Friday, October 21, 2005


A disturbing experience yesterday. I went to the store to purchase supplies, as I was waiting at the corner for the light to change, a bus passed by, I glanced up and in 8 foot high letters right in front of me was the word "DOOM", turns out, this is for a new movie but for a few moments I thought it was an omen of some kind.

There's an uneasy sense of calm this morning, much like the sound vacuum that occurs in the eye of a hurricane. Things appear to be going well, but as the scandanavians would say, this could be Ragnarok. Listening to Carmina Burana is providing just the right atmosphere for the apocalypse. Taking refuge in the Childs Bunker, listening to religious apocalyptic music, peering out the window at the chaos outside, I know things will be taking an ugly turn soon.

The crusty shell around the muscle in my chest appears to be healing well. Having laid it bare, and inadvertantly broken, once again, I feel things can once again return to normal. Some changes need to be made, whether they actually get made is another matter altogether.

The gremlins in my skull, for weeks, have been screaming "ABORT ABORT, the project is going to fail". But I recklessly chose to ignore the voices of reason in my head. In much the same way I sure bungee jumping was discovered, I had to venture into the unknown myself.

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