Sunday, February 18, 2007

Beauty is unbearable, drives us to despair, offering us for a minute the glimpse of an eternity that we should like to stretch out over the whole of time. - Albert Camus

Haven't felt like sending dispatches from the bunker for awhile now.

I've been doing my spiritual confrontation within for the past few weeks. Whether this is healthier, or unhealthier, I'm sure is a matter for debate. Internally, the struggle between the heart and the head continues to rage on.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Political chaos is connected with the decay of language... one can probably bring about some improvement by starting at the verbal end.
George Orwell

I'm not really a fan of any US president, I can't think of any of them in my lifetime deserving of more than just passing respect for the position they hold.

I'm hard pressed to think of a president who did more good than harm to the world. Is there truly a president who left office leaving things better than when he started?

Friday, February 16, 2007

The true work of art is but a shadow of the divine perfection.

Been on a bit of a John Lennon kick lately, we just passed his 66th birthday, by all rights the man should have been with us for another 20 years, but a stupid piece of metal, arced a path of death through his body.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

The echo of everything that is alive

St. Valentine's day is an unusual day, why do we need a day to remind each other that we love each other? Shouldn't these things be natural, and in a perfect society Valentines day would be redundant. Same thoughts occur to me around Christmas, why do we have all sorts of commercials that tell us that it's natural to be kind?

Watching the drizzle come down this morning, the day draped in grey, many thoughts are dancing through the soft matter between my ears, none of them comforting.

One wonders about balance, for every pickton, we have a mandela. For every Hitler, we have a Ghandi.

I have to wonder about the news, for the past 6 days, the obsession has been about a buxom blonde who has sadly died before she reached old age.

I have to think about the future, what does the future hold?

Monday, February 12, 2007

Everybody loves you when you're six foot in the ground

In most communities it is illegal to cry "fire" in a crowded assembly. Should it not be considered serious international misconduct to manufacture a general war scare in an effort to achieve local political aims? - Dwight D Eisenhower

It's been awhile since I've posted, not sure why, just haven't had the right motivation I guess to sit down and hammer away at the keys.

Weird music is spinning on the music box today, not weird, per se, but unusual for me, Henry Mancini is the music du jour.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Remember when you were small and everyone seemed so tall?

Life is what happens when you are making other plans. - John Lennon

Been cast into an introspective mood lately, pondering kindness, compassion, and karmic retribution lately.

Your correspondent is a study in dualities. I'm a deeply cynical individual, who is also a big believer in the power of kindness. I just don't see enough of it.

We need a lot more kindness in this world, a lot more compassion. People wouldn't need to escape into drug addled, or alcohol hazed worlds, if we had lot more kindness around.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Hope is the thing with feathers / That perches in the soul, / And sings the tune without the words, / And never stops at all - Emily Dickinson

Monday, February 05, 2007

I've been lucky in my life. I've been able to surround myself with people whom I trust, are kind, considerate, and take me for what I am, eccentricities and all.

Every time I've made concerted efforts to expand that circle, and tried to be anything other than what I really am, it's backfired. I've ended up meeting superficial people, with superficial concerns.

Your correspondent is a difficult person to be with, and I need to accept that. Every time I've altered or tried to conceal that fact, it's backfired on me.