All life is prologue to death, and what comes after. Pondering the imponderable, one wonders what effect one's life will have on the future. The egotist in me considers the river of time to be made up of drops, each as important as the other, remove one drop and the coherency of the whole thing falls apart. The insecure imp in me, ponders that time as a river, is merely a rushing torrent, the absence of one drop will not be noticed.
Was Martin Luther King essential to the civil rights movement, or was he inevitable? Had the cause progressed to the point, where the masses were ready to gather and listen to the first, powerful, eloquent voice that came along.
Or was he an anomaly, that galvanised a movement and forced it to achieve goals that it previously dreamed impossible. Is history merely the recording of inevitablity, or is a record of dramatic changes?