
08/25/05 Diesing, Trevor J.
08/23/05 Chapin, Chris S.
08/23/05 Diaz, Carlos J.
08/22/05 Romero, Ramon
08/22/05 Kathiria, Hatim S.
08/22/05 Lieurance, Victoir P.
08/22/05 Hunt, Joseph Daniel
08/21/05 Cathey, James J.
08/21/05 Arcand, Elden D.
08/21/05 Morris, Brian Lee
08/21/05 Nurre, Joseph C.
08/20/05 Partridge, Willard Todd
08/18/05 Seamans, Timothy J.
08/18/05 Fuhrmann II, Ray M.
08/18/05 Bouchard, Nathan K.
08/18/05 Doyle, Jeremy W.
08/16/05 Stokely, Michael J.
08/15/05 Ruiz, Jose L.
08/15/05 Saylor, Paul A.
08/15/05 Dingler, Joshua P.
08/15/05 Strickland, Thomas J.
08/14/05 Green, Toccara R.
08/14/05 Reese Jr., Gary L.
08/14/05 Taylor, Shannon D.
08/14/05 Hawn II, Asbury F.
08/13/05 Derks, Brian K.
08/12/05 Bell, Rusty W.
08/12/05 Giaimo, David L.
08/10/05 Herrera, Evenor C.
08/10/05 Benson, Michael A.
08/09/05 Ostrom, Ryan S.
08/09/05 Straub Jr., Francis J.
08/09/05 Detample, Nathaniel E. "Nate"
08/09/05 Kulick, John
08/09/05 Pellegrini Jr., Gennaro
08/09/05 Carrasquillo, Miguel
08/08/05 Rios, Hernando
08/08/05 Kalladeen, Anthony N.
08/08/05 Gonzales Cordova, Ramon E.
08/07/05 Reyna, Seferino J.
08/06/05 Comley, Chase Johnson
08/06/05 Jeffcoat, Brahim J.
08/06/05 Krout, Kurt E.
08/05/05 Ball Jr., Terry W.
08/05/05 Walden, Brett Eugene
08/05/05 Derenda, Robert V.
08/04/05 Thompson, Nils George
08/04/05 Simon, Chad J.
08/03/05 Strain, Adam J.
08/03/05 Gibbs, Mathew V.
08/03/05 Warren, Charles Houghton
08/03/05 Ganey Jr., Jerry Lewis
08/03/05 Fraser, Grant B.
08/03/05 Bloem, Nicholas William B.
08/03/05 Waruinge, Kevin G.
08/03/05 Stewart, David S.
08/03/05 Harper, Bradley J.
08/03/05 Wightman, William Brett
08/03/05 Schroeder II, Edward August
08/03/05 Reed, Aaron H.
08/03/05 Kreuter, David Kenneth J.
08/03/05 Hoffman, Justin F.
08/03/05 Dyer, Christopher Jenkins
08/03/05 Cifuentes, Michael J.
08/03/05 Bernholtz, Eric J.
08/03/05 Bell Jr., Timothy Michael
08/02/05 Hull, Thomas C.
08/02/05 McNaughton, James D.
08/01/05 Graham III, James R.
08/01/05 Castleberry Jr., Roger D.
08/01/05 Coullard, David J.
08/01/05 Deyarmin Jr., Daniel Nathan
08/01/05 Boskovitch, Jeffrey A.
08/01/05 Montgomery, Brian P.
08/01/05 Rock, Nathaniel S.
07/31/05 Carroll, James D.
07/30/05 Scheuerman, Jason D.
07/30/05 Shelley Sr., Ronnie L. "Rod"
07/30/05 Haggin, Jonathon C.
07/30/05 Jones Sr., David R.
07/30/05 Anderson, Victor A.
07/30/05 Swaney, Robert A.
07/29/05 Guerra, Ernesto R.
07/28/05 Lyons, Christopher P.
07/28/05 Williams, Andre L.
07/27/05 Jansky, Benjamin D.
07/27/05 Butler, Adrian J.
07/27/05 Tollefson, John O.
07/27/05 Myers, Edward L.
07/25/05 Harting, Adam J.
07/24/05 Montefering, Jason W.
07/24/05 Monzon Jr., Milton M.
07/24/05 Villatoro Jr., Ramon A.
07/24/05 Dallas Jr., Ernest W.
07/24/05 Fuller, Carl Ray
07/24/05 Thomas, John Frank
07/24/05 Kinlow, James Ondra
07/24/05 Brunson, Jacques Earl "Gus"
07/24/05 Taylor, Christopher J.
07/23/05 Opskar, Bryan James
07/21/05 Gill, Steven P.
07/21/05 Youngblood, Travis L.
07/19/05 McGill, Arthur R.
07/19/05 Farrow, Jefferey J.
07/19/05 Johnson, Lavena L.
07/17/05 Tiai, Frank F.
07/17/05 Sanchez Jr., Efrain
07/17/05 Williams, Ronnie D.
07/16/05 Pena-Romero, Jorge Luis
07/16/05 Cooper, Travis S.
07/16/05 Wood, Ronald T.
07/15/05 Hartley, Jared D.
07/14/05 Hines Jr., Timothy J.
07/14/05 Jameson, Tricia L.
07/14/05 Mounce, Clifton Blake
07/14/05 Winchester, Christopher D.
07/13/05 Yahudah, Benyahmin B.
07/11/05 Sutton, Timothy J.
07/10/05 Kovacicek, Ryan J.
07/10/05 Goodrich, Joseph P.
07/09/05 Bradfield Jr., Hoby F.
07/09/05 Woods, Eric Paul
07/08/05 Cariaga, Deyson K.
07/05/05 Mazzarella, Anthony M.
07/05/05 Cambridge, Lyle J.
07/05/05 Bright, Scottie L.
07/05/05 Dickison, Christopher W.
07/03/05 Brown, Jeremy A.
07/03/05 Montgomery, Ryan J.
06/30/05 Mercer, Chad M.
06/28/05 Carrillo Jr., Rafael A. "T. J."
06/28/05 Hornedo, Manny
06/28/05 Hall Jr., Robert E.
06/27/05 Mariotti, Keith R.
06/27/05 Shepard, Steven E.
06/27/05 Coutu, Matthew S.
06/26/05 Kaufman, Charles A.
06/24/05 Pineda, Carlos
06/23/05 Clark, Regina R.
06/23/05 Valdez, Ramona M.
06/23/05 Muy, Veashna
06/23/05 Charette, Holly A.
06/23/05 Powell, Chad W.
06/23/05 Phelps, Christopher W.
06/23/05 Tackett, Joseph M.
06/22/05 Duplantier II, Arnold
06/21/05 Vaughn, Brian A.
06/21/05 Hoskins, Christopher L.
06/21/05 Idalski, Nicholas R.
06/21/05 Stewart, James D.
06/20/05 Kilpatrick, Christopher R.
06/18/05 Crumpler, Adam J.
06/18/05 Long, William A.
06/18/05 Harris, Noah
06/17/05 Horrigan, Robert M.
06/17/05 McNulty, Michael L.
06/16/05 Maloney, John W.
06/16/05 Heldt, Erik R.
06/16/05 Cometa, Anthony S.
06/15/05 Baez, Cesar O.
06/15/05 Maynard, Chad B.
06/15/05 Whitley, Dion M.
06/15/05 Trovillion, Tyler S.
06/15/05 Jaime, Jesse
06/15/05 Flores, Jonathan R.
06/14/05 Jones, Anthony G.
06/14/05 Clemons, Nathan B.
06/14/05 Klinger, Joshua P.
06/14/05 Hayes, Michael Ray
06/13/05 Kinslow, Anthony D.
06/13/05 Kuhns Jr., Larry R.
06/13/05 Mattek Jr., John J.
06/11/05 Byers, Casey
06/11/05 Prince, Neil A.
06/11/05 Arnold Sr., Larry R.
06/11/05 Lee Sr., Terrance D.
06/11/05 Lapinski, Stanley J.
06/10/05 Castillo, Mario Alberto
06/10/05 Kilpela, Andrew J.
06/09/05 Murray, David Joseph
06/09/05 Squires, Brad D.
06/09/05 Seymour, Devon Paul
06/09/05 Keeling, Thomas O.
06/09/05 Chavez, Daniel
06/09/05 Birch, Dustin V.
06/09/05 Edwards, Mark O.
06/08/05 Kashmer, Douglas E.
06/08/05 Arizola Jr., Roberto
06/08/05 Tucker, Marc Lucas
06/08/05 Fasnacht, Michael J.
06/08/05 Esposito, Phillip T.
06/08/05 Allen, Louis E.
06/07/05 Crowe, Terrence K.
06/07/05 Burri, Eric T.
06/06/05 Romines, Brian M.
06/06/05 Smith, Jonathan L.
06/06/05 Mininger, Robert T.
06/05/05 Ulbrich, Brian Scott "Scotty"
06/05/05 Poelman, Eric J.
06/05/05 Vasquez, Justin L.
06/05/05 Westhusing, Theodore S.
06/05/05 French, Carrie L.
06/03/05 Villar, Linda J.
06/03/05 Mendoza, Antonio
06/01/05 Niedermeier, Louis E.
06/01/05 Case, Virgil R.
06/01/05 Edmundson, Phillip C.
05/31/05 Ramos, Miguel A.
05/31/05 Langmack, Steven M.
05/30/05 Starr, Jeffrey B.
05/30/05 Crate, Casey
05/30/05 Argel, Derek
05/30/05 Fresques, Jeremy
05/30/05 Downs, William
05/29/05 Cortes III, Victor M.
05/28/05 Smart, Albert E.
05/28/05 Sayles, Phillip N.
05/28/05 Barnhill, Michael S.
05/27/05 Maida, Mark A.
05/27/05 Scott, Joshua Michael
05/27/05 Lourey, Matthew Scott
05/26/05 Crocker, Ricardo A.
05/25/05 Wimberg, David Neil
05/25/05 Siler, Alfred Barton
05/24/05 Collins, Randy D.
05/24/05 Hahn, Peter J.
05/24/05 Wallace, Jeffrey R.
05/24/05 Fisher, Dustin C.
05/24/05 Drier, Charles A. "Chuck"
05/23/05 Verdugo, Russell J.
05/23/05 Brazee, Joshua T.
05/23/05 Perez, Christopher S.
05/23/05 Varnado, Daniel Ryan
05/23/05 Barron, Bryan Edward
05/23/05 Lunsford, Audrey Daron
05/23/05 Parker, Saburant "Sabe"
05/22/05 Wilkerson, Charles T.
05/22/05 Schall, Kenneth J.
05/22/05 Seesan, Aaron N.
05/22/05 Creamean, Tyler L.
05/22/05 Morton, Benjamin C.
05/22/05 Ogburn III, John B.
05/22/05 Morgain, Carl J.
05/20/05 Wentz, Brad A.
05/20/05 Schamberg, Kurt D.
05/19/05 Fell, Robin V.
05/19/05 Sembly, Bernard L.
05/19/05 Eisenhauer, Wyatt D.
05/18/05 Walker, Antwan L. "Twan"
05/17/05 Riggs, Wesley R.
05/16/05 Simpson, Jacob M.
05/14/05 Gillican III, Charles C.
05/13/05 Anderson, Travis W.
05/12/05 Zeigler II, Kenneth E.
05/12/05 Jodon, Andrew R.
05/12/05 Smith, John M.
05/11/05 Castle, Samuel Tyrone
05/11/05 Schmidt III, John T.
05/11/05 Grez, Jourdan L.
05/11/05 Grant, Jonathan Walter
05/11/05 Erdy, Nicholas B.
05/11/05 Dixon, Christopher R.
05/11/05 Davids, Wesley G.
05/11/05 Ivy II, Kendall H.
05/10/05 Bordelon, Michael J.
05/09/05 Mahdee, Marcus
05/09/05 Prazynski, Taylor B.
05/09/05 Baldwyn, Stephen P.
05/09/05 Goodwin, Anthony L.
05/08/05 Philippon, Lawrence R.
05/08/05 Derga, Dustin A.
05/08/05 Givens, Steven Ray
05/08/05 Ingraham, Thor H.
05/08/05 Messmer, Nicolas E.
05/08/05 Eckert Jr., Gary A. "Andy"
05/07/05 Marzano, Michael A.
05/07/05 Cepeda Sr., Aaron N.
05/07/05 Graham, Lance Tanner
05/07/05 Wiener, Jeffery L.
05/07/05 Postal, Michael V.
05/03/05 Brooks, William J.
05/03/05 Saxton, Stephen P.
05/02/05 Hinz, Kelly C.
05/02/05 Spahr, John C.
05/02/05 Little, Tommy S.
05/02/05 McGee, John E.
05/01/05 Lutters, Derrick Joseph
04/30/05 Parker, Kenya A.
04/30/05 Garcia-Arana, Juan de Dios
04/29/05 Cooper Jr., Charles S.
04/29/05 Deblanc, Darren A.
04/29/05 Harting III, Ralph J. "Jay"
04/29/05 Frank, Stephen W.
04/29/05 Gadsden, Clifford V. "CC"
04/28/05 Murray Jr., Robert W.
04/28/05 Rockholt Jr., Ricky W.
04/28/05 Edens, William A.
04/28/05 Morris, Eric Wayne
04/28/05 Kiser, Timothy Craig
04/27/05 Tremblay, Joseph S.
04/26/05 Rice, David L.
04/25/05 Millsap, Timmy J.
04/24/05 Walters Jr., Gary W.
04/23/05 Davis Jr., Anthony J.
04/23/05 Kent, Aaron A.
04/23/05 Prince, Kevin William
04/22/05 Colburn, Gavin J.
04/21/05 Guy, Robert A. "Bobby"
04/20/05 Mortenson, Marty G.
04/20/05 Cannan, Kelly M.
04/19/05 Wessel, Kevin S. K.
04/19/05 Pfister, Jacob M.
04/18/05 Thornton, Steven W.
04/18/05 Huff, Sam W.
04/17/05 Knott, Joseph L.
04/17/05 Sirko, Steven F.
04/16/05 Stevens, Randy Lee
04/16/05 Toy Sr., Tromaine K.
04/16/05 Lozada Jr., Angelo L.
04/16/05 Hudson, Aaron M.
04/15/05 Ramirezgonzalez, Aleina
04/14/05 Edge, James C.
04/13/05 Lindemuth, Michael B.
04/12/05 Lopez III, Manuel
04/12/05 Miller, John W.
04/12/05 Dickens, Tyler J.
04/09/05 LaWare, Casey M.
04/08/05 Davis, Kevin Dewayne
04/07/05 Venegas, Juan C.
04/05/05 Garcia, Javier J.
04/05/05 Watkins, Glenn J.
04/04/05 Kennedy, Stephen C.
04/04/05 Dill, Christopher W.
04/04/05 Kinchen, Jeremiah C.
04/03/05 Richardson, William D.
04/03/05 Sherrill, James Alexander
04/02/05 Tavae Jr., Ioasa F.
04/02/05 Dengkhim, Tenzin
04/01/05 Rimes, Garrywesley Tan
03/31/05 McNary, Robbie D.
03/30/05 Toth, Eric L.
03/30/05 Ridgley, Kenneth L.
03/30/05 Morris, Kelly S.
03/30/05 Wells Jr., Charles G.
03/28/05 Lee, Samuel S.
03/26/05 Sinclair, Isiah J.
03/26/05 Godbolt, Lee M.
03/25/05 Richardson, Bryan J.
03/23/05 Bruce, Travis R.
03/21/05 Smith, Kevin S.
03/20/05 Martinez, Francisco G.
03/20/05 Thomason III, Paul W.
03/19/05 Hughes, Jonathan A.
03/18/05 Lewis Jr., Lee A.
03/16/05 Payne, Rocky D.
03/15/05 Kieffer, Ricky A.
03/15/05 Heltzel, Paul M.
03/14/05 Torrence, Joshua L.
03/11/05 Griffith Jr., Donald D.
03/11/05 Wilson, Nicholas E.
03/09/05 Koch, Matthew A.
03/07/05 Franklin, Michael W.
03/07/05 Bossert, Andrew L.
03/04/05 Solorio, Juan M.
03/04/05 Salem, Adriana N.
03/04/05 Grimes, Sean
03/04/05 Eacho, Donald W.
03/04/05 Twyman, Wade Michael
03/04/05 McGowan, Stephen M.
03/04/05 Garceau, Seth K.
03/02/05 Lwin, Wai Pyoe
03/02/05 Ali, Azhar
03/02/05 Pugh, Robert Shane
03/01/05 Robles, Lizbeth
02/28/05 Negron, Julio E.
02/27/05 Gienau, Richard Brian
02/27/05 Anderson, Danny L.
02/26/05 Giles, Landon S.
02/26/05 Choi, Min-su
02/26/05 Nowacki, Andrew W.
02/25/05 Henry, Chassan S.
02/25/05 Farnan, Colby M.
02/25/05 Brewer, Adam Noel
02/25/05 Moski, Jason L.
02/24/05 Deem, Michael S.
02/24/05 Crackel, Alexander B.
02/24/05 Gresham, Daniel G.
02/24/05 Palmatier, Jacob C.
02/23/05 Olivier, Nicholas J.
02/23/05 Steffeney, Eric M.
02/22/05 Aston, Trevor D.
02/21/05 Olson, John T.
02/21/05 Lhotka, Jesse M.
02/21/05 Day, David F.
02/21/05 Timmerman, Jason G.
02/19/05 Gertson, Clinton R.
02/19/05 Clarke, Kevin Michael
02/19/05 Malson, Adam
02/19/05 Trahan, Seth R.
02/18/05 Gil, Carlos J.
02/17/05 Hernandez, Frank B.
02/16/05 Pusateri, Christopher M.
02/16/05 Hendrix, Jason R.
02/16/05 Plumondore, Adam J.
02/16/05 Osbey, Timothy R.
02/16/05 Rahaim, Joseph A.
02/16/05 Bell-Johnson, Katrina Lani
02/16/05 Carter, Justin B.
02/15/05 Arciola, Michael A.
02/14/05 Salie, David J.
02/13/05 Brangman, David J.
02/13/05 Gooding, Dakotah L.
02/13/05 Knox Jr., Rene
02/13/05 Lake, Chad W.
02/13/05 Rangel, Ray
02/11/05 McNail, Robert A.
02/11/05 Shepherd, Kristopher L.
02/10/05 Perez Jr., Richard A.
02/10/05 Robbins, William T.
02/09/05 Housby, Jessica M.
02/08/05 Henthorn, Jeffrey S.
02/06/05 Wobler, Zachary Ryan
02/06/05 Allmon, Jeremy O.
02/05/05 Wichlacz, Travis M.
02/04/05 Bayow, Steven G.
02/04/05 Torres, Daniel
02/03/05 Sherman, Stephen R.
02/03/05 Cooley, Sean Michael
02/03/05 Clifton, Richard C.
02/02/05 Brock, Sean Lee
02/02/05 Maher, Sean P.
02/01/05 Hendrickson, Robert T.
01/31/05 Warren, Mark C.
01/31/05 Zimny, Christopher E.
01/31/05 Redifer, Jason C.
01/31/05 Swain IV, Harry R.
01/30/05 Serrano, Nazario
01/30/05 Miller IV, James H.
01/29/05 Jack, Edward E.
01/29/05 Heald, Barbara
01/29/05 Taylor, Keith Edward
01/29/05 James, Lindsey T.
01/28/05 Castellano, Stephen A.
01/28/05 Zaun, Mickey E.
01/28/05 Farrar Jr., Andrew K.
01/28/05 Jones, Charles S.
01/28/05 Bonilla, Orlando A.
01/28/05 Evans II, Michael S.
01/28/05 Ramsey, Christopher J.
01/28/05 Reed, Jonathan Ray
01/28/05 Rymer II, Lyle W.
01/28/05 Rodriguez, Joseph E.
01/27/05 Beatty, Jonathan S.
01/27/05 Luna, Kevin M.
01/26/05 Burk, Taylor J.
01/26/05 Kimble, Dexter S.
01/26/05 Hernandez, Tony L.
01/26/05 Gordon, Lyle L.
01/26/05 Alaniz, Paul C.
01/26/05 Starr Jr., Michael L.
01/26/05 Spence, Joseph B.
01/26/05 Smith, Matthew R.
01/26/05 Shumney, Dustin M.
01/26/05 Schumann, Darrell J.
01/26/05 Schubert, Nathan A.
01/26/05 Saintvil, Gael
01/26/05 Ramos, Hector
01/26/05 Rairdan, Rhonald Dain
01/26/05 Ragimov, Mourad
01/26/05 Moore, Nathaniel K.
01/26/05 Moore, James Lee
01/26/05 Maciel, Fred L.
01/26/05 Knight, Timothy A.
01/26/05 Klein, Allan
01/26/05 Kelly, Sean P.
01/26/05 Johnson, Stephen P.
01/26/05 Jafarkhani-Torshizi Jr., Saeed
01/26/05 Hopper, Brian C.
01/26/05 Grimes, Kyle J.
01/26/05 Gilbert Jr., Richard A.
01/26/05 Gibson, Timothy M.
01/26/05 Fuller, Travis J.
01/26/05 Finke Jr., Michael W.
01/26/05 Etterling, Jonathan Edward
01/26/05 Bland, Brian D.
01/26/05 House, John Daniel
01/26/05 Weaver, Christopher L.
01/26/05 Strong, Jesse W.
01/26/05 Linn, Karl R.
01/26/05 Bowling, Jonathan W.
01/26/05 Kinzer Jr., William S.
01/24/05 Adams, Leonard W.
01/24/05 Swank, Brett D.
01/24/05 Leon-Perez, Jesus A.
01/24/05 Carlson, Michael C.
01/24/05 Stevens, Joseph W.
01/24/05 Marin Jr., Javier
01/24/05 Yolkin, Viktar V.
01/23/05 Rangel, Jose C.
01/22/05 Hoe, Nainoa K.
01/21/05 Lusk II, Joe Fenton
01/21/05 Childress, Kyle William
01/18/05 Sullivan, Christopher J.
01/17/05 Fonseca, Jesus
01/17/05 Vitagliano, Thomas E.
01/17/05 Geer, George R.
01/17/05 Obaji, Francis C.
01/16/05 Kamolvathin, Alain L.
01/15/05 Swindell, Nathaniel T.
01/15/05 Patterson, Jayton D.
01/14/05 Holter III, Paul C.
01/13/05 Becker, Gunnar D.
01/13/05 Holloway, Matthew W.
01/13/05 Rodriguez Velasco, Juan Rodrigo
01/13/05 Mack, Brian A.
01/11/05 Smith, Michael J.
01/10/05 Manuel, William F.
01/10/05 Sweeney III, Robert Wesley
01/09/05 Fite, Joseph E.
01/09/05 McFarlane Jr., Dwayne James
01/07/05 Guastaferro, Daniel F.
01/06/05 Vonronn, Kenneth G.
01/06/05 Murphy, Warren A.
01/06/05 Frickey, Armand L.
01/06/05 Fassbender, Huey P. L.
01/06/05 Bergeron, Bradley J.
01/06/05 Babin, Christopher J.
01/06/05 Comeaux, Kurt J.
01/06/05 Davis, Zachariah Scott
01/06/05 Cisneros-Alvarez, Julio C.
01/04/05 Washington, Bennie J.
01/04/05 Depew, Cory R.
01/04/05 Buie, Jimmy D.
01/04/05 Marcum, Joshua S.
01/04/05 McHalffey, Jeremy W.
01/04/05 Wooten III, Curtis L.
01/03/05 Houser, Thomas E.
01/01/05 LeBrun, Jeff
01/01/05 Parrello, Brian P.
12/31/04 Smith, Jason E.
12/30/04 Ficek, Damien T.
12/29/04 Nelson, Craig L.
12/29/04 Sanchez, Oscar
12/28/04 Nyren, Nathaniel J.
12/28/04 Lehto, Jason A.
12/28/04 Briones Jr., Pablito Pena
12/27/04 Rivera-Serrano, Jose A.
12/27/04 Olson, Todd D.
12/23/04 Smith, Raleigh C.
12/23/04 Phillips, James R.
12/23/04 Hillenburg, Eric
12/23/04 Barnett, Christopher W.
12/21/04 Petsche, Neil D.
12/21/04 ODell, Robert D.
12/21/04 VanKomen, Darren D.
12/21/04 Melo, Julian S.
12/21/04 Johnson, Robert S.
12/21/04 Jacobsen Jr., William W.
12/21/04 Castro, Jonathan
12/21/04 Ayro, Lionel
12/21/04 Hewitt, Cory Michael
12/21/04 Baldwin, Joel Egan
12/21/04 Karpowich, Paul D.
12/21/04 Ruhren, David A.
12/21/04 Mason, Nicholas C. "Nick"
12/21/04 Dostie, Thomas John
12/21/04 Poulin Sr., Lynn Robert
12/19/04 Farmer, Donald B.
12/19/04 Meza, Barry K.
12/16/04 Sweger, Franklin A.
12/14/04 Anderson, Michael D.
12/14/04 Martinez, Victor A.
12/13/04 Vroman, Brent T.
12/13/04 Warner, Richard D.
12/13/04 Time, Tina Safaira
12/12/04 Ramsey, Joshua A.
12/12/04 Dickinson, Joshua W.
12/12/04 Kirk, Jeffrey L.
12/12/04 Stewart, Ian W.
12/12/04 Clairday, Jason S.
12/12/04 Lopez, Hilario F.
12/12/04 Blazer, Melvin L.
12/12/04 Blanton, Jeffery S.
12/11/04 Hoyt, Robert W.
12/11/04 Rund, Gregory P.
12/09/04 Renehan, Kyle J.
12/09/04 Leach, Patrick D.
12/09/04 Shields, Andrew C.
12/09/04 Adlesperger, Christopher S.
12/08/04 Williams IV, Arthur C.
12/07/04 Gibbs, Todd Clayton
12/07/04 Stubenhofer, Mark N.
12/07/04 Kim, In C.
12/05/04 Ward, Andrew M.
12/05/04 Roodhouse, Edwin William
12/05/04 Eggers, Kyle A.
12/05/04 Trost III, Marvin Lee
12/04/04 Behnke, Joseph O.
12/04/04 Mitts, David A.
12/04/04 Tuialuuluu, Salamo J.
12/04/04 Gasiewicz, Cari Anne
12/04/04 Boatright, Michael L.
12/03/04 Wyatt, Matthew A.
12/03/04 Le, Binh N.
12/03/04 Irizarry, Henry E.
12/03/04 Mahlenbrock, David P.
12/02/04 Harrison, George Daniel
12/01/04 Wilson, Bryan S.
12/01/04 Kolda, Zachary A.
12/01/04 Pena, Javier Obleas-Prado
12/01/04 Fisher, David M.
11/30/04 Calderon, Pablo A.
11/30/04 Guereca Jr., Jose
11/29/04 Magaoay, Blake A.
11/29/04 Hayes, Erik W.
11/29/04 Davis, Daryl A.
11/29/04 Urbina, Wilfredo F.
11/29/04 Engeldrum, Christian P.
11/28/04 Benish, Stephen C.
11/28/04 Lee, Carl W.
11/28/04 Shackelford, Michael B.
11/28/04 Martinezluis, Trinidad R.
11/28/04 Hanson Jr., Charles A.
11/28/04 Brooks, Adam R.
11/27/04 Lucero, Joshua E.
11/27/04 Christensen, Jeremy E.
11/27/04 Smith, Michael A.
11/27/04 Bosselmann, Kirk J.
11/26/04 Houck, David B.
11/26/04 Faircloth, Bradley M.
11/26/04 Winkler, Jordan D.
11/26/04 Meyer, Harrison J.
11/26/04 Grant, Brian K.
11/25/04 Marku, Gentian
11/25/04 Holmes, Jeffery Scott
11/25/04 Cantafio, Ryan J.
11/24/04 Diaz Varela, Sergio R.
11/24/04 Nolte, Nicholas S.
11/23/04 Edinger, Benjamin C.
11/22/04 Cohen, Michael R.
11/22/04 Ebert, Blain M.
11/20/04 Heredia, Joseph J.
11/20/04 Bryant Jr., Jack
11/20/04 Welke, Joseph T.
11/20/04 Roustum, David L.
11/19/04 Brown, Demarkus D.
11/19/04 Arms, Bradley Thomas
11/19/04 West, Phillip G.
11/19/04 Gavriel, Dimitrios
11/19/04 Downey, Michael A.
11/18/04 Nolan, Joseph M.
11/18/04 Figueroa, Luis A.
11/17/04 Hanks, Michael Wayne
11/16/04 Qualls, Louis W.
11/16/04 Heflin, Christopher T.
11/16/04 Wullenwaber, Luke C.
11/16/04 Caddy, Marshall H.
11/16/04 McConnell, Daniel James
11/16/04 Flores-Mejia, Jose Ricardo
11/15/04 Miller, William L.
11/15/04 Thompson, Lance M.
11/15/04 Smith, Antoine D.
11/15/04 Rapicault, Patrick Marc M.
11/15/04 Swain, James E.
11/15/04 Peralta, Rafael
11/15/04 Ailes, Jeramy A.
11/15/04 Ryan, Marc T.
11/15/04 Kielion, Shane E.
11/15/04 Parker, Bradley L.
11/15/04 Desiato, Travis R.
11/15/04 Hunt, Isaiah R.
11/14/04 Payton, George J.
11/14/04 Burger Jr., Dale A.
11/14/04 Perez, Andres H.
11/14/04 Ziolkowski, Nicholas L.
11/13/04 Larsen, Cole W.
11/13/04 Sims, Sean P.
11/13/04 Lu, Victor R.
11/13/04 McLeese, Justin D.
11/13/04 Bryan, Benjamin S.
11/13/04 Velez, Jose A.
11/13/04 Norwood, Byron W.
11/13/04 Ellsworth, Justin M.
11/13/04 Dempsey, Kevin J.
11/13/04 Dima, Catalin D.
11/12/04 Anderson, Nicholas H.
11/12/04 Matteson, James C. "J.C."
11/12/04 Medina, Brian A.
11/12/04 Branning, David M.
11/12/04 Shields, Jonathan B.
11/12/04 Iwan, Edward D.
11/12/04 Prening, Brian P.
11/12/04 Anderson, Nathan R.
11/12/04 Strader, Morgan W.
11/12/04 Maher, Jarrod L.
11/12/04 White, Raymond L.
11/11/04 Burns, Kyle W.
11/11/04 Blecksmith, James P. "JP"
11/11/04 Holder II, Theodore S. "Sam"
11/11/04 Bowling, Theodore A.
11/11/04 Doerflinger, Thomas K.
11/11/04 Huey, Sean P.
11/11/04 Giannopoulos, Peter J.
11/11/04 Reppuhn, Justin D.
11/10/04 Canning, Wesley J.
11/10/04 Miller Jr., Dennis J.
11/10/04 Ottolini, Michael C.
11/10/04 Jimenez II, Romulo J.
11/10/04 Pickering, Aaron C.
11/10/04 Ramirez, Gene
11/10/04 Hodges, Erick J.
11/10/04 Malcom Jr., Dan T.
11/10/04 Woods, Julian
11/09/04 Simpson, Abraham
11/09/04 Caruso, David M.
11/09/04 Trotter, John Byron
11/09/04 Cornell, Todd R.
11/09/04 Slay, Russell L.
11/09/04 Wood, Nathan R.
11/09/04 Larson, Nicholas D.
11/09/04 James, William C.
11/09/04 Segura, Juan E.
11/09/04 Wells, Lonny D.
11/09/04 Faulkenburg, Steven W.
11/09/04 Babbitt, Travis A.
11/09/04 Auchman, Steven E.
11/09/04 Moore, Horst Gerhard "Gary"
11/08/04 Zapp, Thomas J.
11/08/04 Warns II, Robert P.
11/08/04 Clary, Don Allen
11/08/04 Wisdom, Clinton Lee
11/08/04 Ries, David G.
11/08/04 Ramey, Branden P.
11/08/04 O'Donnell, Shane K.
11/08/04 Hammond, Nathaniel T.
11/08/04 Freeman, Bryan L.
11/08/04 Palmer, Joshua D.
11/08/04 Lam, Jeffrey
11/07/04 McVey, Otie Joseph
11/07/04 Tran, Quoc Binh
11/07/04 Langley, Sean M.
11/07/04 Baker, Brian K.
11/06/04 Yoemans, Justin R.
11/05/04 Camacho-Rivera, Carlos M.
11/04/04 Hubbard, Jared P.
11/04/04 Baro, Jeremiah A.
11/04/04 Wentz, Cody L.
11/03/04 Webb, Charles Joseph
10/31/04 Lynch, Matthew D.
10/30/04 Lukac, John
10/30/04 Courtney, Kelley L.
10/30/04 Riedel, Andrew G.
10/30/04 Byrd II, John T.
10/30/04 Lapka, Christopher J.
10/30/04 Fox, Travis A.
10/30/04 Scarborough, Michael P.
10/30/04 Bow, Jeremy D.
10/29/04 Fortune, Maurice Keith
10/28/04 Downing II, Stephen P.
10/28/04 Akintade, Segun Frederick
10/28/04 Battles Sr., Michael
10/27/04 Lemon, Jerome
10/25/04 Oliveira, Brian
10/24/04 Boles, Dennis J.
10/24/04 Slocum, Richard Patrick
10/22/04 Gadsden, Jonathan E.
10/20/04 Bascom, Douglas E.
10/18/04 Ehrlich, Andrew C.
10/16/04 Brennan, William I.
10/16/04 Johnson, Christopher B.
10/15/04 Schramm, Brian K.
10/15/04 Owen, Michael G.
10/15/04 Santos, Jonathan J.
10/15/04 Salazar, William I.
10/15/04 Burgess, Alan J.
10/14/04 Waters, David L.
10/14/04 Vandertulip, Josiah H.
10/14/04 Barbret, Mark A.
10/14/04 Beard, Bradley S.
10/14/04 Hawkins II, Omer T.
10/13/04 Baker, Ronald W.
10/13/04 Gonzalez, Victor A.
10/13/04 Felsberg, Paul M.
10/13/04 Soltes Jr., Charles R.
10/13/04 Phelan, Mark P.
10/13/04 Regnier, Jeremy F.
10/13/04 Moreno, Jaime
10/12/04 Weger, Michael S.
10/12/04 Pintor, Dennis L.
10/12/04 Wyatt, Daniel R.
10/12/04 Merville, Christopher A.
10/12/04 Zook, Ian T.
10/12/04 Martinez, Oscar A.
10/11/04 Rusin, Aaron J.
10/11/04 Burbank, Michael Lee
10/11/04 Monroe, Anthony W.
10/11/04 Osbourne, Pamela G.
10/10/04 Prevete, James E.
10/10/04 Ramsey, Carson J.
10/09/04 Halverson, Andrew
10/08/04 Brown, Andrew W.
10/08/04 Voss, Michael S.
10/07/04 Jacobs, Morgen N.
10/06/04 Kim, Jeungjin Na "Nikky"
10/06/04 Cawvey, Jessica L.
10/05/04 Morgan Jr., Richard L.
10/03/04 Pettaway Jr., James L.
10/03/04 Collier, Russell L.
10/03/04 Potts, Christopher S.
10/01/04 Hennessy, Jack Taft
10/01/04 Uvanni, Michael A.
09/30/04 Nolan, Allen
09/30/04 Cunningham, Darren J.
09/30/04 Jones, Rodney A.
09/29/04 Dennie, Mike A.
09/29/04 Titcomb, Joshua K.
09/28/04 Prewitt, Tyler D.
09/27/04 Sickels, Kenneth L.
09/27/04 Villanueva, Joselito O.
09/27/04 Cox, Gregory A.
09/26/04 Allton, Eric L.
09/25/04 Unruh, Robert Oliver
09/25/04 Moxley Jr., Clifford L.
09/25/04 Johnson, David W.
09/24/04 Leduc, Ryan
09/24/04 Folmar, Timothy
09/24/04 Mateo, Ramon
09/24/04 Boyles, Aaron
09/22/04 Smith, Benjamin K.
09/22/04 Soram, Skipper
09/22/04 Harris, Adam J.
09/22/04 Koenig, Lance J.
09/21/04 Stahl, Nathan E.
09/20/04 Harrington, Foster L.
09/20/04 Cates, Steven C. T.
09/20/04 Henry, Joshua J.
09/19/04 Adams, Brandon E.
09/18/04 Price, James W.
09/18/04 Rosenbaum, Thomas Chad
09/17/04 Ebert, Christopher S.
09/16/04 Rintamaki, Steven A.
09/16/04 Stern, Andrew K.
09/15/04 Howman, Gregory C.
09/15/04 Uhles, Drew M.
09/14/04 Brown, Tyler Hall
09/14/04 Shea, Kevin M.
09/14/04 Demand, Jacob H.
09/13/04 Meluat, Jaygee Ngirmidol
09/13/04 Soltau, Adrian V.
09/13/04 Puckett, Mathew D.
09/13/04 Thomas, Carl
09/13/04 Hagy Jr., Guy Stanley
09/13/04 Brown, Dominic C.
09/13/04 Halal, Michael J.
09/13/04 Machado-Olmos, Cesar F.
09/13/04 Weisenburg, David J.
09/13/04 Isenberg, Benjamin W.
09/12/04 Poindexter, Jason T.
09/12/04 Wetherbee, Alexander E.
09/11/04 Cedergren, David A.
09/10/04 Daclan Jr., Edgar P.
09/08/04 Sparks, Jason L.
09/08/04 Martinez, Michael A.
09/08/04 Faulkner, James Daniel
09/08/04 DeLeon Jr., Lauro G.
09/07/04 Drake, Chad H.
09/07/04 Price, Timothy E.
09/07/04 Aneiros, Yoe M.
09/07/04 Adams III, Clarence
09/06/04 Grella, Devin J.
09/06/04 Boria, John J.
09/06/04 Garces, Tomas
09/06/04 Bourdon, Elvis
09/06/04 Read, Brandon Michael
09/06/04 Wilson, Lamont N.
09/06/04 Nygardbekowsky, Mick R.
09/06/04 McCarthy, Joseph C.
09/06/04 Keith, Quinn A.
09/06/04 Gardner, Derek L.
09/06/04 Burridge, David Paul
09/06/04 Allred, Michael J.
09/05/04 McCauley, Ryan Michael
09/05/04 Vaillant, Gary A.
09/05/04 Lamb, Charles R.
09/05/04 Morrison, Shawna M.
09/04/04 Knott, Eric L.
09/03/04 Wilt, Nicholas
09/03/04 Winchester, Ronald
09/03/04 Rowe, Alan
09/03/04 Perez, Nicholas
09/01/04 Thibodeaux III, Joseph C.
08/30/04 Holleyman, Aaron N.
08/29/04 Anderson Jr., Carl L.
08/28/04 Lopez, Edgar E.
08/27/04 Aldrich, Nickalous N.
08/27/04 Razani, Omead H.
08/27/04 Perez, Luis A.
08/26/04 Skinner, Nicholas M.
08/26/04 Humlhanz, Barton R.
08/25/04 Ross, Marco D.
08/25/04 Neeley, Charles L.
08/25/04 Arredondo, Alexander S.
08/24/04 Lugo, Jacob R.
08/24/04 Davis, Donald N.
08/23/04 Thornton Jr., Robert C.
08/22/04 Belchik, Christopher
08/22/04 Stovall, Matthew R.
08/21/04 Reeder, Edward T.
08/21/04 Washalanta, Nachez
08/21/04 Huston, Seth
08/21/04 Cook, Jason
08/21/04 Alvarez, Nicanor
08/21/04 Cuming, Kevin A.
08/20/04 Martin, Ryan A.
08/20/04 Wilkins III, Charles L.
08/19/04 McCormick, Brad Preston
08/18/04 Lord, Richard M.
08/18/04 Martir, Jacob D.
08/18/04 Fitzgerald, Dustin R.
08/18/04 Parkerson III, Harvey Emmett
08/18/04 Risner, Henry C.
08/17/04 Titus, Brandon T.
08/17/04 Powers, Caleb J.
08/16/04 Heath, David M.
08/15/04 Perez, Geoffrey
08/15/04 Hannon, Fernando B.
08/15/04 Shepherd, Daniel Michael
08/15/04 Goins, James Michael
08/15/04 Zapata, Mark Anthony
08/15/04 Sapp, Brandon R.
08/13/04 Santoriello, Neil Anthony
08/13/04 Morrison, Nicholas B.
08/13/04 Funke, Kane M.
08/12/04 Tarlavsky, Michael Yury
08/11/04 Hubbard, Tavon L.
08/11/04 Howard, John R.
08/09/04 Houghton, Andrew R.
08/08/04 Ulbright, Rick A.
08/08/04 Collins, Jonathan W.
08/07/04 Potter, David L.
08/06/04 Bunch, Joshua I.
08/06/04 Abad, Roberto
08/06/04 Wells, Larry L.
08/05/04 McCune, Donald R.
08/05/04 Reynoso, Yadir G.
08/05/04 Rocha, Moses Daniel
08/05/04 Faulstich Jr., Raymond J.
08/04/04 Nice, Joseph L.
08/04/04 Fontecchio, Elia P.
08/03/04 Gray, Tommy L.
08/03/04 Ratzlaff, Gregory A.
08/03/04 Shondee Jr., Harry N.
08/02/04 Pratt, Dean P.
08/02/04 Calderon Jr., Juan
08/02/04 Onwordi, Justin B.
08/01/04 Hernandez, Armando
08/01/04 Dixon, Anthony J.
07/29/04 Herndon II, Joseph F.
07/28/04 Lane, Shawn A.
07/28/04 Greene, David S.
07/28/04 Leisten, Ken W.
07/27/04 Talbert, DeForest L. "Dee"
07/24/04 Zangara, Nicholas J.
07/24/04 Sullivan, Vincent M.
07/22/04 Reed, Tatjana
07/22/04 Dantzler, Torey J.
07/21/04 Engel, Mark E.
07/21/04 Blodgett, Nicholas H.
07/20/04 Daniels II, Danny B.
07/20/04 Clark, Michael J.
07/20/04 Godwin, Todd J.
07/19/04 Persing, Charles C. "C.C."
07/19/04 Lloyd, Dale Thomas
07/17/04 Hartman, David A.
07/17/04 Frank, Craig S.
07/16/04 Kelly, Bryan P.
07/15/04 Mardis Jr., Paul C.
07/14/04 Martinez, Jesse J.
07/14/04 Rice, Demetrius Lamont
07/13/04 Harris, Torry D.
07/11/04 Wilson, Dana N.
07/11/04 West, James G.
07/11/04 Fischer, Jeremy J.
07/11/04 Tarango-Griess, Linda Ann
07/11/04 Peters, Dustin W.
07/10/04 Reed, Christopher J.
07/10/04 Nachampassak, Krisna
07/10/04 Spink, Trevor
07/10/04 Holmes Ordóñez, Terry
07/08/04 Schmunk, Jeremiah W.
07/08/04 Davies, Shawn M.
07/08/04 Garmback Jr., Joseph M.
07/08/04 Barcus, Collier Edwin
07/08/04 Colvill Jr., Robert E.
07/08/04 Sampler, Sonny Gene
07/08/04 Emanuel IV, William River
07/07/04 Bowen, Samuel R.
07/07/04 Barkey, Michael C.
07/06/04 Youmans, Rodricka Antwan
07/06/04 Dougherty, Scott Eugene
07/06/04 Lawrence, Jeffrey D.
07/06/04 Hunt, Justin T.
07/05/04 Kerns, Dallas L.
07/05/04 Vangyzen IV, John J.
07/05/04 Torres, Michael S.
07/02/04 Martin, Stephen G.
07/02/04 Smith, Brian D.
07/02/04 Huston Jr., James B.
07/01/04 Creager, Timothy R.
07/01/04 Conde Jr., Kenneth
07/01/04 Wagener, Christopher A.
06/30/04 DuSang, Robert L.
06/29/04 Adle, Patrick R.
06/29/04 Todd III, John H.
06/29/04 Sherman, Alan David
06/27/04 Utt, Ernest E.
06/26/04 Ceniceros, Manuel A.
06/26/04 Heines, Jeremy M.
06/24/04 Kiser, Charles A.
06/24/04 Desens, Daniel A.
06/24/04 Cash, Christopher S.
06/22/04 McCaffrey Sr., Patrick R.
06/22/04 Tyson, Andre D.
06/21/04 Pennington, Gregory V.
06/21/04 Otey, Deshon E.
06/21/04 Lopez, Juan
06/21/04 Contreras, Pedro
06/21/04 Parker Jr., Tommy L.
06/20/04 Best, Marvin
06/19/04 Horn, Sean
06/18/04 Lynch, Jason N.
06/18/04 Vue, Thai
06/16/04 Dimaranan, Jeremy M.
06/16/04 Mastrapa, Arthur S. (Stacey)
06/16/04 Syverson III, Paul R.
06/14/04 Atkins, Shawn M.
06/13/04 McKinley, Eric S.
06/09/04 Caughman, Thomas D.
06/08/04 Khan, Humayun S. M.
06/07/04 Bohlman, Jeremy L.
06/07/04 Gray, Jamie A.
06/06/04 Hobart, Melissa J.
06/06/04 Mora Lopez, Melvin Y.
06/05/04 Timoteo, Humberto F.
06/05/04 Doltz, Ryan E.
06/04/04 Duffy, Christopher M.
06/04/04 Carvill, Frank T.
06/04/04 Eyerly, Justin L.
06/04/04 Linden, Justin W.
06/04/04 McCrae, Erik S.
06/03/04 Bolding, Todd J.
06/02/04 Lee, Bumrok
06/01/04 Johnson, Markus J.
05/31/04 Scheetz Jr., Robert C.
05/31/04 Sides, Dustin L.
05/30/04 Odums II, Charles E.
05/30/04 Coleman, Bradli N.
05/30/04 Zimmer, Nicholaus E.
05/30/04 Ballard, Kenneth Michael
05/30/04 Elandt, Aaron C.
05/29/04 Reynosasuarez, Rafael
05/29/04 Calavan, Cody S.
05/29/04 Gonzalez, Benjamin R.
05/28/04 Wiesemann, Michael J.
05/26/04 Nicolas, Dominique J.
05/26/04 Henderson, Matthew C.
05/26/04 Codner, Kyle W.
05/25/04 Lambert, James P.
05/25/04 Rosas, Richard H.
05/25/04 Unger, Daniel Paul
05/25/04 Bean Jr., Alan N.
05/25/04 Sheehan, Kevin F.
05/24/04 Witt, Owen D.
05/24/04 Beaulieu, Beau R.
05/23/04 Molina Bautista, Jorge A.
05/23/04 Ridlen, Jeremy L.
05/21/04 Zabierek, Andrew J.
05/21/04 Horton, Jeremy R.
05/20/04 Jackson, Leslie D.
05/20/04 Salas, Rudy
05/20/04 Miranda, Troy "Leon"
05/19/04 Campbell, Michael C.
05/18/04 Chaney, William D.
05/18/04 Nolasco, Marcos O.
05/18/04 Garyantes, Joseph P.
05/18/04 Carey, Michael M.
05/17/04 Roberts, Bob W.
05/17/04 Curran, Carl F.
05/17/04 Kasecky, Mark Joseph
05/16/04 Cowherd Jr., Leonard M.
05/15/04 Espaillat Jr., Pedro I.
05/15/04 Ledesma, Rene
05/14/04 Mora, Michael A.
05/14/04 Cronkrite, Brud J.
05/14/04 Harlan, James William
05/14/04 Spakosky, Philip I.
05/14/04 Barnhill, Edward C.
05/13/04 Cutter, Brian K.
05/13/04 Sturdy, Brandon C.
05/12/04 Savage, Jeremiah E.
05/12/04 Shaver, Jeffrey R.
05/11/04 Brinlee, Kyle A.
05/10/04 Tuazon, Andrew L.
05/09/04 Murray, Rodney A.
05/08/04 Brown, Philip D.
05/08/04 Holmes, James J.
05/08/04 Rubalcava, Isela
05/08/04 Whitman, Chase R.
05/06/04 Schrage, Dustin H.
05/06/04 Box Jr., Hesley
05/05/04 Green, Jeffrey G.
05/05/04 Kritzer, Bradley G.
05/05/04 Marshall, James E.
05/05/04 Buryj, Jesse R.
05/03/04 Marcus Jr., Lyndon A.
05/03/04 Wahl, Gregory L.
05/03/04 Sprayberry III, Marvin R.
05/03/04 Kenny, Christopher J.
05/03/04 Baum, Ronald E.
05/03/04 Petty, Erickson H.
05/02/04 Tipton, John E.
05/02/04 Ginther, Ronald A.
05/02/04 Jenkins, Robert B.
05/02/04 Mchugh, Scott R.
05/02/04 Dossett, Trace W.
05/02/04 Anderson, Michael C.
05/02/04 Nunes, Todd E.
05/02/04 Drexler, Jeremy L.
05/02/04 Caradine Jr., Ervin
05/01/04 Ojeda, Ramon C.
05/01/04 Vargas-Medina, Oscar D.
05/01/04 Ladd, Joshua S.
05/01/04 Wine, Trevor A.
04/30/04 Dickerson, Christopher M.
04/30/04 Dwelley, Jason B.
04/30/04 Wilfong, Joshua S.
04/30/04 Vincent, Scott M.
04/29/04 Garrison, Landis W.
04/29/04 Ewing, Jeremy Ricardo
04/29/04 Darling, Norman
04/29/04 Reed, Ryan E.
04/29/04 Schmidt, Justin B.
04/29/04 Beckstrand, James L.
04/29/04 Campbell, Ryan M.
04/29/04 Dayton, Jeffrey F.
04/29/04 Patterson Jr., Esau G.
04/29/04 Kondor, Martin W.
04/29/04 Estep, Adam W.
04/28/04 Thomas, Kendall
04/28/04 Herring, Jacob R.
04/27/04 Whitaker, Marquis A.
04/27/04 Penamedina, Abraham D.
04/26/04 Austin, Aaron C.
04/26/04 Roukey, Lawrence A.
04/26/04 Baker, Sherwood R.
04/25/04 Bruckenthal, Nathan B.
04/25/04 Melton, Kenneth A.
04/24/04 Brooks, Cory W.
04/24/04 Watts, Christopher E.
04/24/04 Pernaselli, Michael J.
04/24/04 Brandon, Stacey C.
04/24/04 Orton, Billy J.
04/24/04 Felder, Arthur L. "Bo"
04/24/04 Kordsmeier, Patrick W.
04/23/04 Edwards, Shawn C.
04/22/04 Dunham, Jason L.
04/20/04 Harris-Kelly, Leroy
04/20/04 Fox, Bradley C.
04/20/04 Gelineau, Christopher D.
04/17/04 Morgan, Dennis B.
04/17/04 Camposiles, Marvin A.
04/17/04 Carman, Edward W.
04/17/04 Gibson, Christopher A.
04/17/04 Van Leuven, Gary F.
04/17/04 Valdez Jr., Ruben
04/17/04 Smith Jr., Michael J.
04/17/04 Gannon II, Richard J.
04/17/04 Hartman, Jonathan N.
04/17/04 Henson, Clayton Welch
04/17/04 Henderson II, Robert L.
04/17/04 McGlothin, Michael A.
04/16/04 Wood, Brian M.
04/15/04 Arroyave, Jimmy J.
04/14/04 Ramirez, Christopher
04/14/04 Trevithick, Richard K.
04/14/04 Rivers Jr., Frank K.
04/13/04 Kolm, Kevin T.
04/13/04 Boye, Noah L.
04/13/04 Rosaleslomeli, Victor A.
04/12/04 Shuder, Brad S.
04/12/04 Zurheide Jr., Robert Paul
04/11/04 Stack, Michael Boyd
04/11/04 Brown, Nathan P.
04/11/04 Torres, George D.
04/11/04 Gray, Torrey L.
04/11/04 Amaya, Daniel R.
04/11/04 Jimenez, Oscar
04/11/04 Colton, Lawrence S.
04/11/04 Fortenberry, Wesley C.
04/10/04 Johnson, Justin W.
04/10/04 Carballo, Adolf C.
04/10/04 Eckhart, William C.
04/10/04 Sims Jr., John T.
04/10/04 Holt, Antoine J.
04/09/04 Phelps, Chance R.
04/09/04 Ayon, Eric A.
04/09/04 Vandayburg, Allen Jeffrey "A.J."
04/09/04 Witmer, Michelle M.
04/09/04 Jones Jr., Raymond Edison
04/09/04 Mallet, Toby W.
04/09/04 Enos, Peter G.
04/09/04 McMahan, Don Steven
04/09/04 Speer, Michael Raymond
04/09/04 Torrez III, Elias
04/09/04 Matula, Matthew E.
04/09/04 Kephart, Jonathan Roy
04/09/04 Krause, Elmer C.
04/09/04 Goodrich, Gregory R.
04/09/04 Delgreco, Felix M.
04/08/04 Frank, Phillip E.
04/08/04 Wasser, Christopher B.
04/08/04 Dieruf, Nicholas J.
04/08/04 Wafford, Michael B.
04/08/04 Palmer, Joshua M.
04/08/04 Harrell, William M.
04/08/04 Angell, Levi T.
04/08/04 Nieves, Isaac Michael
04/07/04 Morel, Brent L.
04/07/04 Miller, Marvin Lee
04/07/04 Labadie Jr., William W.
04/07/04 Felder, Tyanna S.
04/07/04 Rentschler, George S.
04/07/04 Wroblewski, John Thomas "J.T."
04/06/04 Todacheene, Lee Duane
04/06/04 Mabry, Christopher D.
04/06/04 Mendez-Aceves, Fernando A.
04/06/04 Carman, Benjamin R.
04/06/04 Cherry, Marcus M.
04/06/04 Roberts, Anthony P.
04/06/04 Crowley, Kyle D.
04/06/04 Walker, Allan K.
04/06/04 Layfield, Travis J.
04/06/04 Jerabek, Ryan M.
04/06/04 Cobb, Christopher R.
04/06/04 Moreno, Gerardo
04/05/04 Larson Jr., Scott Quentin
04/05/04 McKeever, David M.
04/05/04 Goldman, Shane Lee
04/05/04 Thiry, Jesse L.
04/05/04 Ramos, Christopher
04/05/04 Serio, Matthew K.
04/05/04 Langhorst, Moises A.
04/05/04 Hallal, Deryk L.
04/04/04 Rogers, Philip G.
04/04/04 Amos II, John D.
04/04/04 Mitchell, Michael W.
04/04/04 Chen, Yihiyh L.
04/04/04 Hiller, Stephen D. "Dusty"
04/04/04 Cason, Ahmed Akil "Mel"
04/04/04 Sheehan, Casey
04/04/04 Jostes, Forest Joseph
04/04/04 Garza, Israel
04/04/04 Arsiaga, Robert R.
04/04/04 Fey, Tyler R.
04/04/04 Barr, Aric J.
04/03/04 Morris, Geoffrey S.
04/02/04 Strange, William R.
04/01/04 Sekula, Dustin M.
03/31/04 Davis, Brandon L.
03/31/04 Raney, Cleston C.
03/31/04 Karr Jr., Michael G.
03/31/04 Mitchell, Sean R.
03/31/04 Hufstedler, Doyle M.
03/30/04 Ferguson, Richard L.
03/30/04 Wiscowiche, William J.
03/29/04 Holmes, Jeremiah J.
03/29/04 Schneider, Sean M.
03/27/04 Toney, Timothy
03/26/04 Sandoval Jr., Leroy
03/25/04 Casper, James A.
03/25/04 Burgess, Jeffrey C.
03/25/04 Froehlich, Adam D.
03/24/04 Shanaberger III, Wentz Jerome Henry
03/22/04 Miller Jr., Bruce
03/22/04 Dang, Andrew S.
03/21/04 Hudson, Christopher E.
03/21/04 Kreider, Dustin L.
03/20/04 Vega, Michael W.
03/20/04 Taylor, Mark D.
03/20/04 Sandri, Matthew J.
03/19/04 Vicente, David M.
03/19/04 Ludlam, Jason C.
03/19/04 Matthews, Clint Richard "Bones"
03/18/04 Chan, Doron
03/18/04 Brownfield, Andrew D.
03/18/04 Sutphin, Ernest Harold
03/18/04 Morris Jr., Ricky A.
03/18/04 Smith, Brandon C.
03/17/04 Phipps, Ivory L.
03/17/04 Laramore, Tracy L.
03/16/04 Thigpen Sr., Thomas R.
03/16/04 Adams, Michael R.
03/14/04 Normandy, William J.
03/14/04 Carrasquillo, Jocelyn "Joce" L.
03/13/04 Brattain, Joel K.
03/13/04 Londono, Daniel J.
03/13/04 Ferrin, Clint D.
03/13/04 Ford, Jason C.
03/13/04 Kurth, John F. "Hans"
03/11/04 Hill, Christopher K.
03/11/04 Dunigan Jr., Joe L.
03/10/04 Hoyer, Bert Edward
03/09/04 Zangas, Robert J.
03/09/04 Holland, Fern L.
03/09/04 Brabazon, Edward W.
03/09/04 Gottfried, Richard S.
03/08/04 Milczark, Matthew G.
03/07/04 Jones, Gussie M.
03/05/04 Gray, Michael J.
03/02/04 Woodliff, Michael R.
02/25/04 Laskowski, Matthew C.
02/25/04 Wells, Stephen M.
02/20/04 Bacon, Henry A.
02/19/04 Ling, Roger G.
02/19/04 Graham, Jeffrey C.
02/16/04 Merila, Michael M.
02/16/04 Taylor, Christopher M.
02/16/04 Frye, Nichole M.
02/14/04 Spry, Bryan N.
02/12/04 Ramirez, Eric U.
02/11/04 Ramirez, William C.
02/11/04 Tainsh, Patrick S.
02/10/04 Mariano, Jude C.
02/09/04 Wong, Elijah Tai Wah
02/09/04 Robbins, Thomas D.
02/08/04 Ramey, Richard P.
02/05/04 Knowles, Joshua L.
02/03/04 Dvorin, Seth J.
02/01/04 Soriano, Armando
02/01/04 Turner Jr., Roger C.
01/31/04 McGeogh, Holly J.
01/31/04 Cabralbanuelos, Juan C.
01/31/04 Miersandoval, Eliu A.
01/29/04 Moreno, Luis A.
01/29/04 Landrus, Sean G.
01/27/04 Moothart, Travis A.
01/27/04 Kinney II, Lester O.
01/27/04 Hoffman, James T.
01/27/04 James, Luke S.
01/27/04 Mracek, Cory R.
01/27/04 August, Matthew J.
01/25/04 Mooney, Adam G.
01/25/04 Bunda, Christopher
01/25/04 Dorff, Patrick D.
01/25/04 Dervishi, Ervin
01/24/04 Rosenberg, Randy S.
01/24/04 Sturges Jr., William R.
01/24/04 Chappell, Jason K.
01/24/04 Smette, Keith L.
01/24/04 Hendrickson, Kenneth W.
01/23/04 Hazelgrove, Brian D.
01/23/04 Blaise, Michael T.
01/21/04 Parker, James D.
01/21/04 Palacios, Gabriel T.
01/18/04 Hornbeck, Kelly L.
01/17/04 Orr, Cody J.
01/17/04 Polley Jr., Larry E.
01/17/04 Randle Jr., Edmond Lee
01/16/04 Castro, Roland L.
01/13/04 Hines, Keicia M.
01/12/04 Crockett, Ricky L.
01/08/04 Manuel, Ian D.
01/08/04 Johnson Jr., Philip A.
01/08/04 Davis, Craig
01/08/04 Golby, Christopher A.
01/08/04 Johnson, Nathaniel H.
01/08/04 Hicks, Gregory B.
01/08/04 Diraimondo, Michael A.
01/08/04 Walker, Jeffrey C.
01/08/04 Weaver, Aaron A.
01/07/04 Mizener, Jesse D.
01/05/04 Frist, Luke P.
01/02/04 Seiden, Marc S.
01/02/04 Bangayan, Solomon C. "Kelly"
01/02/04 Paliwoda, Eric Thomas
01/02/04 Hampton, Kimberly N.
01/02/04 Corral, Dennis A.
12/30/03 Pollard, Justin W.
12/28/03 Jordan Jr., Curt E.
12/28/03 Blanco, Ernesto M.
12/28/03 Cuervo, Rey D.
12/26/03 Mihalakis, Michael G.
12/26/03 Sutter, Michael J.
12/26/03 Haight, Charles G.
12/25/03 Hattamer, Stephen C.
12/25/03 Christensen, Thomas W.
12/24/03 Yashinski, Michael E.
12/24/03 Cooke, Eric F.
12/24/03 Biskie, Benjamin W.
12/24/03 Soelzer, Christopher F.
12/24/03 Splinter, Christopher J.
12/22/03 Moore, Stuart W.
12/22/03 Saltz, Edward M.
12/19/03 Bush Jr., Charles E.
12/18/03 Allison, Glenn R.
12/17/03 Holland, Christopher J.
12/15/03 Nakis, Nathan W.
12/15/03 Souslin, Kenneth C.
12/14/03 Voelz, Kimberly A.
12/14/03 Ferguson, Rian C.
12/12/03 Black, Jarrod W.
12/12/03 Braun, Jeffrey F.
12/11/03 Edgerton, Marshall L.
12/10/03 Bates, Todd M.
12/10/03 Reese, Aaron T.
12/10/03 Burdick, Richard A.
12/10/03 Petty, Jerrick M.
12/08/03 Wesley, Christopher Jude Rivera
12/08/03 Blickenstaff, Joseph M.
12/08/03 Bridges, Steven H.
12/08/03 Wright, Jason G.
12/07/03 Hutchinson, Ray J.
12/05/03 Clark, Arron R.
12/02/03 Boone, Clarence E.
12/02/03 Young, Ryan C.
12/02/03 Davis, Raphael S.
12/01/03 Singh, Uday
11/29/03 Bertolino, Stephen A.
11/29/03 Sissel, Aaron J.
11/28/03 Rico, Ariel
11/27/03 Sweet II, Thomas J.
11/26/03 Goldberg, David J.
11/23/03 Nason, Christopher G.
11/23/03 Smith, Darrell L.
11/23/03 Menyweather, Eddie E.
11/23/03 Ravago IV, Rel A.
11/23/03 Wilson, Jerry L.
11/22/03 Roberts, Robert D.
11/22/03 Bushart, Damian S.
11/21/03 Coleman, Gary B.
11/20/03 Tyrrell, Scott Matthew
11/20/03 Wood, George A.
11/20/03 Lister, Joseph L.
11/17/03 Dalley, Nathan S.
11/17/03 Shull, James A.
11/17/03 Coulter, Alexander S.
11/17/03 Panchot, Dale A.
11/15/03 Whitener, Joey D.
11/15/03 Piche, Pierre E.
11/15/03 Hafer, Richard W.
11/15/03 DiGiovanni, Jeremiah J.
11/15/03 Heidelberg, Damian L.
11/15/03 Saboe, Scott A.
11/15/03 Russell, John W.
11/15/03 Bolor, Kelly
11/15/03 Wolfe, Jeremy L.
11/15/03 Sullivan, John R.
11/15/03 Kesterson, Erik C.
11/15/03 Hawk Eagle, Sheldon R.
11/15/03 Uhl III, Eugene A.
11/15/03 Hansen, Warren S.
11/15/03 Dusenbery, William D.
11/15/03 Baker, Ryan T.
11/15/03 Acklin II, Michael D.
11/15/03 Hayslett, Timothy L.
11/14/03 Medina, Irving
11/13/03 Fletcher, Jacob S.
11/13/03 Minucci II, Joseph
11/12/03 Bailey, Nathan J.
11/12/03 Wise, Robert A.
11/11/03 Jackson, Marlon P.
11/11/03 Acosta, Genaro
11/09/03 Tomko, Nicholas A.
11/08/03 Jimenez, Linda C.
11/08/03 Frosheiser, Kurt R.
11/08/03 Collins, Gary L.
11/08/03 Vasquez, Mark D.
11/07/03 Kennon, Morgan DeShawn
11/07/03 Gilmore I, Cornell W.
11/07/03 Smith, Benedict J.
11/07/03 Rose, Scott C.
11/07/03 Neff II, Paul M.
11/07/03 Kennedy, Kyran E.
11/07/03 Swartworth, Sharon T.
11/06/03 Wolf, James R.
11/06/03 Fisher, Paul F.
11/06/03 Chance III, James A.
11/05/03 Rivera, Jose A.
11/04/03 Benson, Robert T.
11/04/03 Martinez, Francisco
11/03/03 Johnson, Rayshawn S.
11/02/03 Smith, Bruce A.
11/02/03 Perez, Joel
11/02/03 Penisten, Brian H.
11/02/03 Conover, Steven Daniel
11/02/03 Bader, Daniel A.
11/02/03 Jennings, Darius T.
11/02/03 Wilson, Joe Nathan
11/02/03 Vega, Frances M.
11/02/03 Slavenas, Brian D.
11/02/03 Pennanen, Ross A.
11/02/03 Moss, Keelan L.
11/02/03 Lau, Karina S.
11/02/03 Dagostino, Anthony D.
11/02/03 Bucklew, Ernest G.
11/02/03 Velasquez, Paul A.
11/02/03 Colgan, Benjamin J.
11/01/03 Johnson, Maurice J.
11/01/03 Hurley, Joshua C.
10/31/03 Bryant, Todd J.
10/28/03 Campoy, Isaac
10/28/03 Barrera, Michael Paul
10/28/03 Adams, Algernon
10/27/03 Falaniko, Jonathan I.
10/27/03 Bell, Aubrey D.
10/26/03 Acosta, Steven
10/26/03 Huggins, Jamie L.
10/26/03 Buehring, Charles H.
10/26/03 Bosveld, Rachel K.
10/26/03 Guerrera, Joseph R.
10/25/03 Cannon, Jakia Sheree
10/24/03 Hancock, Michael S.
10/24/03 Mora, Jose L.
10/24/03 Brassfield, Artimus D.
10/23/03 Teal, John R.
10/22/03 Johnson, John P.
10/22/03 Ward, Jason M.
10/21/03 Bueche, Paul J.
10/20/03 Johnson, Paul J.
10/18/03 Bernstein, David R.
10/18/03 Hart, John D.
10/17/03 Williams, Michael L.
10/16/03 Grilley, Sean R.
10/16/03 Bellavia, Joseph P.
10/16/03 Orlando, Kim S.
10/13/03 Freeman, Benjamin L.
10/13/03 Weismantle, Douglas J.
10/13/03 Wheeler, Donald L.
10/13/03 Wyatt, Stephen E.
10/13/03 Casanova, Jose
10/12/03 Powell, James E.
10/09/03 Silva, Sean A.
10/09/03 Swisher, Christopher W.
10/09/03 Norquist, Joseph C.
10/06/03 Torres, Richard
10/06/03 Karol, Spencer Timothy
10/06/03 Scott, Kerry D.
10/03/03 Pirtle, James H.
10/03/03 Sims, Charles M.
10/01/03 Ramos, Tamarra J.
10/01/03 Blankenbecler, James D.
10/01/03 Gutierrez, Analaura Esparza
10/01/03 Hunte, Simeon
09/30/03 McGaugh, Dustin K.
09/29/03 Potter, Darrin K.
09/29/03 Baddick, Andrew Joseph
09/29/03 Cutchall, Christopher E.
09/25/03 Rooney, Robert E.
09/25/03 Thomas, Kyle G.
09/25/03 Lucero, Robert L.
09/24/03 Andrade, Michael
09/22/03 Sturino, Paul J.
09/20/03 Miller Jr., Frederick L.
09/20/03 Brown II, Lunsford B.
09/20/03 Friedrich, David Travis
09/18/03 Arriaga, Richard
09/18/03 Thompson, Anthony O.
09/18/03 Faunce, Brian R.
09/18/03 Wright, James C
09/16/03 Pinkston, Foster
09/15/03 Peterson, Alyssa R.
09/15/03 Kimmerly, Kevin C.
09/14/03 Blumberg, Trevor A.
09/12/03 Morehead, Kevin N.
09/12/03 Bennett, William M.
09/11/03 Ybarra III, Henry
09/10/03 Robsky Jr., Joseph E.
09/09/03 Carlock, Ryan G.
09/07/03 Thompson, Jarrett B.
09/04/03 Brown, Bruce E.
09/02/03 Sisson, Christopher A.
09/01/03 Caldwell, Charles Todd
09/01/03 Camara, Joseph
09/01/03 Sarno, Cameron B.
08/30/03 Cataudella, Sean K.
08/29/03 Lawton, Mark A.
08/27/03 Sherman, Anthony L.
08/27/03 Belanger, Gregory A.
08/27/03 Navea, Rafael L.
08/26/03 Dent, Darryl T.
08/25/03 Manzano, Pablo
08/25/03 Allen Jr., Ronald D.
08/23/03 Scott, Stephen M.
08/23/03 Mack, Vorn J.
08/21/03 Jones-Huffman, Kylan A.
08/21/03 Adams, Michael S.
08/20/03 Franklin, Bobby C.
08/20/03 Harris Jr., Kenneth W.
08/18/03 Hull, Eric R.
08/17/03 Ivory, Craig S.
08/14/03 Kirchhoff, David M.
08/13/03 White, Steven W.
08/12/03 Parker, Daniel R.
08/12/03 Brown Jr., Timmy R.
08/12/03 Eaton Jr., Richard S.
08/12/03 Williams, Taft V.
08/10/03 Perry, David S.
08/09/03 Kinchen, Levi B.
08/09/03 Knighten Jr., Floyd G.
08/08/03 Ramsey, Brandon
08/08/03 Bush, Matthew D.
08/07/03 Longstreth, Duane E.
08/06/03 Hellerman, Brian R.
08/06/03 Simmons, Leonard D.
08/06/03 Colunga, Zeferino E.
08/06/03 Gilbert, Kyle C.
08/05/03 Letufuga, Farao K.
08/05/03 Loyd, David L.
08/01/03 Hebert, Justin W.
07/31/03 Lambert III, James I.
07/31/03 Deutsch, Michael J.
07/30/03 Nott, Leif E.
07/28/03 Hart Jr., Nathaniel
07/28/03 Maher III, William J.
07/27/03 McMillin, Heath A.
07/26/03 Cheatham, Jonathan M.
07/26/03 Perez Jr., Wilfredo
07/26/03 Methvin, Daniel K.
07/26/03 Barnes, Jonathan P.
07/24/03 Heighter, Raheen Tyson
07/24/03 Serrano, Juan M.
07/24/03 Perez, Hector R.
07/24/03 Ashcraft, Evan Asa
07/23/03 Byers, Joshua T.
07/23/03 Christian, Brett T.
07/22/03 Fettig, Jon P.
07/21/03 Bibby, Mark Anthony
07/20/03 Scott, David A.
07/20/03 Willoughby, Christopher R.
07/20/03 Garvey, Justin W.
07/20/03 Jordan, Jason D.
07/19/03 Rozier, Jonathan D.
07/18/03 Bertoldie, Joel L.
07/17/03 Whetstone, Mason Douglas
07/17/03 Moreno, David J.
07/16/03 Torres, Ramon Reyes
07/15/03 Geurin, Cory Ryan
07/14/03 Crockett, Michael T.
07/13/03 Puello-Coronado, Jaror C.
07/13/03 Cassidy, Paul J.
07/12/03 Neusche, Joshua M.
07/11/03 Schultz, Christian C.
07/09/03 Gabrielson, Dan H.
07/09/03 Valles, Melissa
07/09/03 Tetrault, Jason
07/09/03 Rowe, Roger Dale
07/08/03 McKinley, Robert L.
07/08/03 Boling, Craig A.
07/07/03 Sanford Sr., Barry
07/07/03 Keith, Chad L.
07/06/03 Parson, David B.
07/06/03 Wershow, Jeffrey M.
07/04/03 Coons, James Curtis
07/03/03 Herrgott, Edward J.
07/03/03 Small, Corey L.
07/02/03 Bradachnall, Travis J.
07/01/03 Coffin, Christopher D.
06/28/03 Conneway, Timothy M.
06/27/03 Sotelo Jr., Tomas
06/26/03 McIntosh, Joshua
06/26/03 Hubbell, Corey A.
06/26/03 Orengo, Richard P.
06/25/03 Ott, Kevin C.
06/25/03 Philippe, Gladimir
06/25/03 Chris, Andrew F.
06/25/03 MacDonald, Gregory E.
06/24/03 Lennon, Cedric Lamont
06/22/03 Smith, Orenthial Javon
06/19/03 Nakamura, Paul T.
06/18/03 Latham, William T.
06/18/03 Deuel, Michael R.
06/17/03 Tosto, Michael L.
06/17/03 Frantz, Robert L.
06/16/03 Pahnke, Shawn D.
06/16/03 Suell, Joseph D.
06/15/03 Cox, Ryan R.
06/13/03 Pokorny, Andrew R.
06/12/03 Klinesmith Jr., John K.
06/10/03 Neighbor, Gavin L.
06/08/03 Dooley, Michael E.
06/07/03 Halling, Jesse M.
06/06/03 Sisung, David
06/06/03 Burkhardt, Travis L.
06/06/03 Bollinger Jr., Doyle W.
06/05/03 Oberleitner, Branden F.
06/03/03 Haro Marin Jr., Atanasio
06/01/03 Lambert, Jonathan W.
05/30/03 Long, Zachariah W.
05/30/03 Griffin, Kyle A.
05/30/03 Gleason, Michael T.
05/28/03 Perez III, Jose A.
05/28/03 Bradley, Kenneth R.
05/27/03 Quinn, Michael B.
05/27/03 Broomhead, Thomas F.
05/26/03 Schram, Matthew E.
05/26/03 Smith, Jeremiah D.
05/26/03 Petriken, Brett J.
05/26/03 Nalley, Kenneth A.
05/26/03 Mitchell, Keman L.
05/25/03 Evans Jr., David
05/21/03 Caldwell, Nathaniel A.
05/19/03 Moore, Jason William
05/19/03 Straseskie, Kirk Allen
05/19/03 White, Aaron Dean
05/19/03 Ryan, Timothy Louis
05/19/03 LaMont, Andrew David
05/19/03 Baragona, Dominic Rocco
05/18/03 Sahib, Rasheed
05/18/03 Marencoreyes, Douglas Jose
05/16/03 Payne, William L.
05/14/03 Nutt, David T.
05/13/03 Kleiboeker, Nicholas Brian
05/13/03 Griffin Jr., Patrick Lee
05/12/03 Rodriguez, Jose F. Gonzalez
05/12/03 Kowalik, Jakub Henryk
05/10/03 Smith, Matthew R.
05/09/03 Van Dusen, Brian K.
05/09/03 Gukeisen, Hans N.
05/09/03 Carl, Richard P.
05/09/03 Bruns, Cedric E.
05/08/03 Rockhold, Marlin T.
05/04/03 Deibler, Jason L.
05/03/03 Reynolds, Sean C.
05/01/03 Givens, Jesse Alan
04/28/03 Garza, Joe Jesus
04/25/03 Sullivan, Narson Bertil
04/25/03 Orozco, Osbaldo
04/24/03 Jenkins, Troy David
04/22/03 Buckley, Roy Russell
04/22/03 Lam, Alan Dinh
04/22/03 Channell Jr., Robert William
04/22/03 Arnold, Andrew Todd
04/17/03 Rivero, John Travis
04/14/03 Brown, John Eli
04/14/03 Mileo, Jason David
04/14/03 Goward, Richard Allen
04/14/03 Gonzalez, Armando Ariel
04/14/03 Mayek, Joseph Patrick
04/14/03 Foley III, Thomas Arthur
04/13/03 Acevedo, Joseph
04/13/03 Mercado, Gil
04/12/03 Owens Jr., David Edward
04/12/03 Gonzalez, Jesus Angel
04/11/03 Tejeda, Riayan Augusto
04/10/03 Hemingway, Terry Wayne
04/10/03 Bohr Jr., Jeffrey Edward
04/08/03 Sather, Scott Douglas
04/08/03 Stever, Robert Anthony
04/08/03 Meyer, Jason Michael
04/08/03 Marshall, John Winston
04/08/03 Garza Jr., Juan Guadalupe
04/08/03 Brown, Henry Levon
04/07/03 Das, Eric Bruce
04/07/03 Watkins III, William Randolph
04/07/03 Mitchell Jr., George Arthur
04/07/03 Miller, Anthony Scott
04/07/03 Kaylor, Jeffrey Joseph
04/07/03 Hollinsaid, Lincoln Daniel
04/07/03 Medellin, Jesus Martin Antonio
04/07/03 Aviles, Andrew Julian
04/06/03 Prewitt, Kelley Stephen
04/06/03 Huxley Jr., Gregory Paul
04/05/03 Smith, Edward
04/05/03 Brown, Larry Kenyatta
04/05/03 Booker, Stevon Alexander
04/04/03 Rios, Duane Roy
04/04/03 McPhillips, Brian Michael
04/04/03 Gooden, Bernard George
04/04/03 Smith, Paul Ray
04/04/03 Jones, Devon Demilo
04/04/03 Cunningham Jr., Daniel Francis
04/04/03 Bellard, Wilfred Davyrussell
04/04/03 Aitken, Tristan Neil
04/04/03 Sammis, Benjamin Wilson
04/04/03 Ford, Travis Allen
04/03/03 Korn, Edward Jason
04/03/03 Davis, Wilbert
04/03/03 Silva, Erik Hernandez
04/03/03 Evnin, Mark Asher
04/03/03 Rippetoe, Russell Brian
04/03/03 Long, Ryan Patrick
04/03/03 Livaudais, Nino Dugue
04/03/03 Robbins, Todd James
04/03/03 Rehn, Randall Scott
04/03/03 Oaks Jr., Donald Samuel
04/03/03 Bales, Chad Eric
04/02/03 Boule, Matthew George
04/02/03 Smith, Eric Allen
04/02/03 Pedersen, Michael Francis
04/02/03 Jamar, Scott
04/02/03 Halvorsen, Erik Anders
04/02/03 Adamouski, James Francis
04/02/03 White, Nathan Dennis
04/02/03 Fernandez, George Andrew
04/02/03 Gurtner, Christian Daniel
04/02/03 Anderson, Brian Edward
04/01/03 Maglione III, Joseph Basil
04/01/03 Butler, Jacob Lee
03/31/03 Rowe, Brandon Jacob
03/31/03 Jeffries, William Andrew
03/30/03 Contreras, Aaron Joseph
03/30/03 McGinnis, Brian Daniel
03/30/03 Lalush, Michael Vernon
03/29/03 White, William Wayne
03/29/03 Williams, Eugene
03/29/03 Rincon, Diego Fernando
03/29/03 Curtin, Michael Edward
03/29/03 Creighton-Weldon, Michael Russell
03/29/03 Cawley, James Wilford
03/28/03 Solomon, Roderic Antoine
03/28/03 Padilla-Ramirez, Fernando
03/27/03 Suarez del Solar, Jesus Alberto
03/27/03 Menusa, Joseph
03/27/03 Rodriguez, Robert Marcus
03/27/03 Martinez-Flores, Francisco Abraham
03/27/03 O'Day, Patrick Terence
03/27/03 May Jr., Donald Charles
03/26/03 Nave, Kevin Gerard
03/25/03 Johnson Jr., Michael Vann
03/25/03 Stone, Gregory Lewis
03/24/03 Blair, Thomas Alan
03/24/03 Sanders, Gregory Paul
03/24/03 Korthaus, Bradley Steven
03/24/03 James, Evan Tyler
03/23/03 Chanawongse, Kemaphoom "Ahn"
03/23/03 Gifford, Jonathan Lee
03/23/03 Hutchings, Nolen Ryan
03/23/03 Cline Jr., Donald John
03/23/03 Burkett, Tamario Demetrice
03/23/03 Reiss, Brendon Curtis
03/23/03 Nixon, Patrick Ray
03/23/03 Williams, Michael Jason
03/23/03 Rosacker, Randal Kent
03/23/03 Buesing, Brian Rory
03/23/03 Slocum, Thomas Jonathan
03/23/03 Jordan, Phillip Andrew
03/23/03 Gonzalez, Jorge Alonso
03/23/03 Garibay, Jose Angel
03/23/03 Fribley, David Keith
03/23/03 Bitz, Michael Edward
03/23/03 Anguiano, Edward John
03/23/03 Walters, Donald Ralph
03/23/03 Sloan, Brandon Ulysses
03/23/03 Piestewa, Lori Ann
03/23/03 Mata, Johnny Villareal
03/23/03 Kiehl, James Michael
03/23/03 Johnson II, Howard
03/23/03 Estrella-Soto, Ruben
03/23/03 Dowdy, Robert John
03/23/03 Buggs, George Edward
03/23/03 Pokorney Jr., Frederick Eben
03/23/03 Addison, Jamaal Rashard
03/23/03 Seifert, Christopher Scott
03/23/03 Hodson, Nicolas Michael
03/22/03 Adams, Thomas Mullen
03/22/03 Tobler, Brandon Scott
03/22/03 Orlowski, Eric James
03/21/03 Gutierrez, Jose Antonio
03/21/03 Waters-Bey, Kendall Damon
03/21/03 Kennedy, Brian Matthew
03/21/03 Beaupre, Ryan Anthony
03/21/03 Aubin, Jay Thomas
03/21/03 Childers, Therrel Shane
Copyright 2003 by Lunaville
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